GRADE: 3rd CONTENT FOCUS: Locomotorskills & fitness SUPPORT/INTEGRATION: Map Skills LESSON: Moving Maps 1 (modified lesson by Curt Hinson ) PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To review locomotor skills, incorporate fitness and review map unit. SOCIAL SKILLS: Interpersonal, directions, teamwork, cooperation, voice monitoring EQUIPMENT: 1. Lesson plan 2. 15 maps of school grounds 3. box/container 4. Markers(min. 6) 5. Large Paper INTRODUCTION/FOCUS: Warm up: Map Word Web 1. Using sports puzzles get students into random groups (4 or 5). 2. Have students come up with a team name based partially on their puzzle. 3. Give each group a piece of paper and a marker(different color for each if possible). 4. Discuss how a Word Web works, use an example like foods, sports, etc. 5. Review cooperative style work; share materials, safe sharing of ideas, voice monitoring, etc. 6. Start student off with word "maps" in the center and allow to build on the word. ACTIVITY PROCEDURE: 1. Using the established groups, assign jobs: map holder, map "returner", map expert, lead person & map "getter." 2. Take all students to the start area and review use of map and some landmarks. Note the movement key on the map. 3. Use a time limit of ten minutes to see how many maps each group can complete. 4. Each time a map is complete students need to get a new map and change jobs. 5. Divide each group and give both sets a plain map to walk the ground with, try to think up new ideas for your own map. FOLLOW UP/CLOSURE: 1. Discuss any problems that may have come up. Were you able to solve the troubles? How? 2. What did you find interesting about the activity? 3. Did you learn anything new about the school grounds? 4. Would you include any other things on your own map?
Joseph Gallo 1996 copyright This material may not be used or duplicated for any profit driven enterprise. A portion of the ideas in this lesson are modified from Curt Hinson lesson.