moose /mu:s/ n. (pl. same) a N. American deer; an elk. [Narragansett moos] moosejaw /

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WelCoMe to MooSejAw's
HouSe in tHe WooDs

Southern Style

- If you ain't using Satirical button you ain't getting the full picture -


We've jus' gotta have some House Rules

Howdy y'all and thanks for stopping by. My name's Moosejaw and this here's my house. Life can be a pain in the butt sometimes so here in the house we try to forget all that stuff. Relax and read on...

Residents of the house love -
  • good company and good conversation;
  • fast cars, trucks and chopped bikes;
  • eating, smoking and drinking things that are bad for you;
  • good music (especially Lynyrd Skynyrd) and
  • plenty of caffeine.
Residents of the house hate -
  • stupid laws, rules and regulations;
  • over zealous law enforcement agents
    (except Dave who only joined so he could shoot people);
  • banks and other financial institutions;
  • telephone company charges and
  • any other cause of hassle and bad times.

Not your kinda place? Well that's okay. Just don't slam the door as you go. Otherwise...


Find some places to go, some things to do...

Gosh darn it! The table of links just got too big for this page. Now call me generous if you want but I thought it was time the table had its very own page where it could just grow an' grow.

Dine at Moosejaw's Table of Links!

And the link of the month is...

Leonard Peltier (Human rights abuse in the USA)

Alternatively tour the rest of the house from here...

[ Porch | Garage | Den | Rec Room | Basement | Backyard ]

And when we head out for the evening, we always go see The Moosejaw Show in town. Or we might take a trip to Alpha Colony.

Plus there's always things to do at the TWolf Web.

Talking of links, welcome to our new advertising feature...

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange


It's Good to Talk

Until the house residents can find a chat page which suits our requirements, we're staying quiet for now but we might be found over here . Got something important you wanna tell me? Great URL? Question? Complaint? Or just wanna say hi? You can drop your mail on my desk at work or through my letterbox at home and I'll say hi right back.

We'd really appreciate it if after your visit to the House you wrote in our Guestbook. And you can read what others have written over here. For a real blast from the past, you can browse the old guestbook.

What do you think of the house?

And what's your excuse:


The Good and the Great

Thanks and honorary membership of Moosejaw's House go (in no particular order) to Lisa, Rob, Chris, Isabel, Justin, Billy, Scully, Vecchio, Wizard, BIN, Mephisto, Nearside, 8 Ace, Boone, Laura, Sparhawk, Wib, Spanish, Case, Artist, Pablo, Gray Haze, Lady, Reading, sS, Sage, Mythos, Sweet Faith, Domino, Texas Pete, Spook, Terri, Roger, Simon, Peter, Jon, Keren, Mark, Wendy, Trina, Lesley, Zoe, Jack, Jeanne, Sooty the dog, rtj, Ro and anybody I accidentally left off the list.

If you have a burning desire to know more you can find strange personal info on a few of these people by looking up Scully's Web Friends page.

Note - these pages have no connection with Moosejaw, Saskatchewan. May the people who abide there continue to live in peace and harmony.

Since becoming a superhero, Moosejaw has saved the world times!

Member of the HTML Writers Guild