GRADE: 3-5 CONTENT FOCUS: muscles EQUIPMENT: 1. lesson plan 2. body outlines 3. velcro muscle pieces 4. cones 5. muscle mania sheets(small version of outlines) INTRODUCTION/FOCUS: This activity is done after several weeks of introducing and reviewing muscle terms. ACTIVITY PROCEDURE: 1. Divide the students into 4-6 groups. 2. Give each group a set of velcro muscle pieces. 3. Place each group in front of a body outline, which also has the muscles outlined. 4. On command the first student chooses a muscle and races to the bodyoutline and attaches the piece. 5. The group continues in relay fashion until all pieces have been attached. 6. Once all pieces are on the outline, check for accuracy. 7. ROUND # 2, repeat in reverse, take the pieces off body. 8. This round, add a twist, have the students demonstrate an exercise or stretch which works the chosen muscle. 9. For an added challenge have the teammates name the muscle being exercised before the next student may run. FOLLOW UP/CLOSURE: 1. Have each group divide further into pairs. 2. Give each pair a muscle mania sheet(smaller version of body outline). 3. Ask the students to fill the names of the muscles just covered. 4. What strategy do your group use when attaching the pieces? 5. Was it harder to identify the muscles, after we split into pairs?
Joseph Gallo 1995 copyright This material may not be used or duplicated for any profit driven enterprise.