GRADE:2nd/3rd CONTENT FOCUS: Basketball skills SUPPORT/INTEGRATION: Solar System PRIMARY OBJECTIVE:To work on basketball skills and include the Solar System. SOCIAL SKILLS: Interpersonal, following directions, teamwork, cooperation EQUIPMENT: 1. Lesson plan 2. 13 cones 3.Planet/Sun picture cards(30-1 ea Planet+Sun) 4. 1basketball/ball per student 5. Planet Information cards 6. 9 station instruction signs 7. Music & machine INTRODUCTION/FOCUS: Warm up: As the students enter have each take a basketball/ball and begin to dribble. After the students have begun stop briefly to explain the proper technique and allow to continue. Remember to remind the students to use finger tips and not to slap the ball. ACTIVITY PROCEDURE: 1. Describe to the students that they have just entered the solar system. It contains 9 planets and a sun. 2. Give each student a planet picture card. 3. Using cues on their card they find matching planet and then read the information card. 4. Each planet has a skill to do that "corresponds" with a planet fact. 5. While at each station the students follow the instructions. 6. When the signal is given(or the music stops) each student carries their ball to the next bigger orbit planet(Pluto goes to Mercury). 7. Continue, allowing each set of students 2 ½ to 3 minutes per orbit. 8. Repeat until all students have been to all the planets and practiced 9 different basketball skills. 9. Discuss the basketball skills and the Solar System at different times during the class, to check for understanding. 10. Collect materials GAME: 1. Planets 1,2,& 3 get a blue vest, 4,5,& 6 get red, and 7,8,&9 green. 2. Place one team under the baskets to keep score(for the other teams) 3. The remaining teams stay on the floor. 4. Give out just more than half as many basketballs as there are players. 5. On command the students will try to shoot and score. 6. Rules: may not steal the ball may not get own rebound must try to dribble FOLLOW UP/CLOSURE: 1. Review the basketball skills covered during class. 2. Review random facts from the planet cards.
Joseph Gallo 1996 copyright This material may not be used or duplicated for any profit driven enterprise.