On July 19, 1863 Confederate forces under General John Hunt Morgan fought
Union Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Navy Gunboats while attempting to
cross the Ohio River at the Buffington Island ford at Portland in Meigs
County, Ohio. After having traveled day and night in the saddle for over
two weeks through southeastern Indiana and southern Ohio, the fight near
Portland virtually ended what would become known as "Morgans Raid".
Small as Civil War battles go, the Battle of Buffington Island was
important for several reasons. It was one of only a few Civil War battles
in which all branches of the Armed Forces were involved. There were at
least two future United States Presidents engaged in the battle,
(Rutherford B Hayes and William McKinley). Most important of all, the
Battle of Buffington Island was the only Civil War battle fought in Ohio
and ranks as one of only a few battles fought in the state involving
Federal troops.
Currently, another battle is being fought over the same ground. The
Shelly Company of Thornville,Ohio is planning to strip sand and gravel
from significant portions of the Battleground. Here in southeastern Ohio
we have a battle site which is relativelypristine in its location and
development which needs only to have the necessary recognition
to make it a place of education and historical importance. Although there
are twentieth century buildings present, the ground is relatively unchanged
from what it was in 1863. No less than 52 Confederate dead were buried on
the site by local residents after the battle and lie today in unmarked graves.
Besides significantly altering the topography of the ground itself by the
stripping process, the Shelly Company may very well mine the very bones
of the soldiers buried there !!!!

This is sacred ground! Both Union and Confederate soldiers, fought and
died on the battlefield at Portland, Ohio.Will we allow the bones of America’s
dead and the sacred ground in which they are buried be shipped down
the Ohio River to become yet another parking lot or part of a highway????
Sadly, time really is running out.
We must not forsake these brave Kentucky boys that
fought so bravely and died for their beliefs. They sadly lie buried far from their
homes in Kentucky. It is our responsibility to care for them and see to it that their restingplaces are honored and treated with respect and reverence.

How the Morgan's Men Association is involved:

The MMA has joined the fight to prevent the Buffington Island Battlefield at Portland, Ohio from being destroyed by developers.  The MMA Board of Directors has joined with local and national groups to preserve this historic site.  The Board has approved a donation of $ 700.00 to help in this preservation effort and to locate the remains of our men. A special thanks must go to former Commander of the Morgan's Men Association, John B. Wells, III for his eloquence in defending our position as descendants of the men who fought and died on this hallowed ground.  Also, thanks must go to one of our new members, Marlitta Perkins, for serving as our spokesperson in the continuing negotiations in this preservation fight.


How You can help

Write your Congressmen:

Write your Senators and Representatives to Congress in order to push for
Federal Recognition of the site. One avenue may exist through the Department of the Interior.


Your Senator

 U.S. Senate, Washington DC 20510
Your Congressman
  House of Representatives, Washington DC 20515.

In Addition:

Contact Mr. Amos Loveday of the Ohio Historical Society Preservation
Office and the Army Corps of Engineers (Huntington Office) urge them not
to compromise our heritage for a few acres of land. The battlefield and
burial sites need to be saved!

Amos J. Loveday - Ohio Historical Preservation Office
(614) 297-2470
567 E. Hudson St./Columbus, Ohio 43211

Join the Buffington Island Battlefield Trust,

A non-profit umbrella
organization dedicated to the preservation of the battlefield and burial
grounds of Morgan's Men. For more details, please contact:
Marlitta H. Perkins
Tony Ten-Barge

Visit the Buffington Island Website