(The camera fades in to a sold out arena in St. Louis, Missouri where you see thousands of fans screaming at the top of thier lungs all holding signs saying stuff like "TYRANT 3:16 says I just whipped TombStone's ass!!!" and "Jade, the second damn coming!!!".) > Mike Ixnay: NEW fans, welcome to a very special broadcast of Thursday Night Terror!!! I'm Mike Ixnay, and alongside me as always is Larry Nabisco. As you can all see, we are sold out here in St. Louis, Missouri!!! We have one hell of a card lined up top to bottom for ya tonight... tonight, you will see Sniper defend the World Title against TombStone, and you will see The Powers That Be do battle with Trent Raven, Ares and Rick Derringer... > Larry Nabisco: This promises to be one hell of a night for NEW!!! > Mike Ixnay: Ladies and gentlemen, let's go to the ring with our firstmatch for the night on Thursday Night Terror!!! > (The camera fades to the ring where the participants await in the ring for the bell... the bell rings) > Special 4 man elimination match (winner gets a shot at the Television Title): Sport Jones, Mad Money Maxx Millions, Chaos, DEMONIC... > Mike Ixnay: Fans, Cardinal just jumped Max from behind in the back, and this one is already underway!!! DEOMONIC and Chaos are fighting it out in the middle of the ring, and Sport looks bored out of his mind... Sport is leaving the ring, and DEMONIC backs Chaos to the corner... DEMONIC with a whip to the far corner, and Chaos hits hard... DEMONIC caches him with a german suplex, but Chaos blocks and reverses it into a german suplex of his own!!! Sport just grabbed a chair and a glass of tea from ringside... he slides it in the ring and sets up the chair in his corner as Chaos is going for a texas cloverleaf... a ring attendant is bringing Jones a NEW Magazine... > Sport Jones: Thanks... > Mike Ixnay: Sport is sitting in the chair reading the magazine and sipping tea as DEMONIC rolls up Chaos out of the cloverleaf lockup...1...2...kickout... two ring attendants are now up on the ring apron with fans and they are fanning off Sport Jones...Chaos ducks a clothesline from DEMONIC and he nails him with a missle dropkick... Chaos pulls up DEMONIC and goes for a whip to the ropes... DEMONIC blocks it and a kick to the gut by DEMONIC to Chaos... DEMONIC whips Chaos to the corner and CHAOS RUNS INTO JONES AND KNOCKS HIM OUT OF HIS SEAT MAKING HIM SPILL HIS TEA ALL OVER HIS MAGAZINE!!! Jones is up wiping the tea off of himself as DEMIONIC rolls up Chaos...1...2... JONES WITH A CLOTHESLINE ON DEMONIC!!! Chaos is out and Jones pulls up DEMONIC... a kick to the gut, and IT'S THE SLAMDUNK!!! Jones pins...1...2...3... Jones eliminates DEMONIC!!! Chaos is up and he is appologizing to Jones... Jones is accepting a handshake from Chaos... A KICK TO THE GUT!!! JONES SETS UP CHAOS FOR AN ANGLER!!! JONES BRIDGES...1...2...3... > (bell rings) > Mike Ixnay: Sport Jones has landed himself with a shot at the Television Title for this Monday against Mikey!!! I can't believe it!!! What a match that was... > Frantic Voice:  Is There A Great One In The House? > ("I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys begins to play, as Red and Blue pyros shoot off on the four corners of the ring, and six at the entranceway. All of a sudden, from behind the blazing flames and smoke, steps the Cruiserweight Champ, the Undercover Agent of pimpin, the Super sleuth of the Game, Joey "00Pimp" Anderson. The gold around his waist glitters in the shiny lights inside the Arena. He has a large grin on his face, and Is wearing the #3 Philadelphia 76ers Jersey, better known as Allen Iverson, and the matching shorts. His Nike Air Sunder 5436 low tops seem to be comforted, as he walks to the ring.) > Mike Ixnay: As you all know, 00Pimp won the NEW Cruiserweight Title this Monday under questionable circumstances, however he is here to address the fans... let's go to the rin... > (He hops into the squared circle, grabs a microphone and begins to speak.) > Joey: Ah, A day off from beating booty in the ring at New Extreme Wrestling. Let me tell you fellas, this feels good. > (The crowd gives a cheer as Mr. Anderson motions to them, and then puts the mic back up to his mouth.) > Joey: Jade Diamond, you don't have the balls to take me on, thats your problem pal, but I have one question. How do you expect to succeed, knowing you gave up the Cruiserweight Title for being too "Bulky"? Jade, from this day on, you will never be equal to me.  We will meet again though, rest assured, right after I knock down Sport Jones at LOTR5. Jade, you haven;t seen the last of 00Pimp, and neither has anyone else. Now, I want to address the So-called "Match" between Tommy Matrix and the Wayne dude.  You two guys, can't you follow directions? I told you two to mosey on down to that big oak in the middle of the Forrest, whip out... well, nevermind that. Let's just say fellas, come Monday, your both going to be in a hurting, and neither one will have accomplished anything. Now, on to my final Tidbit, the man known as Cardinal. > (Joey motions to the fans, and all in unison, they begin to chant "Cart-rock-er, Cart-rock-er!") > Joey: I gotta admit, the man knows how to work the crowd. Anyways, come Monday, once Again, Cardinal and I are gonna make our way out to the Dixie Classic Fair. We're not gonna clear the grounds or anything, just a regular old street fight, people and all. Pigeon... I mean, Cardinal, when we get out there, your not gonna know what hit you, and when I lay you out on the ground for the world to see and hop in that cart, and rock it like even you couldn't do, I WILL BE THE CARTROCKER SUPREME! Cardinal, just remember one thing...Its not delivery, Its Dejourno. > (00Pimp leave the ring to applause as Home Improvement Inc. approaches the ring to some applause as well.) > Mike Ixnay: That guy is a nut... > Larry Nabisco: I'll agree with you on that... > (The fans give a decent pop to Saturday Night Fever, as "In The Navy" by the Village People plays.) > Mike Ixnay: Up next is our #1 contender's match for a shot at the Tag Titles as Mikey and Bernard approach the ring, and these guys are an impressive new duo... but thier tag team titles reign was cut short this Monday by the up and coming duo of Sport Jones and PMB... > Larry Nabisco: Both of those guys had impressive singles careers. I think that played a big part in that one.. > (bell rings) > Saturday Night Fever & Pastor Mark Brian v. Home Impropvement Incorporated (Rematch - winners are the #1 contenders for the Tag Titles) > Mike Ixnay: The bell has rung, and Mikey and Plumber start things off. Plumber with a front chancery, and Mikey reverses... Mikey with an early rollup...1...2..kickout... Mike with an inside craddle...1...2...kickout... Mikey with a small package...1...2...kickout... Mikey goies for another, and Plumber reverses it into a snapbrainbuster!!!Mikey slow to get up and Plumber helps him up... Plumber with a whip to the ropes and he goes for a clothesline... Mikey ducks... Mikey off the ropes, and he goes for a flying crossbody, but Plumber ducks, and Mikey slides out... Mikey leaps back to the apron whole Plumber showbots, and Plumber turns around RIGHT INTO A SPRINGBOARD HURRICANRADA FROM MIKEY!!! Mikey tags in Bernard, and Bernard in with some right jabs to the midsection on Plumber... Bernard with a Disco Dance and a hard right to the midsection... He goes for a DDT, but Plumber with a double axehandle to the nuts!!! Pluber reverses with a northern lights suplex!!! Plumber pins...1...2..kikcout... Bernard slow to get up, and Plumber with a fameasser!!! Plumber pulls Bernard to his corner and he tags in Electrcian... Claude with a hard right to the face... he's rocking Bernard across the ring with hard rights, and he has him in a corner... he whips him to the other side and does a weird dance... he goes for a stinger splash, but Bernard raises the foot... Clause with a facefull of Bernie's foot, and Bernie out of the corner with a flying lariat!!! Claude tags in Plumber... Plumber to the top as Claude pulls up Bernie and leaves the ring... Plumber off the top with a hurricanrada, but Bernie reverses it to a powerbomb!!! Bernie and Plumber are down!!! Bernie is dragging himself to the corner and he tags in Mikey!!! Mikey in and he is full of energy!!! Plumber is getting up and he sees Mikey... He freaks out and begs off... Mikey kicks him in the face and pulls him up... Mikey pulls Plumber and whips him to the ropes... Mikey clotheslines The Plumber over the top rope. The Plumber is on the outside and he grabs a chair and slides in the ring. The ref stops Plumber before he can do any damage. He backs him back into the corner and begins to chew him out. Meanwhile behind the ref's back The Electriction Claude Southerns jumps into the ring... HE HAS A LIGHTBULB!!! TURN AROUND REF!!! He hit Mikey with a light bulb, and Mikey is out!!! Bernard jumps into the ring and nails Claude with a missile dropkick knocking him out of the ring. > (All of a sudden out of the crowd comes a man who jumps into the ring and nails Bernard with a craudle pile driver. By now Plumber has thrown the chair outside the ring and has went over to Mikey after everybody is out of the ring with out being seen.) > Mike Ixnay: Who was that??? What is going on here? The Plumber stands up Mikey and nails him with the Plumber Plung!!! Plumber goes for the cover...1...2...3... > (bell rings and the mystery guy grabs a mic and enters the ring to be with the victorious Home Improvement Inc.) > Mike Ixnay: The winners are Home Improvement Incorporated who will face Sport Jones and Pastor Mark Brian for the Tag Titles this Monday, and... > The Plumber: Well after a great match we have a chance to once again win the tag team titles. And this man here has given us a hand. > The Electriction Claude Southerns: Yeah he is won of own friend and a co-workers. He was named "The Eliminator" Jason Dobson but now he is named The Carpenter. > The Carpenter: Yeah now that I have joined Home Improvement Incorparated I will be vitciory with my friends Plumber and Claude here. We will dominate!!! > (The fans boo Home Improvement Incorporated as Mikey and Bernard leave the ring.) > Mike Ixnay: Well, at this time, we're being told we have a special announcement from the back. Take it away! > (It cuts to the back, where we see Jonas Testament sitting atop a pile of crates. His head is lowered, and Poe sits beside him, the first time we've seen her in a few weeks. Testament's ragged leather jacket sits on her shoulders. Testament raises his head.) > Jonas: So, the reviewers seem to think that Testament can just be kicked aside? They rave for my brother, and his rich friends. The fact is, they are all falling. Did Cross not see the Main Event this past week? I think this proves who the best team in NEW today is. Regardless who has the titles, the dancing fools, the plumbers, the preachers, we are here to stake out claim to all of the belts in NEW. Sniper wins the World title at LOTR5. I claim the Hardcore title for my own in due time. Proctor and Trevor shall have the Tag Team titles within a matter of weeks. It has just begun. Soon, all of NEW shall feel the torture that we experience every day. Soon, they shall neter the pit. Soon, they shall all be one of The Fallen.... > (The feed ends. The camera goes back to the arena where Steele is in the ring, and PMB is entering the ring. The bell rings.) > Shawn Steele v. Pastor Mark Brian > Mike Ixnay: The bell has rung, and Steele jumps PMB from behind as he takes off his robe. Steele is putting the robe over PMB's face, and he is punding him down... giving PMB the beatdown... that Jonas guy is a creep isn't he? > Larry Nabsico: I think all of The Fallen are... but that's just me... > Mike Ixnay: PMB is down, and Steele is kicking him... Steele is showboating now, and PMB is getting the robe off of him... Steele turns around and pulls up PMB... Steele with a whip to the ropes... PMB ducks a clothesline, and counters with an inziguri!!! Steele is dazed, and PMB with a clip from behind... Steele is down, and PMB goes for a figure four, but Steele shoves him off. PMB falls back, and Steele back up and clothesline on PMB!!! He turned PMB inside out with that one as he pulls him back up... Steele with some stiff chops to the chest... Steele is pushing PMB back with those chops, and he has him backed up into a corner... Steele climbs the ropes, and he punches... > crowd: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!!! > Mike Ixnay: PMB falls down, and Steele to the middle turnbuckle now... Steele is prepping an elbow, and he leaps off... he nails PMB with the elbow... PMB is trying to get to the ropes, and the fans are responding!!! > (The fans begin to chant "PMB!!! PMB!!! PMB!!!") > Mike Ixnay: The fans are chanting PMB's name, hoping for a comeback!!! PMB is to the ropes and he is trying to pull himself up... Steele is kicking away at his back and Steele with some back rakes and some kidney punches... PMB is on his feet, and Steele with a stiff chop!!! PMB wakes up with a nosell and he is mad looking!!! The fans are gooing crazy!!! Steele with an even harder chop!!! PMB is beating on his cheast, and Steele is begging off!!! Steele with another chop, but PMB counters with a chop of his own... PMB is going to work on Steele now, and Steele stops him doead in his tracks with a knee to the gut... Steele sets him up... IT'S THE STEELEDRIVER!!! THIS ONE IS OVER!!! Steele goes for the pin...1...2...KICKOUT!!! THE FANS ARE GOING CRAZY!!! THEY CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!PMB is getting up, and Steele goes for a kick to the head, and PMB shakes it off... Steele pulls up PMB and whip to the ropes... PMB ducks the clothesline, and PMB back and he ducks a big boot... PMB with an insiguri and Steele is dazed... PMB WITH A GOTHDROP!!! THIS COULD BE OVER!!! PMB goes for the cover...1...2...3... PMB wins!!! PMB with an impressive victory over former World Champion, Shawn Steele... > Larry Nabsico: Steele is great competitor, but he has to get the rust out. I think the bullet wound from a few months back has gotten him a little rusty... > Mike Ixnay: Fans, I'm being told that we're being transfered now to the Arch, where there is a cage set up outside of the arch. It's cold and snowing outside here in St. Louis, Missouri... > (Camera transfers to the Arch in St. Louis, where you see a huge cage and ring set up, and Trey Reed enters the cage with a singapore cane, and a steel chair.) > Sport Jones v. Trey Reed (Ultimate Atheletes' Title - Freezing Cage Match): The match is held outdoors in the freezing temperature inside of an enclosed cage. Both wrestlers will bring thier own weapons to the ring. > Mike Ixnay: This one is underway, and both men are shivering... they weren't allowed to wear coats for this one... they were told that they had to wrestle in regular wrestling tights, and you see Sport going for a clothesline to start things off, and Trey goes for a cane blow, Sport ducks... Sport takes the heavy chain, and hits Trey with it!!! Trey falls back, and Sport turns him inside out with a clothesline over the top rope!!! Trey landed in the snow, and he is freezing his ass off!!! These two men could catch pneumonia out here!!! Sport follows out and he goes for Trey with the cane, but TREY THROWS SNOW IN SPORT'S FACE!!! Trey with an elbow, and a snap suplex on the snow!!! These two men are cold, and still going at it... Trey sees a snowshovel in the corner of the cage, and he dumps a scoop full on top of Sport and follows up with a shovelshot!!! Sport looks like a piece of frozen meat... he's bleeding all overthe place!!! Trey is setting up a table nearby, and Sport is hobbling back to his feet. Sport grabs the cane again, and he levels Trey with it!!! Trey is leaning up against it, and Sprt runs back for a running start... Sport goes for a stinger splash, but TREY MOVES OUT OF THE WAY!!! Sport gets a mouthfull of broken table with that one, and Trey jumps up on the aporon and climbs to the top... SUICIDE DIVE ON SPORT BY TREY REED!!! Reed pulls Sport back up and rolls him in the ring... Trey has a chair, and he slides back in... Trey leaps up and ARABIAN FACEBUSTER WITH THE CHAIR!!! Sport is a bloody mess! Trey drops the chair on Sport Jones and he goes to the top... Trey with a 360 sentan splash off the top, and Sport rolls out of the way!!! Trey falls flat on his back, and Jones gets up and grabs the chair... Jones waits and he goes for a chairshot!!! Trey ducks, and Trey counters... VANDAMINATOR ON JONES!!! Trey goes for the pin...1...2..kickout!!! Trey pulls up Jones and MICHINOKU DRIVER!!! Trey pins...1...2...kickout!!! Trey pulls up Jones and he is going for a neckbrace, but Jones reverses... IT'S A SLAMDUNK!!! Sport pulls him back up and IT'S THE ANGLER!!! Jones pins...1...2...3... Sport Jones wins!!! > Larry Nabisco: What a match!!! > Mike Ixnay: Sport Jones is on fire tonight!!! I'm being told that Jade Diamond has some prerecorded comments as we go to a commercial... > (We cut to the back, where Jade Diamond sits in front of a sparkling mirror. He reviews his face, analyzing details and smiling. Dressed in his best Armani leather suit, Jade slowly turns toward the camera.) > Jade: Damn, I really am that good, aren't I? Yes, I > am. Anyway, I get tonight off. Good, cause I'm busy getting ready for Monday. Grendel, the over-grown tree-trunk himself, is about to fall down HARD. See, in the story Beowulf, the hero is much smaller. The odds are stacked against him, and then he rips off Grendel's arm. He kills the beast. Monday, I kill the NEW's beast. Your height doesn't help against a man too quick to stop. Your strength won't save you if you can't touch me. You see, I don't care how many titles you held. I don't care who you've beaten. I don't care how tall you are. I just don't care. This Monday, just call me friggin' Beowulf... > (The feed ends, and a commercial for off-brand Trent Raven laxative cookies plays.) > (The camera fades back as "Something I Can Never Have" by NIN plays and Trent Raven, Ares, and Rick Derringer approach the ring.) > Mike Ixnay: Welcome back fans, it is time for our Survivor Series Match! The rivalry between these two factions has risen to a boiling point these past few weeks and tonight, they have a chance let it all out... > Larry Nabisco: This could get ugly, you have four former World Champs in Ares, Raven, Steve and GRENDEL; an up and comer in Derringer, and a former Powers memeber in the ring all at the same time and something is gonna happen!!! > ("Paper Sun" by Def Leppard plays Stunnin Steve and GRENDEL approach the ring.) > Mike Ixnay: Wait a second, where is thier partner? > Larry Nabsico: I dunno... maybe they are gonna bring him out last... > Stunnin Steve: Hey yo, Trent... Ares... Derringer... our mystery partner is in the back getting geared up... until then, I think we can take you out ourselves, so ring that bell over there ham and egger... > Mike Ixnay: What??? > Special Survivor Series Match: The Man They Call GRENDEL, Stunnin Steve, & ??? v. Trent Raven, Ares, & "The Outlaw" Rick Derringer (Winner will be the Hardcore Champ) > Mike Ixnay: The bell has rung, and I can't believe the odasity of Steve... Raven seems to be nervous... only two Powers members at ringside in Steve and Grendel, and I guess Ares is staring off aganst Steve... no offense to Steve, but I know dinosaurs that are younger... damn! > Larry Nabisco: Well, he is a former NEW and ICW World Champ, he trained JJ Hart who would wind up winning the FoWWW World Title... > Mike Ixnay: The FoWho? Steve challenges Ares to a GrecoRoman knuckle lock, and Ares ahppily accepts, and I hear crackling... Ares is over powering Steve and Steve looks to be in pain!!! I guess it comes from being and crepid old bastard! Steve to the ropes and he hooks a leg under the bottom rope. The ref is calling for a break, and STEVE WITH AN EYEGOUGE!!! Steve with a backrake and the ref is trying to restore order as Steve bites Ares in the face...1...2...3...4....5... the ref calls for a break, and Steve back to the face with a gouge... the ref is trying to get Steve to back off, and Steve with a forearm to the back of Ares... Steve is working Ares to the back with forearms, and he sends him to a neutral corner... Steve with an attempted irish whip, but Ares reverses... Steve to the buckles, and Ares from behind with a high knee!!! Stevbe bumps the corner one more time, and Ares off the ropes and he catches Steve with a swinging neckbreaker!!! Ares goes for a tag, and he tags in Raven!!! Steve runs to his corner and tags in GRENDEL!!! GRENDEL and Raven with a staredown, and now they lock up... Grendel shoves Trent to the ropes, and laughs at him... Grendel is snickering with Steve, and RAVEN FROM BEHIND WITH A ROLLUP...1...2... KICKOUT, AND GRENDEL WITH A BOOT TO THE FACE!!! Derringer is trying to get in, and the ref is holding him out... Steve is in and he and GRENDEL are doubleteaming Trent... sending him into the corner, and GRENDEL with a foot choke while Steve is propping Trent's legs against the ropes... ARES TO THE OTHER SIDE, AND HE PULLS STEVE OUT!!! ARES AND STEVE BRAWLING ON THE OUTSIDE, AND GRENDEL WITH SOME KICKS TO THE LEGS OF RAVEN... This is not pretty... SOMEONE COMES OUT FROM THE CROWD AND ATTACKS ARES WITH A CHAIR!!! WHAT THE HELL??? I DIDN'T GET A GOOD LOOK AT HIM, BUT SOMETHING IS FISHY... HE HAD A MASK ON, AND STEVE WITH A SIDE SUPLEX ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!! Steve is spitting at Ares, and Derringer is on the outside trying to get Steve to get away from Ares... in the meantime, Grendel hiptosses Raven out of the corner... Raven gets right up and SPEAR!!! OH MY GOD!!! TRENT RAVEN WITH A SPEAR ON GRENDEL!!! Trent is pulling him up and he looks like he is going for a suplex, but Steve in now with an axehandle to the back... Trent lets go of GRENDEL and Steve begs off... GRENDEL FROM BEHIND WITH A FOREARM, AND THE REF IS HOLDING OFF ARES AND DERRINGER AGAIN!!! STEVE AND GRENDEL WITH A DOUBLEPOWERBOMB ON RAVEN!!! Steve is biting a fallen Raven, and HE'S DRIBBLING HIS HEAD OFF THE MAT WHILE GRENDEL AUGHS!!! THIS IS SICK!!! Steve back out onto the apron as GRENDEL pulls up Trent... the ref turns around, and tag made by GRENDEL to Steve... Steve in and he goes to work on the ribs of Raven... Steve is rocking him to the turnbuckles, and he has Raven cornered... Steve climbs to the middle turnbuckle and he punches... > crowd: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10!!! > Mike Ixnay: Steve leaps off and poses for the crowd, but RAVEN SHAKES IT OFF!!! RAVEN NO SELLS!!! TURN AROUND STEVE!!! Steve turns around and into a SPEAR!!! Raven pulls Steve up and EVENFLOW DDT!!! THAT'S RAVEN'S MOVE!!! Steve is down and Raven with a pin...1...2.. GRENDEL breaks the count... Ares and Derringer are coming in, and that masked man is back out... he holds Ares' leg, and Derringer is working over Steve as GRENDEL throws Raven out... GRENDEL from behind Derringer with a knee... GRENDEL spins Derringer around and into a chokeslam!!! Ares is still fighting with the guy on the outside, and STEVE PULLS ARES IN BY THE TRUNKS... Ares turns around and shoves Steve... Steve with a clothesline, and Ares ducks... Steve catches the ropes as Grendel catches Ares with a chokeslam!!! Steve and GRENDEL towering over Ares now, and they pull him up... DOUBLE POWERBOMB BY GRENDEL AND STEVE!!! GRENDEL PINS...1...2...3... ARES IS OUT!!! > Larry Nabisco: This has been a one sided bout so far tonight... > Mike Ixnay: But it is evened up for the moment... the masked man is running off into the crowd, and Steve and GRENDEL continue to work over Derringer... Steve pulls up Derringer and send him to GRENDEL... CHOKESLAM!!! Steve and GRENDEL have dominated this match all night, and RAVEN IS SLIPPING BACK IN... STEVE AND GRENDEL HIGH FIVE, AND RAVEN ROLLS UP STEVE...123... WHAT THE HELL??? > Larry Nabsico: STEVE IS OUT!!! > Mike Ixnay: Yeah, but that was the FASTEST count I've ever seen... Raven is jumping up and down, and GRENDEL CATHCES HIM WITH A KICK... IT'S A POWERBOMB!!! GRENDEL SPITS ON RAVEN AND DERRINGER ROLLS UP GRENDEL...1...2.. GRENDEL OUT, AND STEVE IS TRYING TO GET INVOLVED, BUT THE REF IS HOLDING HIM BACK... DERRINGER WITH A CLOTHESLINE AND STEVE PULLS THE REF IN THE WAY... THE REF IS OUT!!! OH MY GOD!!! > Larry Nabisco: You huyped up on speed tonight??? > Mike Ixnay: FUCK YOU!!! The ref is down, and Steve with a legdrop on the ref as Derringer falls back and GRENDEL catches him... GRENDEL WITH A CHOKESLAM!!! GRENDEL GOES FOR THE PIN...1...2....3.... DERRINGER IS OUT!!! > Larry Nabsico: This is looking awful thin for Raven as Steve is still in the ring... > (The fans give a big pop) > Mike Ixnay: IT'S BOWEN DANES!!! BOWEN DANES IS ON HIS WAY TO THE RING!!! WHAT THE FUCK??? > Larry Nabisco: What is he doing here??? > Mike Ixnay: I dunno, but Bowen is on his way out and Raven is trying to get up... Raven with a lowblow from behind on GRENDEL and Steve is rolling the ref out... Raven spins GRENDEL around and EVENFLOW DDT!!! RAVEN PINS, AND A SUBSTITUTE REF IS TRYING TO GET IN THE RING, AND BOWEN SHOVES HIM BACK... THEY ARE ARGUING, AND BOWEN LEVELS HIM WITH A SHORT CLOTHESLINE!!! 1...2...3...4...5... GODDAMNIT, GET A REF IN THERE!!! BOWEN IS IN AND HE HAS A CHAIN AROUND HIS FIST... HE LEVELS TRENT RAVEN!!! > (bell rings) > Mike Ixnay: This is sick... Bowen took out Raven and he is whipping him into a figure four... fans, that bell means one thing... Trent Raven wins by a disqualification, and he is paying for it right now... he could have won by pinfall, but these thugs... The Powers, they have sabotaged this bout... Steve has a pair of hand cuffs and he pulls Trent's arms to the ropes... he is cuffing him to the ropes while bowen applies more pressure... GRENDEL is getting up and Steve grabs the Hardcore Title... he is handing it over to GRENDEL and the fans aren't liking this... > (The fans start chanting "ASSHOLE!!! ASSHOLE!!!" as Steve grabs a mic and Bowen releases the hold.) > Stunnin Steve: Your winner... and new Hardcore Champion... The Man They Call GRENDEL!!! > (The fans boo as GRENDEL holds up the belt.) > Stunnin Steve: And I have to welcome back the man, the myth, and ICW's last World Champ... BOWEN DANES!!! > Bowen Danes: STUNNIN... WHOO... STEVE!!! > (The fans give Bowen a mixed reaction) > Bowen Danes: I'm back in the NEW and back in The Powers... I've got some old scores to settle, and a few new ones to start... NEW, the highest fyin'est, wheeling dealing, kid stealin'... WHOO... 60 minute man is back to kick some ass!!! WHOO!!! > Stunnin Steve: And if you ain't down with that... you can meet us... down there... > The Man They Call GRENDEL: Down WHERE??? > Stunnin Steve: Down THERE!!! > (All The Powers give a big crotch chop to a booing crowd.) > Bowen Danes & Stunnin Steve: Whether you like it or you don't like it... it the best thing going today!!! > (The Powers leave as TombStone and Heather approach the ring.) > Mike Ixnay: What a disgusting dispaly by The Powers That Be... > Larry Nabisco: I liked it!!! NEW old school style!!! > Mike Ixnay: Oh my... > ("Nookie" by Limp Bizkit plays as Sniper approaches the ring.) > Mike Ixnay: Up next is our Main Event for the night as Sniper approaches the ring... lately he's been a lost soul. A man with no mission, but he has made it clear earlier that he is going to fight for that belt for a long time. We talked in the back earlier today, and he said that with The Powers supporting him, he feels like there is still a reason for him to hold that belt... something he wants back... RESPECT. > Larry Nabsico: All he has to do is go beat up some people... he can do it! > (bell rings) > MAIN EVENT: Sniper v. TombStone (World Title Match) > Mike Ixnay: The bell rings, and the two combatants shake hands in a show of good sportsmanship to start this one off. Did you read in that cold sneer from both men as they shook hands? > (Larry is lighting up his bong) > Larry Nabisco: What? > Mike Ixnmay: Nevermind... they lock up and Tomb with a full arm drag and twist... applying pressure to the shoulders and Sniper with a reversal into an armlock from behind... Sniper applying pressure, and Tomb trying to reverse... trying to jut his hip inward, and he hiptosses Sniper out of the hold... Sniper to the neutrtal corner, and Tomb is waiting for him to get up... > (The fans clap) > Mike Ixnay: The two men back to a lock up and Tomb is muscling Sniper down with the test of strength, and SNIPER WITH AN ARMDRAG OUT OF THE LOCKUP!!! Tomb up and Sniper with a snapmare... Sniper with a headlock, and notice how he has his knee digging into the back of Tomb... Sniper applying pressure to the back, and Tomb is trying to wiggle to the ropes... he's pretty close and he gets the foot on the bottom rope... a clean break from Sniper... what's this? A bow of courtesy from Sniper? I think he's being downright arrogant and sarcastic right now to be honest... Tomb back up and he has some rash words to say to Sniper... Sniper is mouthing him back and TOMB SLAPS SNIPER!!! SNIPER SLAPS BACK... OH MY GOD, IT'S A BITCHSLAP CONTEST!!! SNIPER IS WINNING TOO!!! Sniper rocks tomb to the ropes with some slaps and now CHOPS!!! > crowd: WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! > Mike Ixnay: Sniper whips Tomb off the ropes, and Sniper goes for a clothesline, and Tomb ducks... SPINNING BACK HEEL KICK FROM TOMBSTONE!!! Tomb is raising the roof!!! Heather is up on the apron going through her purse... Tomb is pulling up Sniper and Heather pulls out... A DILDO!!! Just kidding... a stick of lipstick!!! She is dressing up Sniper's face with the makeup and... > TombStone: Doesn't he just look PRECIOUS?!?!?!? > Mike Ixnay: HEATHER WITH A SLAP TO SNIPER!!! Tomb with a tiger suplex and he drops Sniper right on his head... Tomb turns around to laugh, and Sniper right back up!!! Tomb is kissing Heather, and Sniper with a clothesline!!! Tomb and Heather collide and Sniper with a rollup...1...2...3 no... Tomb back up and tomb with an attempted clothesline, but Sniper ducks... he snaps him right into a rolling german suplex!!! Sniper just dumped tomb right on HIS head!!! Sniper is straddling Tomb punching at him, and the ref is trying to pull Sniper off of him... Sniper shoves the ref back and he continues to work over Tomb... the ref is down... HERE COMES TYRANT!!! TYRANT STORMS THE RING, AND HE KICKS SNIPER IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD... TYRANT pulls up Sniper and IT'S THE LAST REGRET!!! TYRANT spits at Sniper and tomb is getting up... TYRANT with a kick to the gut, and IT'S THE LAST REGRET ON TOMB!!! TYRANT IS LEAVING THE RING, AND BOTH MEN ARE OUT... TYRANT IS LAUGHING AS HE BACK PEDDLES, AND GRENDEL FROM BEHIND WITH A CHAIR SHOT!!! GRENDEL JUST ATTACKED TYRNAT, AND THEY ARE FIGHTING THIER WAY BACK TO THE BACK... Heather is getting back to her feet, and she grabs her purse... she is yelling at Tomb... Tomb is showing us some signs of life as he sits up... HEATHER TOSSES IN A PURSE!!! TOMB HAS THE PURSE, AND HE IS WAITING ON SNIPER TO GET UP... > (The fans pop) > Mike Ixnay: STUNNIN STEVE IS ON HIS WAY TO THE RING!!! Heather is laughing, and Steve runs to the back side of the ring... Steve in and he spins Tomb around... IT'S THE STUNNER!!! Steve is out of the ring, and Heather is griping at him... she spins him around and pokes at his chest, and Steve shoves her!!! What the hell??? Steve just shoved a woman, and the ref is finally getting to his feet... these refs are such whimps these days... the ref is counting both men out...1...2...3...4...5... Sniper rolls over and pins Tomb...1...2.. KICKOUT!!! > (The fans pop) > Mike Ixnay: What a show of intestinal fortitude from these two men... Sniper pulls up Tomb as he gets up and he goes for a punch, but Tomb blocks... a kick to the gut... DIAMOND CUTTER!!! THAT'S TOMB'S NEW FINISHER, AND HE GOES FOR THE PIN...1...2...KICKOUT!!! WHAT A MATCH!!! Tomb is arguing with the ref and he pulls up Sniper... he is setting him up for I guess a piledriver... no, IT'S AN OUTSIDER'S EDGE!!! THIS IS TOMB'S OLD FINISHER, AND SNIPER ROLLS OUT OF IT WITH A SUNSET FLIP...1...2...3 KICKOUT!!! IT'S NOT OVER!!! TOMB GOES FOR A CLOTHESLINE, BUT SNIPER DUCKS AND SWINGS HIM INTO A ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX!!! SNIPER IS SIGNALLING FOR THE KILL!!! Sniper pulls up Tomb and... SNIPERBOMB!!! SNIPER PINS...1...2...3.... SNIPER WINS!!! > Larry Nabisco: Oh my god!!! I can't believe it!!! > Mike Ixnay: Sniper with an impressive win over TombStone to retain the World Title... The Powers That Be are out now giving props to Tomb and Sniper for a good match... > (The group of men all gather around and celebrate on a well fought match between two of NEW's premire atheletes, and they all go back to the back celebrating to a chorus of cheers.) > Mike Ixnay: What a classic battle!!! Ok, I guess that's it for this special addition of TNT and.... who's that coming from the crowd??? > (huge pop) > Mike Ixnay: IT'S WOLVIE!!! > Larry Nabisco: MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!!! > (Wolvie steps in the ring with a mic) > Wolvie: WHAT'S UP MY BITCHES??? > (huge pop) > Wolvie: You know... you've been hearing that someone is coming back and no it's not that loser A-Bomb Bill, no it's not HTR, and no it's not Lance Slade... IT'S ME!!! IT'S ME!!! IT'S THE D...O... (slight pause of confusion) W..O..L..V..I..E!!! > (huge pop) > Wolvie: WHY??? Because I'm your Paragon of Virtue... I'm the Iotma of Rock n' Rollia... I'm the man of 1010 holds.. I'm the man of 1001 gimmicks... I AM your role model... and I AM THE PEOPLE'S CHAMP!!! > (huge pop) > Wolvie: So if there are any guys in the back that want to feel the wrath of the most hardcore man in NEW history next to the late, great EF... come on down and I'll put you in the DDT, DVD, DAS, and I'll take your mangled body to the back and lay it on the pavement and run you over with my FORD... > crowd: P...O...S!!! > (The fans continue to cheer, and the drunks begin to chant "Wolvie!!! Wolvie!!! Wolvie!!!". All of a sudden, the fans begin to boo and you hear someone yell "YOU SUCK!!" as Slice walks out.) > Mike Ixnay: Who is this? > Larry Nabsico: I dunno... > Slice: Hey, I may be new here, but I feel that I deserve a title shot, and noone will give me one... I guess I'll have to tear through your crepid ass to get one... > (The fans boo Slice as Wolvie laughs and smiles.) > Wolvie: What's your name little man... > Slice: It's... > crowd: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!!! > Wolvie: The fact of the matter is that your challenging the best damn champ ever in NEW and the only man to hold every title at least once. SO!!! If you want to go one on one with Wolvie... GO FOR IT!!! > Slice: Boy... > Wolvie: If you shut your mouth you can listen to the fans as they chant the great one's name... > (The crowd chants "WOLVIE!!! WOLVIE!!! WOLVIE!!!". The bell rings)) > Wolvie v. Slice (Impromptu Match) > Mike Ixnay: Well, Slice goes after Wolvie and... WOLVIE WITH A T-BONE INTO A DAS!!! REF MILES LANE IS OUT AND HE CALLS FOR THE BELL AND CALLS FOR IT AGAIN!!! > (bell rings) > Mike Ixnay: WOLVIE WINS IN LESS THAN A SECOND!!! > Larry Nabisco: WOLVIE IS DA MAN!!! NEW RECORD!!! IN .512353435 SECONDS!!! > Mike Ixnay: Do you have a stop watch??? > Larry Nabisco: YEAH!!! > Mike Ixnay: Good god... this has been wild. We'll see you Monday fans!!! > (Wolvie is doing the Alex Wright dance as The Village People are now in the ring marching around Slice's mangled body as "In the Navy" by Village People as the camera fades to credits.)