Take our test

Use a separate piece of paper or print this page to take our sound test.  
Check your answers with ours on the page linked below.

Part 1.  
Finish the sentences

1.  Sound discrimination is _______________________________________.
2.  Inside the cochlea ____________________________________________.
3.  If your semicircular canal was damaged you would
4.  Sound travels faster through liquids and solids then through gas
because ___________________________________________________________ .

Part 2.
Fill in the blanks using the following words:
stirrup, anvil, ear drum, auditory canal, pitch, vibrates, ears,
molecules, echolocation, properties, hammer, oval window, auricle,
auditory nerve

5.  The fleshy part of the ear is called the ______________.
6.  You hear sound with your ______________.
7.  A dog whistle has a high _______________.
8.  The ______________________ is a passageway lined with skin,
hairs, and wax producing glands that sound travels through.
9.  Two _________________ of sound are pitch and loudness.
10.  When the ear drum is hit by sound waves it ______________ 
like a real drum.
11-13.  The three bones in your middle ear are your _______________,
____________, and __________________.
14.  Bats see using __________________.
15.  To get into your inner ear, sound travels through a membrane
 called the ______________________.
16.  The part at the end of the outer ear that vibrates when sound
 hits it is called the ________________.
17.  Sound moves like dominos, knocking _____________ into each
18.  Nerve impulses are carried to the brain by the

Part 3.
Answer the questions in complete paragraphs

19.  How does sound travel (be sure to include what happens when
 sound goes through liquids, solids, and gas)

20.  How does sound get to your brain?

More About Sound:

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