(The setting opens in a filled arena with the pyros blazing out of the four corners of the ring, and the fireworks going off at the runway from the newly furnished pyro system and the FNF theme music blaring across the PA on the newly furnished PA System. The fans are going wild as teh camera sets in on Bobby Strainin and Mike Ixnay at the broadcast booth.)
Mike Ixnay: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Fire!!! I am Mike Ixnay, and alongside of me, is the man with a bounty on his head...
Bobby Strainin: HEY!!!
Mike Ixnay: Bobby Strainin!!! We have a lot of exciting matches for you tonight, but...
(Larry Nabisco walks up behind Bobby's chair and slaps him in the back of the head.)
Larry Nabisco: Get out of my chair you fat old piee of crap!!!
Bobby Strainin: Mr. Nabisco... w-what are you doing here?
Larry Nabisco: Getting ready to do my job, now get out of here...
(Bobby takes off his headsetset, gets up and runs off while Larry puts on his headset and sits beside Mike.)
Mike Ixnay: Glad to see you back!
Larry Nabisco: Thanks... what's up for tonight?
("Ruff Ryders Anthem" by DMX plays as Austin Reznor makes his way out to the ring. Reznor slaps hands with the fans talks a little trash into the camera.)
Mike Ixnay: Well, up first is this man, Austin Reznor, the man known as "The Brawler From Philly" to make his pro debut against Venom.
Larry Nabisco: This guys looks excited to be here, and seems to be in good shape, but I always say that the crea will rise to the top, and he will just have to prove himself to me tonight.
Mike Ixnay: Well said words from the Living Ledgend...
("Brain Stew" by Green Day plays as Venom approaches the ring with a bag; containing his pet cobra, Reaper, inside.)
Mike Ixnay: And here he comes, the man that pulled off one of the most shocking victories in NEw history not too long ago against Jason Wylde after his cobra, Reaper, bit him in the middle of a match...
Larry Nabisco: I seem to remember another wrestler that used to bring snakes to the ring, and I have a felling, that tonight could easily be the night that this Snake's Venom is extracted, and the snake itself eradicated...
Mike Ixnay: Are you sure?
Larry Nabisco: Not really, but it sure sounded good didn't it?
(bell rings)
Austin Reznor v. Venom:
Mike Ixnay: Austin goes to the middle of the ring and he's... extending his hand???
Larry Nabisco: This is something you don't see anymore... sportsmanship...
Mike Ixnay: Venom is looking like this dude is crazy or something. Venom with a bitch slap!!!
Larry nabisco: Austin Reznor is feeling "Hurt" like Trent Reznor.
Mike Ixnay: Austin is moving around the ring like an amateur wrestler. Venom is laughing???
Larry Nabisco: I hate to say it, but I would be too... I think that is what he is counting on...
Mike Ixnay: Austin with tackle to the knees!!! Venom is shocked and stumbling around... Venom is getting up slowly know and.... AUSTIN SPEARS VENOM!!!
Larry Nabisco: I wonder what is next...
Mike Ixnay: Venom is hurt bad, Austin pulls up Venom for a DDT... Austin is raising da roof!!!
Larry Nabisco: What the hell???
Mike Ixnay: Venom gets up and... SPEAR ON AUSTIN!!! And Venom is raising da roof!!!
Regun Moody: C'mon damnit, fight you bastards!!!
Mike Ixnay: Referee Regun Moody is pissed right now, and Venom is pulling up Austin for a... JACKHAMMER!!! Pin...1...2...KICKOUT!!!
Larry Nabisco: I thought this was going to be another Goldberg JOB!!!
Mike Ixnay: Not quite... Venom is pulling up Austin and he throws him out of the ring. Venom is going to the top and.... SUICIDE DIVE ONTO AUSTIN!!!
Larry Nabisco: Wait... Trent Reznor is in the crowd!!!
Mike Ixnay: Trent has a mic stand and he lays the smack down on Austin!!! Venom is throwing him into the ring and he pins....1....2....KICKOUT!!!
Larry Nabisco: MAN!!!
Mike Ixnay: Venom is going to the top and.... SWAN DIVE!!! AUSTIN ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY AND HE MISSES!!! Austin gets up and Trent Reznor has Reaper!!!
Larry Nabisco: What the hell???
Trent Reznor: That's what you get for having the same last name as me!
Mike Ixnay: Austin is passing out from the pain!!! Venom covers..1....2.....3!!! VENOM WINS!!!
Larry Nabisco: No, more like Trent Reznor wins.
(bell rings)
Larry Nabisco: What a match!!! Oh how I missed this so much... the blood, sweat and tears gives you a bigger high than sex, drugs and ROCK AND ROLL!!!
Mike Ixnay: Up next, we will witness RipTide take on a man fresh from the Hall of Fame roster... Trent Raven...
Larry Nabisco: Trent wrestles tonight? what a card this is going to be! You mean he is on the undercard?
Mike Ixnay: It doesn't get much better than this... this is a match that could easily steal the show at a major PPV.
("Come With Me" by Puff Daddy w/ Paige plays on the speakers as Riptide walks out. He has on his 'Dog s--- 3:16' T and his camoflauge UNC hat.)
Mike Ixnay: Here he comes, Mr. Dogs--- 3:16 himself... it started out as a Terror Squad joke, but Rip contines to come out and do his mockery of Steve Austin, while impleenting his own tactics... i guess that is why he is bringing on "The Wave"...
Larry Nabisco: Well, fans normally do "The Wave" when they're bored, so I'm not sure if it is good or bad...
("Come As You Are" by Nirvana plays as Trent Raven approaches the ring with his head hung low, and a chair wrapped in barbed wire in his hand.)
Mike Ixnay: Here is one of the TRUE innovators of the EXTREME, Trent Raven. One of the first men signed to this great company so long ago... i can't believe he is still in his late 20's!
Larry Nabisco: His years in age may not say much, but his years on the streets and in the ring speak for itself...
(bell rings)
RipTide v. Trent Raven (anything goes):
Mike Ixnay: The bell rings, and Rip and Trent lock up... ya know, Trent Reznor is in the audience tonight, and he just attacked Austin Reznor for using his last name, he might do the same to Trent for using his first name...
Larry Nabisco: Ya know, anything can happen on NEW Wrestling...
Mike Ixnay: And ya ain't whistlin dixie naw!!! Trent Raven into a side headlock and Rip shoves Raven to the ropes, Rip goes for the clothesline, and Trent ducks... Trent grabs the chair while Rip is looking around for him, and HE NAILS RIP WITH THE BARBEDWIRED CHAIR!!!
Larry Nabisco: I see this old timer hasn't lost a step...
Mike Ixnay: Trent Raven drops the chair, and he swings around Rip and EVENFLOW ON THE CHAIR!!! Trent Raven is sitting and scooting over to the corner in the fetal position, but TRENT REZNOR IS BACK AT RINGSIDE!!!
Mike Ixnay: Trent Raven is trying to break the chord, but Rip with a bronco buster!!! Referee Mills Lane is trying to buster up the double teaming...
Mills Lane: Okay, I know this is "anything goes":, but if you don't quit this crap right now, i'll ick both of your asses myself!!!
Trent Reznor: f--- you you damn limey!!!
Mills Lane: Let's get it on!!!
Mike Ixnay: Reznor is in now, and Reznor and Lane are fighting it out in the ring!!! Trent Raven is confused, and trying to regather his breath, and RIPTIDE WITH A TIDAL BURST!!!
Larry Nabisco: RipTide pins, but Mills is still fighting Reznor!!!
Mike Ixnay: RipTide is trying to get Mills' attention, but MILLS SHOVES RIPTIDE!!!
Larry Nabisco: WHOA!!!
Larry Nabisco: Reznor with knee bashes to Mills, and Mills is out....
Mike Ixnay: Raven is running after Reznor, and Rip is back up... Rip with a rollup, and right in front of Lane...1..2..3.. RipTide wins!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: Damn, who signed Trent Reznor to the NEW? Standing by are Scheme Gene, Mr. Reaves and Wolverine at the runway... Gene?
(The camer pans over to the runway...)
Wolvie: I'll take it Gene... Mr. Reaves, couz, I know I... took a short cut by counting myself and giving myself the victory. But... I'VE LEARNED MY LEASON!!! I NEED TO WRESTLE!!!
Mr. Reaves: You've only been suspended for a week. What's the deal???
Mr. Reaves: I'll tell you what, tonight in your duties as referee for the ETV Title Match, if you can go the WHOLE match without touching ANYONE at all, you can get a chance at Carnage Bowl...
Wolvie: Anyone?
Mr. Reaves: Anyone!!!
Wolvie: I can do that, but can I have my recliner at ringside?
Mr. Reaves: I'll tell you what, Larry Nabisco, get your ass to the concession stand right now and get Wolvie some beer, chips and dogs...
Wolvie: No, NACHOS!!!
Mr. Reaves: Get Wolvie here some junk food for his match later tonight...
Larry Nabisco: Okay!
(Larry leaves the set)
Mr. Reaves: See ya in the ring later tonight Wolvie...
Mike Ixnay: What an announcement, Wolvie can get a chance to wrestle at Carnage Bowl on good behavior? I never heard of this before... let's go to the ring for the next match...
(The sold out Nashville arena sees a barely dressed Chloe Jones make her way out to the ring. and Bobby Strainin comes up to the broadcaster's booth.)
Mike Ixnay: Bobby, how are you doing?
Bobby Strainin: Whatever you do, keep that looey man away from me!!!
Mike Ixnay: Whatever you say...
(Chloe gets in the ring and has the microphone in her hand. All of the sudden "Mota" by Offspring blares over the P.A. system to a huge pop.)
Chloe Jones: Please welcome wrestling legend, former and future NEW World Heavyweight Champion. A man that needs no introduction, "The Real Deal" Nathaniel Tesch!!
(The Nasville crowd lets out a huge pop as Nathaniel Tesch makes his way down to the ring. Tesch steps into the ring and is greeted with a kiss from Chloe.)
Mike Ixnay: Former NEW World Champion, Nate Tesch is ready to do battle...
(Suddenly, the lights dim down and "Change the World" by the Offspring starts to blare over the loudspeakers as two of the NEW's greatest superstars come from the entrance way. First, is the first ever NEW Television and Crusierweight Champion, and former Tag Team, Stable, and Extreme Champion, Ares, And then he is followed out by hall of famer and the greatest NEW Extreme champion of all-time, the World's Sickest Son of a Bitch, En Fuego.)
Mike Ixnay: And now here comes Ares, and EnFuego!!! the fans are really behind these guys who have been working a lot with Trent Raven as well as Boomer and Steele as of late, and Reaves is in with Ares and Boomer "rat pack" if you will, but I'm not one to spread rumours...
Bobby Strainin: Not from what I recall...
Mike Ixnay: Shut up weasel...
(bell rings)
Ares v. Nathaniel Tesch:
Bobby Strainin: Chole is romancing Tesch in the middle of the ring giving Ares a good show. What a woman...
Mike Ixnay: Tesch is letting Chloe out and... ARES WITH A RUNNING CLOTHESLINE!!!
Bobby Strainin: Ares right on the attack!!!
Mike Ixnay: Ares pulls him up and... DDT!!! Ares going to the top and... SWAN DIVE!!!
Bobby Strainin: Chole is on the apron already!!!
Mike Ixnay: Ares is walking towards her and... FRENCH KISS ON CHOLE!!!
Bobby Strainin: Tesch didn't appreciate that...
Mike Ixnay: Tesch with a low blow!!! Tesch is chasing Ares around, kicking him in the gut, and Trent Reznor is loving this!!! Tesch throws him out of the ring.
Bobby Strainin: Tesch is going to the top?!?!? why?
Mike Ixnay: I dunno, but Tesch's fat ass falls into the first row!!! Ares is out of the the ring, and he is helping out Tesch... Ares is pulling Tesch's head out of a fat woman's cleavelege!!!
Bobby Strainin: Chloe didn't appreciate that one!
Mike Ixnay: Chole slaps Tesch!!! What the hell... and Ares is dragging him by the ear to the ring. Ares to the top... SHOOTING STAR PRESS INTO A LEG DROP!!! WHAT A MOVE!!! Pin...1.....2.... KICKOUT!!!
Bobby Strainin: HOW DID HE DO THAT???
Mike Ixnay: Tesch is slowly getting up and... DDT!!! Tesch is pulling him up and.... T-BONE SUPLEX!!! Pin...1...2.... KICKOUT!!!
Bobby Strainin: What perserverence by both men...
Mike Ixnay: Tesch pulls him up and..... ARES WITH A ROLL UP...1....2.... KICKOUT!!! Trent Reznor is cheering Ares on... Ares up and.... TESCH WITH A DDT!!!
Bobby Strainin: They're both out!!!
Mike Ixnay: Referee Regun Moody starts the ten count...1....2.....3.....4....5....6....7.....8....9.... Ares rolls over and pins...1....2....KICKOUT!!!
Bobby Strainin: What the hell? They are both fighting for thier lives here!
Mike Ixnay: Ares and Tesch are just laying there!!! Ares is trying to pull himself and roll Tesch over... CRIPPLER CROSS FACE!!!
Bobby Strainin: Tesch is out!!!
Mike Ixnay: Chole is on the apron!!! Ares lets go of the hold, and Chole is flashing Ares!!!
Bobby Strainin: I pledge allegiance... to the flag...
Mike Ixnay: Ares is giving the "salute" to Chole!!! Tesch rolls him up....1....2... Ares kicks out and TESCH GETS IT IN THE EYE!!!
Bobby Strainin: EnFuego is getting Chole down and Tesch is trying to get to EnFuego.
Mike Ixnay: Ares rolls tesch up..1....2....3!!! ARES WINS!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: Fans, what a night we have had so far, and this match right in the middle of the night takes the cake, and HERE COMES THE BLUE INFERNO AND NICK WOLF!!!
Bobby Strainin: And Steve Slash is running out right after Grant!!!
Mike Ixnay: Fans, we'll be back with more after this!!!
(commercial for Carnage Bowl 2 - The NEW Generation plays)
Mike Ixnay: Welcome back fans, and this guy makes me sick...
Bobby Strainin: Yeah, fans suck don't they? They're such marks...
Mike Ixnay: What the hell are you talking about you idiot? I was talking about Dante!
Bobby Strainin: I dunno, this guy is pretty cool...
Mike Ixnay: My goodness... fans, Dante is making his debut tonight against US Champion, Bowen Danes, and a lot of controversy has surrounded this guy since he has come here... dissing hall of Famer, Destructo, he has quickly catapulted himself to the top of the hate list in the NEW...
Bobby Strainin: I dunno, the fans like him!
Mike Ixnay: What are you on? Crack or something?
(Dante stands in the middle of the ring with his arms out to encourage the onslaught of boos which leaves him to shake his head and laugh at the fans. The arena then goes black as "The Chicago Bulls' Warmup Music" blares over the PA System, and Bowen Danes runs to the ring.)
Mike Ixnay: Here comes Danes!!!
(bell rings)
Bowen Danes v. Dante Edmonds (US Title):
Mike Ixnay: The match is underway, and Dante catches Danes coming in with a knee to the groin!!!
Bobby Strainin: Dante is going to work on Danes' back, I think Danes is really sore tonight from jet lag or something, because his back doesn't seem to be taking the attacks very well...
Mike Ixnay: Dante with a knee lift, and the fans are booing him.... chanting "POWERS!!! POWERS!!!".
Bobby Strainin: This is a pro-Powers crowd out here tonight...
Mike Ixnay: Dante is yelling at the fans in the front row as he pulls up Danes... DANES WITH A ROLLUP...1...2.. kickout by Dante, and he spears down Danes with a clothesline!!!
Bobby Strainin: I can't believe the intensity of Dante!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dante is pulling up Danes, and he's going for a german suplex, but Danes blocks... Danes shoves Dante to the ropes, and Danes misses the clotesline... AND DANTE REBOUNDS WITH A SPINNING CRESCENT KICK!!!
Bobby Strainin: Whoa!!! I KNOW Danes didn't see that one coming...
Mike Ixnay: Dante pulls up Danes, and ROLLUP..1...2... Danes kicks out, but Dante right back to the attack with a sliding dropkick to the back... Dante is pulling up Danes and DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!!
Bobby Strainin: It could be over!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dante goes for the pin...1...2... kickout!!! Dante is pulling up Danes and he whips him to the ropes, but Danes reverses, and DANTE RUNS INTO THE REF!!!
Bobby Strainin: Oh my god, this is a chane for the champ to turn it around!!!
Mike Ixnay: Danes catches Dante with a rock bottom!!! Danes is going for... IT'S THE SHARP FOUR, AND THE REF IS OUT!!! Dante is reaching for the ropes, and he sees the US Title...
Bobby Strainin: He has the belt!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dante sits back up and HE NAILS DANES WITH THE BELT!!! Dante is pulling up Danes and he is setting him on the top rope... IT'S THE JAMBALAYA!!!
Bobby Strainin: That's Grifter's move!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dante is slapping the ref around, trying to wake him up and Dante goes for the cover...1...2...3... Dante is the new United States Champ!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: Dante wins, but he is not done yet.... he has the belt, and HE'S WHIPPING DANES ACROSS THE BACK WITH IT!!!
(bell rings)
Bobby Strainin: The bell is ringing, but Dante will not stop... HERE COMES VP DESTRUCTO!!!
Mike Ixnay: Des ran Dante out of the ring, and he's helping up Danes... fans, up next is Sport Jones defending the ETV title against PDC as we head to the ring...
("Sexual Healing " by Marvin Gaye as Pimp Daddy Cain approaches the ring wearing a big hat, sunglasses, and a fur coat. Alongside him, arm and arm is Candi.)
Mike Ixnay: This man is a former World Heavyweight Champion and a former co-holder of the World Tag Team Championships. Tonight, he attempts to add the ETV Title to his trophy case... and Bobby, quit looking at Candi...
Bobby Strainin: What an ass, she must work out...
Mike Ixnay: You perv...
(After PDC and Candi enter the ring, Candi takes off the outfit to show a regular pair of tights, and "Plesantly Numb" by Pink Floyd plays as the lights dim with the pyros blazing. Sport makes his way down the entrance ramp. Going down to the ring, he is slow and casual, confident.)
Mike Ixnay: And here comes the ETV Champ himself, Sport Jones, who made his debut to the NEw not too long ago... he has certainly come a long way in the short span he's been here...
Bobby Strainin: Shhhhhhh... I'm paying attention to Candi right now...
Mike Ixnay: You need to get laid...
(bell rings)
Sport Jones v. Pimp Daddy Cain w/ Wolvie as the ref ("Too Extreme for Television" Title):
Mike Ixnay: Wolvie is sitting at ringside in his recliner with his food and porno and the match is under way. PDC runs to Jones and.... JONES WITH A TACKLE TO THE KNEES!!!
Bobby Strainin: He's pulling the stops out from the get go!!!
Mike Ixnay: Jones pulls him up and throws him out of the ring. Jones is on the top???
Bobby Strainin: Oh no, we saw what happened with Tesch earlier in the night with his fat ass...
Mike Ixnay: JONES WITH A CLOTHESLINE FROM THE TOP?!?!? Jones sees Trent Reznor. Jones throws PDC to the guardrail. Jones is looking under the ring and he finds a table. He's setting the table in the ring.
Bobby Strainin: Dinner for two?
Mike Ixnay: PDC is running in the ring and he slams he head into the table. PDC puts Jones on the table and... SWAN DIVE ONTO JONES!!! THE TABLE IS BROKE IN HALF!!!
Bobby Strainin: I guess that party was crashed...
Mike Ixnay: PDC and Jones is on the ground. Jones is pulling himself on top of PDC, and he's calling for Wolvie. Jones covers...1....2... KICKOUT!!!
Bobby Strainin: Oh so close...
Mike Ixnay: As Wolvie sits back in his chair at ringside, Jones pulls up PDC and... bodyslam. Jones pulls him up and.... PDC WITH A ROLL UP!!! Wolvie notices it and slides back in the ring....1.....2.... KICKOUT!!!
Bobby Strainin: PDC COULD OF WON!!!
Mike Ixnay: I think he realizes that, and PDC IS PUSHING ON WOLVIE, AND WOLVIE IS TAKING IT!!! Wolvie just turns away. He notices Trent Reznor.
Wolvie: Hey Trent, I love NIN.
Trent Reznor: Really?
Wolvie: YEAH!!! Can I get your John Hadcock???
Trent Reznor: Sure.
Wolvie: Hey, wanna porn mag???
Trent Reznor: Sure.
Mike Ixnay: Reznor and Wolvie are looking at porn mags and PDC is pinning Jones. Wolvie notices and slides back in....1....2... KICKOUT!!!
Trent Reznor: Wolvie, happy dance, happy dance....
Bobby Strainin: Wolvie is doing a happy dance??? PDC is on the top rope.... MONEY SHOT!!!
Mike Ixnay: PDC pulls him up and...PIMP DROP!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: PDC and Trent Reznor are fighting to the back!!! Jones wants Wolvie to raise his hand, but Wolvie is refusing!!! Jones slaps Wolvie!!! Jones is slapping Wolvie and here comes Mr. Reaves!!!
Mr. Reaves: Wolvie, you did a good job tonight. Now..... SMACK THAT BITCH UP!!!
Bobby Stranin: Wolvie is up, he blocks a left by Jones and a kick to Jones... DVD ON JONES!!! And Wolvie is leaving the ring to the cheers of the fans!!!
Mike Ixnay: Mr. Reaves is congratulating Wolvie on a fine job as they walk to the back... well, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the Main Event!!! Let's go to the ring with Micheal Buttbuffer!!!
(bell rings)
(The lights dim in the NEW arena, and a hush of anticipation falls over the crowd. Pyros ignite as "Number One" by ManOwaR blows the speakers, and the World Champion, Dutch "Heavy Metal" Daon comes heading down to the arena.)
Mike Ixnay: What is this? Isn't the champ supposed to come out last?
Larry Nabisco: I dunno, he looks like he doesn't care...
Mike Ixnay: He has this look on his face... like he has something to get off of his chest...
Micheal Buttbuffer: He is a former United States Heavyweight Champion, a former holder of the World Tag Team Titles, and the two time, current reigning world Heavyweight Champion of the World... Dutch Heavyetal Daon!!!
(The fans cheer as Daon holds his belt up high and then climbs up on the ring apron. He does some headbanging that gets the crowd wild and then enters the ring, grabbig a mic.)
Dutch Daon: Hail, Brothers of Metal!
(The fans respond with a bold, mighty HAIL!!!)
Dutch Daon: I'm going to make this quick.. the man they call GRANDMA but I call LOSER wants another chance to win the World HeavyMetal Championship belt. In fact, it looks like someone already booked the match. GRANDMA, you had not one, but two chances to win this belt. Both times you failed. Now I'm getting bored and the fans are getting bored with seeing your lame, no-talent self out here.
(Daon pauses, apparently disgusted with GRENDEL's persistance.)
Dutch Daon: So here's what we're going to do.. Tonight, it's you against me, the World Title is on the line.. but only under one condition.. and if you don't agree to it, I won't even bother wrestling... GRANDMA, if I beat you, and I will, you are to leave NEW, never EVER to return. So if you're willing to risk everything just to step in the ring once more against me, then bring it on, 'cause that's the way it's gonna be!!!
(The lights go out all over the arena as it turns to a deep black, and the fans go wild. Over the newly equipped PA, "The Launch" by Boston is blaring at full blast, nearly knocking everyone out of thier seats.)
Mike Ixnay: We know what tha music means, it's time for all hell to break loose!!!
(Thunder clasps send laser strobes around the arena, barely lighting the runway; and as the guitar chorus begins, a blast of pyros from the runway illuminate the ramp as you see The Breathtaking Lisa walk out waving at the fans.)
Micheal Buttbuffer: Ladies and gentlemen, coming to the ring at this time, accompanied by The Breathtaking Lisa and his former Tag Team partner, Stunnin Steve, is a man of 7ft and 285 lbs of steel. He is a former holder of the NEW World Heavyweight Title, and has had two near falls against the current champion, but tonight, he puts it all on the line as he challenges Dutch HeavyMetal Daon, to the World Heavyweight Title one last time... he is the leader of The Powers That Be... he is the Man They Call GRENDEL!!!
(Behind her, are Stunnin Steve, who is pep talking to Grendel, who has a look of stiff determination on his face. the fans go wild as the camera focuses on Grendel)
Mike Ixnay: Fans, tonight, Grendel DOES put it all on the line, because as you just heard from Daon, if he loses... he's gone from the NEW!!!
Bobby Strainin: This could be his last ride...
(bell rings)
MAIN EVENT: Dutch Daon v. Grendel (World Title):
Mike Ixnay: The bell has rung, and Dutch is laughing at Grendel who is staring him down with a cold sneer.
Bobby Strainin: Daon is taking some sort of martial arts stace, he is obviously mocking the Eastern Asian form of fighting...
Mike Ixnay: He takes his index finger and plunges it into Grendel's chest!!!
Bobby Strainin: I think he thinks that the "Finger of Death" actually works!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel is standing strong, and Daon is holding his finger!!! I think he jammed it, and GRENDEL WITH A KNEE TO THE SIDE OF DAON!!!
Bobby Strainin: Daon pissed him off now!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel shoves Daon into the corner, and he is choking him out!!! The ref is counting...1...2...3...4...5.... the ref forces the break, and Daon is reaching into his trunks... he has a handful of salt, and HE THROWS IT AT GRENDEL!!!
Bobby Strainin: I've NEVER seen Daon fight this dirty!!!
Mike Ixnay: Daon is kicking Grendel in the abdomen, and IT'S THE IRON MAIDEN!!! Daon covers...1...2... kickout!!!
Bobby Strainin: Daon can't believe it!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel is hulking up and Daon is punching him in the face!!!
Bobby Strainin: Grendel is determined tonight folks!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel is up to one knee, and taking everything Daon has!!!
Bobby Strainin: What a warrior!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel is up and Daon is continuously pounding away at Daon!!! Grendel with a chokehold, and IT'S THE CHOKESLAM!!!
Bobby Strainin: That's one of his primary moves!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel covers...1...2.. AND JASON WYLDE PULLS GRENDEL OUT OF THE RING BY THE LEG!!! Where the hell did he come from?
Bobby Strainin: Does it matter?
Mike Ixnay: Steve and Wylde are fighting on the outside, and Grendel is getting back up to the apron, and going through the ropes, and Daon with an axehandle to the back...
Bobby Strainin: Daon knows his stuff doesn't he?
Mike Ixnay: Daon knows Grendel VERY well... Daon is setting him up for one more Iron Maiden, and he tries to lift him up... GRENDEL BLOCKS IT!!! GRENDEL REVERSES IT TO A POWERBOMB!!!
Bobby Strainin: It could be over!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel pins...1...2...3...
Bobby Strainin: I can't believe it!!!
(bell rings)
Micheal Buttbuffer: The winner, and new NEW World Heavyweight Champion... GRENDEL!!!
Mike Ixnay: Grendel has regained the World Heavyweight Title, and the rest of the AoC is storming the ring... and here comes Matt Foster and The Lady Killers!!! We have an all out war her at ringside!!! Fans, tune in for Monday Night Massacre this Monday Night!!!
Bobby Strainin: Here cmes Ares!!!
(Camera fades to copyright)