Jog   Your   Memories

>>This activity will be used as both a mental and physical 
warm-up for physical education class.  I plan to use it early
in the year to work on the concepts of identity and belonging.
In addition, I added the idea of a JOG after an autograph to 
incorporate my subject, physicaleducation. 

Jog Your Memories

Try to locate someone who fills the following categories and have them
sign their autograph.Each time someone signs your sheet you must JOG a
"mini-lap" before getting a new signature.You may sign a persons paper
only one time, but you may sign many different peoples papers within 
the time limit.


· Has a birthday in October
· Takes karate lessons
· Has an older brother or sister
· Math is their favorite subject(besides gym of course)
· Loves to ski
· Has a bicycle they can ride
· Plays an instrument
· Likes pizza
· Plays a sport
· Works in the garden sometimes
· Has gone on vacation recently
· Has a favorite sports team
· Favorite color is blue
· Ate vegetables or fruit today(last 24 hours)
· Exercised outside of school this week
· Likes to dance
· Is wearing sneakers now
· Takes their pet for a walk
· Went to a different school before Edgewood
· Likes to listen to music
· Helped with housework/chores this week
· Has a favorite movie
· Did some type of exercise with a family member recently
· Would rather eat salad then...
· Likes to Rollerblade or skate board(with pads of course)

 Following the activity
 I will ask: "How many of these categories had to directly do
 with exercise.  Where there any others that could be considered
 exercise?  What did you think of this? 

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Joseph Gallo 1997 copyright This material may not be used or duplicated for any profit driven enterprise.