Past Blumpists:
No Shows!
Parade of losers
Gary McGriff*

"Mick" Taylor

Dave Braun

Dan Demaree*

Ed Armstrong

John Doherty

John Palotas*

Keith Harrison

John Ploeger

Terry Mangan

Vince Furey

Tony Niles

* Denotes past CHAMP

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12th Annual

North Myrtle Beach, SC
February 27 to March 1, 2004

Larry Wilhelm - 2004 Blumpee Champion!

Final Update

Thats right, Larry Wilhelm shoots a 410 and wins it all! What a feat. I think he shot a 110 on the last day (The Pearl - West.) The weather on Friday was BY FAR the worst in Blumpee history, and two players DID NOT FINISH, thus disqualifying themselves from the trophy hunt. Read all about it in "Dear Hamish".

Spence - thanks for the pics. Check The Gallery and see some fine pictures!

Also this year, we did something different, we went to a Rock n Roll concert.

There were quite a few rebel yells and some hootin' and a hollerin' at that show, and that was just Mike Robb! We took the Blumpee back to the North End of the Grand Strand and all 4 courses were in North Carolina. We are staying at the Ocean Drive Resort in North Myrtle Beach, SC.

Blumpee 2004 Course Line-up

Old Blumpee Favorite - The Pearl - EAST Feb. 27 - 12:10 PM tee time

Sea Trail - The Maples' Course Feb. 28 - 9:30 AM

Crow Creek Golf Club (opened 2/00) Feb. 29- 12:40 PM

The Pearl - WEST (never played) Mar. 1 7:10 tee time

Other Essentials: 

The Weather Channel: Check it out, baby... 

Talk to the Coach: Wink!

Official BAND: WEEN 

The Mooshhhh Zone: Heralded as BEST SITE on the web!

   Press on the image to see the first letter in 4 years to our old friend, Hamish!

hits to this page have occurred since January 11.

Demos C. Ioannou
Springdale, AR
Last updated 3/30/04
Please send an e-mail to be notified of updates to this page! 

See the page BEFORE we left. Featuring Tom Dowd.