World War 1

World War 1


Table of Contents

Click Here- Who was involved who won?

Click Here- Where the war took place?

Click Here- The date when the war started and ended.

Click Here- The leaders.

Click Here - The technology used in World War I.

Click Here- What caused the conflict?

Click Here- The aftermath (results).

Click Here- One of the battles we picked in this war.








Who was Involved, and won


Your probably wondering who was involved in this brutal war, well here are the countries. France one of the most powerful country, Russia one of the biggest country's, then Great Britain. Those were all allies. The Central Powers were Germany, Austria which was apart of Hungary and then Italy those were all Central Powers.

Of course we won (United States) and Russia




Where the war took place

Most of the places where this war took place were in Europe (French territory and Germany).







The Date when the War started and ended



The war lasted a long time. Europe was in the whole war 1914-1918. We (United States) entered in 1917-1918.








The Leaders that were recorded


The only leaders recorded in this war were Russia's leader Czar Nicholas. Germany's leader Kaiser Wilheim. For the United States President was Woodrow Wilson.




The Technology used in Wold War 1



This war was the first war that the United States used their planes as their secret weapon. They also had Machine guns. They used the planes to bomb their enemy's. The United States had one of the best machinery. The other was Poison gas which would destroy the soldiers' nervous system when breathed in..






What caused the conflict


When Serbian terrorists assassinated Archduke (1914) of Austria/Hungary it got them very mad and that cause started a global war. It caused Austria/Hungary to declare war on Serbia. Russia supported Serbia and Germany supported Austria/Hungary (That's how they entered the war). We figured that they would soon stop.

Now what got us in the war was the sinking of our ships by German U-boats (submarines) and when Germany sent a messenger to Mexico saying if Mexico supported Germany, Mexico may win back the Texas territory (lost in the Mexican American War). But we intercepted the messenger, so Mexico didn't know about it. This plus the sinking of our ships by German U-boats (submarines) got us aggravated. We couldn't see them attacking us and we felt Germany had gone too far. That’s when we entered the war.








The Aftermath (results)


The official armistice, or cease- fire, for World War 1 came on November 17, 1918. Germany surrendered to the Allies. The end of the war brought relief to the exhausted allies. Plus it set up the borders for the next great war- WWII. Since Germany caused the war they had to pay millions of dollars to France. This sent them into an economic depression which eventually causes Germany to invade France in the beginning of WWII.



One of the battles we picked in war


I would pick Belleau Wood. As American troops approached their target, they were barraged by large caliber shells. Just before dawn the marine brigade started for hill 142. Amid Burst of machine- gunfire, the marines charged the hill and finally took the spotters position. The taking of the woods straightened our line and gave us good protection from the Germans as we began to attack them.