GRADE: 4th/5th CONTENT FOCUS: basketball skills; lay up, dribbling, passing, and foul shot SUPPORT/INTEGRATION: To review math topics of plot garphing, bar graph finding, mean, mode, median. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To work on basketball fundamental skills. SOCIAL SKILLS: Interpersonal, following directions, teamwork, and cooperation EQUIPMENT: 1) 25-30 BASKETBALLS 2)12-15 CONES 3) "STAT" sheets 4)pencils 5) 6 stopwatches 6)music or whistle 7) pulse machines(optional) 8)signs for each station INTRODUCTION/SET: 1) As the students enter the gymnasium, they are asked to take a basketball and find a space to begin to dribble. 2) In place, students dribble until the music stops. 3) A review of the proper technique used is given. Do not slap or smack the ball, but push it down using the fingertips. The ball should stay at the waist level. 4) Next allow the students to move around the room slowly. 5) Allow those who choose to and are skillful enough to increase their speed,no running for safety reasons. 6) Return basketballs to rack on command. ACTIVITY PROCEDURE: 1) Divide the students into 7 groups, and put one at each station. 2) Have the students read the signs at their station. 3) A brief demonstartion of the stations follows. 4) Have each group get a pencil and score "stat"sheet. 5) Instruct the students that these sheets are for the entire group and all scores are put together. 6) Remind the students about where a safe place to put pencils would and would not be. 7) Have each group play and record at the station for 2 minutes. 8) After 2 minutes, have the students move to the next station in order. 9) Continue until all stations have been completed. 10) STATIONS: a) standing(foul) shot b) moving(lay up) shot c) speed dribble(up and back around a cone/2 at a time may go). d) zig zag dribble(in & out of cones/2 at a time may go) e) partner passing(how many in 30 seconds) f) group shoot(nonstop shooting>safety reminders needed). g) pulse station(with machines or fingers measure pulse). 11) Select two groups to work on graphs while other are split into 3v3 games based on ability choices(exp/med/beg) 12) Rotate the groups so that all may play. 13) My classes usually need to finish the graphs in the next basketball class.
1. STANDING SHOT (tally mark for each basket scored) 2. SPEED DRIBBLE ______ sec. ______ sec. _____ sec. (record the time in seconds) ______sec. _____sec. _____sec. ______sec. _____sec. _____sec. ______sec. _____sec. _____sec. 3. ZIG ZAG DRIBBLE ______sec. _____sec. _____sec. (record the time in seconds) ______sec. _____sec. _____sec. ______sec. _____sec. _____sec. ______sec. _____sec. _____sec 4. RECORD YOUR PULSE when you get to station: _____ ______ ______ ______ _____ when you get ready to leave: _____ ______ ______ ______ _____ 5. GROUP BASKET SHOOT (tally mark for each basket scored) 6. PARTNER PASS (how many passes in 60 second?) ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ _____ 7. MOVING SHOT/LAY UP (tally mark for each basket scored) Joseph Gallo 1996 copyright This material may not be used or duplicated for any profit driven enterprise.