The History and Overview of NCSABSW


The National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) is an African-American organization on a national level that provides a structure and forum through which African-American Social Workers and workers in related fields of Human Services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs in the interest of the African-American Community especially, and the community-at-large.

NABSW is a non-profit organization consisting of dedicated professionals and community workers who, without pay, freely make their skills available to individuals, groups, and agencies for the alleviation of the numerous problems confronting the African-American Community.

NABSW was formed May 1, 1968 in San Francisco, California. Since then, over 200 chapters have been established successfully throughout the country. Once a year, there is a national conference hosted by a local ABSW Chapter to coordinate, communicate, and clarify issues that beset African-Americans everywhere.

While the social work profession is concerned with the common human needs of all individuals regardless of race or ethnic origin, we have found, however, that there are certain problems peculiar to the African-American Community that have not been dealt with adequately by the prevailing social work organizations and agencies. As African-American people, we will deal with those problems that deserve priority in the oppressed African-American Community.


On August 2, 1975, a group of enthusiastic persons representing organized and potential chapters of local Association of Black Social Workers (ABSW) met at the Sheraton Center in Charlotte, NC with Cenie J. Williams, Executive Director of the National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc. On that day, they became known as the North Carolina State Association of Black Social Workers (NCSABSW).

This Association serves as a base for the organization of local chapters across the state of North Carolina. It offers avenues through which concerned workers within the state can come together to work for the betterment of the African-American Community. The formation of this Association formed an alliance offering support and encouragement while allowing opportunities to plan activities on a statewide basis.

In December of 1975, this enthusiastic group sponsored its first Annual Conference, hosted by the Durham Chapter (TABSW). Since 1975, the NCSABSW has successfully sponsored annual conferences around the state of North Carolina hosted by ABSW chapters.


  1. To work in cooperation with or to support, develop and / or sponsor community welfare projects and programs which will serve the interests of the Black Community.

  2. To engage in activities of social planning and social action which will work to serve the social welfare interest of individuals, agencies, and groups in the African-American Community.

  3. To fight against racial injustice of any form.

  4. To aid in the economic development of the African-American Community.

  5. To aid in the cultural development of the African-American Community.

  6. To engage in activities that will aid the African-American Community to obtain control over its social institutions.


Created and up dated by Dennis W. Ellis (2-8-2000)