Morgan's Men Favored Official Confederate

Enlistment Of Black Soldiers

"Senate, February 27, 1865.--Ordered to lie on the table and be printed. By
Mr. Simms."

"Passed at a meeting of Kentucky soldiers, held at Camp Lee, near the city
of Richmond, in relation to the prosecution of the war and placing Negroes
in the army as soldiers."

"At A meeting of Kentucky soldiers, held at Camp Lee, near Richmond, Va., on the 25th February, 1865, almost four hundred privates and non-commissioned officers from the 2nd, 7th, and 11th Kentucky Cavalry Regiments, Duke's Brigade, being present, who were recently released from northern prisons.  On motion, Serg't H.H. Barlow, was called to the chair and Richard Wintersmith appointed Secretary."

"The object of the meeting being explained, W.W. Kendall, Thos. D. Henry, W.S. Wheatly, J.C. Brashear, and John Funell were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the meeting.  After consultation they offered the following preamble and resolutions which were unanimously adopted."


"Whereas, after long suffering and imprisonment, we are again on our often hoped and prayed for Southern soil, endeared to us by the associations, perils, and pleasures of the past, and doubly sacred because it is now the burial-ground of so many of our comrades and brothers; we desire, at this our earliest opportunity, to let our countrymen and fellow soldiers, as also our northern foes and traducers know the unchanging and undying sentiments of Kentuckians. Therefore,"

"Resolved 1st, That to win our independence we should resort to every honorable means and cheerfully make every sacrifice. We know the fate that awaits us should the enemy succeed in crushing our gallant armies, and rather than submit let us exhaust every resource and use every means of defeating him."

 "2d. That we heartily endorse the conduct of our illustrious Chief Magistrate in designating independence as the only basis on which we could or ought to negotiate for peace with the United States, and we know that declaration filled the hearts of thousands of our fellow-prisoners with new hope and joy and confidence."

"3d. That we will take up the gauntlet which the enemy have again throwndown, with renewed energy, devotion and determination, and trusting in God, with the guidance of our President, our glorious hero and Chief-Commander,and our gallant and gifted, tried and true Secretary of War, we will, on the battle-field, submit to the arbitrament of the sword, the issue of independence or subjugation, and prove our determination to die freeman rather than live slaves."

 "4th.  That we approve of the policy of placing Negroes in the army as soldiers, and respectfully urge our members of Congress to pass such laws as will make them most available to our cause."

"5th. That we tender to Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. McCreary, of the 11th Kentucky Cavalry, our sincere thanks for the kind attention and many favors extended to us since our arrival in Richmond, and we request him to present these resolutions to our members in the Confederate States Congress and to the Richmond papers for publication."

"On motion the meeting adjourned.  H.H. Barlow, Chairman. R.M. Wintersmith, Secretary."

Gen. Basil Duke
Gen. J. H. Morgan
Morgan's Units
 Enemy Units

"Carry Me Back to Old Virginy" MIDI file by ReWEP Associates, Copyright 1997.  From the "Heritage Collection".