OctoberWrest 1998
(the setting opens to the backstage area of the arena where security Is trying to hold off... I think it's... IT'S DAN SWEENY!!! Dan is fighting off the guards!)
Mike Ixnay: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NEW Live on Pay Per view, and what is the deal with this???
Larry Nabisco: I don't know, but Dan Sweeny is trying to get into the building...
Mike Ixnay: Let's try to zoom in...
Dan Sweeny: Hey motha f---as, you better let my as in here!!! Let me speak to the CEO!!!
MI: And Mister Reaves is running to the back!!! What is this all aobut???
Dan Sweeny: Steve, you mother f---er, why am I not getting my air time???
MISTER Reaves: Sweeny, your contract was denied long ago. Quit trying man!!!
Dan Sweeny: Man fuck you!!!! you can't keep me off the air forever!!! Go suck one!!!
MISTER Reaves: Get him the hell out of here. You'll never work for this company again!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dan Sweeny was fired from NEW!!! What the hell???
Larry Nabisco: See what happens when we go off for vacation?
Mike Ixnay: Let's go back to the arena... sorry fans, I realize that this is a few minutes befor the PPV takes the air, but we don't have time for the ads right now... let's get to the ring!!!
Larry Nabisco: No!!! Let's follow Reaves!!! He's mad!!!
Mike Ixnay: You're right!!! He's at a phone right now and what is this???
MISTER Reaves: Is this head of security Drug Dillenger???
MISTER Reaves: I need you to keep Sweeny out of the building tonight!!! That's right!!! Do it or you're fired!!! And as for Scorpio, he is to be thrown out of the building RIGHT after his match tonight! Thanx!
Mike Ixnay: What the hell is going on here??? Reaves is really mad right now!!! And he's on his way to the ring and the fans are booing at him and throwing crap at him!!! What has he done to deserve this???
Larry Nabisco: Well, you heard the conversations just now, so I figure that this is one of the reasons...
Mike Ixnay: CEO Reaves is going to the ring right now and he has a mic!!!
MISTER Reaves: First of all, I'd like to address that lowlife, Dan Sweeny!!!
(the fans boo at CEO)
MISTER Reaves: Sweeny, you just remember who made you a star!!! It was me, so I have two words for ya... bite me okay???? You'll never work here again as far as I am concerned!!! Now for that piece of trash, Scorpio...
(the fans boo at Reaves AND Scorpio)
MISTER Reaves: Scorpio, if you continue to cross me or MISTER Murray, you will be canned from this company and you WILL never return, so with that in mind... I would like to bring out for you, the NEW Commishinoer of the NEW, MISTER Trey Murray!!!!
Mike Ixnay: What?!?!?!?!?!?
Larry Nabisco: Trey is the new Commishioner??? What the hell is Reaves doing???
Mike Ixnay: I don't know, but the fans are not liking this one bit!!!
MISTER Reaves: I am sick and tired of official not doing what they are supposed to do, and not doing thier damn job, so I have this to say to the men that USED to help me run this place, you're fired Dan and Z!!! You're both fired from this company!!! You can both suck it!!!!
Mike Ixnay: WOW!!!
Trey Murray: You boys don't seem to remeber too well, Steve and I have and always will run the show! We started this place up to destroy the Highway, and we brought to you the best wrestling that anyone can offer, and this is how you repay us by taking in Fuego and Ares??? You can both take a flying leap for all I care. And Ares, you told me to bob on it one time recently? Well, Reaves and I have done the Lorrena Bobbit on your pals, Dan AND Z and cut them off.
MISTER Reaves: It's like I said before, DON'T CROSS THE BOSS!
Trey Murray: Because we run a tight ship and you have just been thrown off board!!!
(the fans are booing at Reaves and Murray as the commentators are sighing in disgust)
Mike Ixnay: Man, I am glad I am not Z or Dan right now...
Larry Nabisco: But that COULD be us soon!!! I wonder if he's trying something... I thought that little "all expenses paid trip" for us was a little suspicious...

Stunnin Steve v. RipTide:
("Voodoo Child" by Jimi Hendrix plays as GRENDEL accompanies Stunnin Steve to the ring)
Mike Ixnay: And we are all set for the opening bout on OctoberWrest here LIVE on NEW!!!
Larry Nabisco: Don't you mean Pay Per View???
Mike Ixnay: Same difference... ayways, we have the two guys that both seem to be laides men coming to the ring, but man... where is Scotty G???
Larry Nabisco: Well, Mike... as you know, they had him committed to Bellvue... I think that Scotty is really losing it man... what is going on here???
Mike Ixnay: I don't know, but anyways, Steve and GRENDEL are in the ring and they have the mic...
Stunnin Steve: Well, well, well, well.... if it isn't the showstopper to start off the action tonight! GRENDEL, I think that tonight I should be the Goldberg immitator!!!
GRENDEL: Be my guest bro!!!
Stunnin Steve: Bring that wet pile of clothes, RipFart out here right now!!!
("Come With Me" by Puff Daddy plays as RipTide approaches the ring)
Mike Ixnay: Where is Trevor the Raven at???
Larry Nabisco: Didn't you hear? He has a new gimmick and it starts tonight!!!
Mike Ixnay: For his big TV Tite match for tonight!
Larry Nabisco: You don't mean....
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: The bell rings an GRENDEL has Riptide's attention!!! Get your eyes on Stunnin Steve!!!
Larry Nabisco: Too late, Stunnin Steve just nailed RT from behind... Stunnin Steve picks him up and scoop slam on the mat!!! Steve is mocking RipTide and now he pulling him back up still mocking him... Steve shoves RipTide into the corner and he is beating him senseless in the corner!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Wait!!! RipTide reverses and now he is beating him in the corner!!! Look at the fire and energy being displayed by RipTide!!!! But wait, Steve with a thumb to the eye!!! Stunnin Steve runs up behind RipTide and IT'S A STUNNER!!! Steve has RipTide down for the pin...1....2....3...... Stunnin Steve wins!!!!
(bell rings ansd Steve grabs the mic)
Stunnin Steve: Mark Brian... you're next!!!
Mike Ixnay: I can't believe this!!! Stunnin Steve obliterated RipTide in under five minutes!!!!
Larry Nabisco: I sure wouldn't want to be Scorpio or Mark Brian right now....
Mike Ixnay: Up next is a match between Steven Slash and Shadow Wulf in another TV Title first round match!!!

Steven Slash v. Shadow Wulf:
(A big howl is heard over the PA as Shadow Wulf approaches the ring to some Wolpacish rap theme)
Mike Ixnay: And here comes a new NEW rookie, Shadow wulf, who was trained by Stunnin Steve and Trent Raven! He's destined to be a big star in the NEW!
Larry Nabisco: Yeah, maybe so, but he is going up against the only man that could even come close to beating the invincible Polo. This could be good!
Mike Ixnay: You're so right Larry! Shadow Wulf is in the ring awaiting his opposition...
("Enter Sandamn" by Metallica blasts over the PA Systems as Steven slash approaches the ring)
Mike Ixnay: Here he comes, the man out looking to make a name for himself in the NEW, Steven Slash! Slash just needs his one lucky break to make it in the NEW...
Larry Nabisco: He's young and high spirited, he could actually wind up going all the way eventually!
Mike Ixnay: now I don't know about that, but he is on his way with the victory via countout over Polo recently...
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: The bell has rung and... Slash misses a clothesline and Wulf counters with a chop!!! Wulf is backing Slash into the corner with a series of chops and he has him in the corner! Wulf with a cross corner whip on Slash and he send him into the turnbuckles HARD!!! Slash is in trouble here!!!
Larry Nabisco: This young Shadow Wulf guy is taking it to Slash!
Mike Ixnay: Slash rebounds adn is wobbling toward Wulf and Wulf with a Michinoku Driver!!! Wulf pins....1..2.... Slash gets out!!! Wulf is pulling Slash up and Slash with a jaw breaker on Wulf!!!! Slash has turned this match around!!! Slash is going behind Wulf and GERMAN SUPLEX ON WULF BY SLASH!!! Slash is going to the top rope and it could be all over for Shadow Wulf folks!!!
Larry Nabisco: Slash off the top rope.... IT'S A SLASHER!!!
Mike Ixnay: Slash pins.....1....2.....3..... slash wins!!!!
Micheal Buttbuffer: The winner of the match, Steven Slash!!!
Mike Ixnay: And Steven Slash moves on in the tournament!!! I am being told now that our next scheduled match has been awarded to Trevor the Raven as T is off on a tropical island??? We heard that he is stranded there?!?!?!?!?!?
Larry Nabisco: Good luck getting back Gilligan!!!
Mike Ixnay: Oh please!!!

Wolverine v. Scorpio:
(the fans boo as Scorpio approaches the ring with a contract in his hand)
Mike Ixnay: What is this??? Scorpio is approacheing the ring with a sheet of paper???
Larry Nabisco: What does this Stunnin Steve wannabe want?
Mike Ixnay: I don't know, but we are about to find out!
Scorpio: Okay, ever since I got here, no one has given me any respect! They have said that I am nothing more than a Stunnin Steve wannabe... What about me??? What about me??? I stand before you right now with my contract, to face Slash later tonight... well, I am not showing up because I quit!!!
Larry Nabisco: Good, you suck!
Scorpio: Those right wing rednecks, CEO Reaves and Commish Murray have held me back and I am not going to take it anymore!!! I understand that Th' Clint is not even in NEW anymore and will not face me for the TV Title tournament, so I guess that someone gets a bye!!!
Mike Ixnay: Who is that cming out of the crowd?!?!?!?!?!?
Larry Nabisco: It's Wolverine!!! My hero is here!!!!!
Scorpio: Don't keep cheering, I know you'll miss me!!!!
Mike Ixnay: They're not cheering for you, they're cheering for the rolemodel, Wolverine!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: Wolvie catches Scorpio from behind with a T-Bone suplex!!! Wolvie is pulling scorpio back up and... DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON SCORPIO!!!!!! Wolverine is rolling him over..... WOLVIE HAS THE DAS ON SCORPIO!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: WOLVIE WINS!!!!!
Micheal Buttbuffer: The winner of the match, Wolverine!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Is it official???? I just got word from CEO Reaves that Wolverine IS indeed the winner and WILL face Trevor the Raven THIS Monday on Massacre!!!
Larry Nabisco: Wolverine could be the next TV champion again!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Wolverine has the mic!!!!
Wolverine: Hello my fans!!!!!
(big pop for Wolverine)
Wolverine: If in case you've been wondering, Stone Cold and I got lost... we went looking for those illegal aliens... no not from space or the ones in the UFO's, but the Mexicans that kidnapped me a while back!!! Well, we got lost looking for them in Canada...
Stone Cold: Told ya......
Wolverine: Shut up!!! Well, we are back in the NEW and we are going to take back MY TV Title!!! And THIS Monday, we are going to take out that Trent Raven wannabe, Trevor and put him in the DVD, the DAS, and then we'll run him over with that Ford POS!!! Wolverine: NEW, beware, because the wolverine is back on the prowl!!!
(the fans chant "Wolvie!!! Wolvie!!!" as Wolveirne and Stone Cold leave the ring)
Mike Ixnay: Wolverine..... in Canada?????? Where did he go, the FOWWW???? We'll be back fans!!!!!
(cut to commercial for NEW LotR II for December 4, 1998)

(the camera fades back in after the commercial to scorpio in the middle of the ring throwing a "Chris Jericho" fit. The fans are laughing at Scorpio as he is showing a poor display of sportsmanship)
Mike Ixnay: Welcome back fans to OctoberWrest, and Scorpio is acting like a damn baby isn't he?
Larry Nabisco: Well, Scorpio is a little upset that he lost such a quick match, I mean... no one loses a match THAT quickly!!!
(both men laugh at Scorpio)
Mike Ixnay: Here comes CEO Reaves!!! I think that the fans are enjoying this!!! Reaves is in the ring with a mic...
CEO Reaves: Scorpio... you damn baby! I told you not to mess with me!!! didn't I tell you not to cross the boss? You are finished in this business mister, and I am going to take a special amount of pride in what is fixing to happen next... Sick 'em!!!

Scorpio v. Steven Slash:
Mike Ixnay: What is going on here??? Stunnin Steve and GRENDEL are in the ring and they have Scorpio!!!! GRENDEL is holding back Scorpio as Steve kicks him!!! And here comes Steven slash!!!! Steve is still kicking Scorpio and Slash is in the ring!!!
Larry Nabisco: This was set up long ago!!!
Larry Nabisco: And now Slash is on the top rope!!! SLASHER OFF THE TOP ROPE ON SCORPIO!!!! Slash pins....1....2....3.......
Mike Ixnay: I can't believe it!!!!
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: Just when I didn't think they could get worse!!!!
Micheal Buttbuffer: The winner of the match, Steven Slash!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: CEO Reaves is laying out... A BODYBAG?!?!?!?!?!? Stunnin Steve and GRENDEL are rolling Scorpio into it!!!!!
CEO Reaves: Scorpio just felt the wrath of The Powers That Be!!! Anyone else want a piece of Stunnin Steve and GRENDEL.... come get it!!!!! You'll end up like this sucker that is fixing to spend the night with the fishies!!!! Come on boys!!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: In all of my years of sports broadcasting, NEVER have I seen such a sick display by ANYONE!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: This is the best action I have EVER seen!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Our next match, fans, is between two up and comers to the NEW.......

Dutch Daon v. Kyle Polo:
(the crowd boos as Dr. James Maxwell approaches the runway entrance with a mic)
DJM: Hey!!!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: What?!?!?!?!?!?!?
DJM: I know you people came to see Polo beat the crap out of that whimp, Daon, but it will not happen!!!!!
(the fans boo)
Mike Ixnay: What???
DJM: I know you polobergoholics paid the big bucks to see the franchise, but he handed in his resignation yesterday! Dutch, you can tell all the people you want to that you won this one by a default, but you just remeber, that you NEVER beat Polo and you NEVER will!!!!!!
(the fans begin to cheer as CEO Reaves approaches the ring)
Mike Ixnay: here comes Mister Reaves!!!!!!
CEO Reaves: Hey Max, you can tell me that Polo is not here tonight! He's got a sopt in the battleroyal!!!!!
DJM: Reaves, does it matter? After that biased referee of yours disqualified Polo, it ruined his whole purpose for being here!!!! Why does it matter to you???
(Reaves nods his head in disgust)
DJM: Reaves, i have a mn here tonight that will fill in the void for Polo, but you have to give ME something in return!
CEO Reaves: What is that???
DJM: I'll trade you...... you ever heard of the FOWWW????
CEO Reaves: Yeah, great place!!! I sent Motorhead there once and I transfered Jeffery James there recently!!!!!
DJM: I want a top NEW star to show up there and join thier growing roster! I want them to go there adn represent the NEW with pride and honor!!!!!
CEO Reaves: No sweat! You want 'em? I'll send 'em!!!! Ya want Stunnin Steve? Or GRENDEL, the former NEW World champion? Or how about....
(DJM waves off Reaves and nods)
DJM: No man, this means more to me than you will ever know... they're all great, top notch stars here, but not like this guy! This is one of the guys that could go all the way in this sport, and he is showing it to you every day! You know it and so do I!
CEO Reaves: Lay it on me!
DJM: I want YOU'RE United States Heavyweight Champion, Trent Raven in the FOWWW!!!!!!
(the fans are shocked. Half of the audience is cheering, half are booing)
Mike Ixnay: WHAT?!?!?!?!?
CEO Reaves: You want MY United States Heavyweight Champion???
DJM: If you don't mind!
CEO Reaves: B.... but.....
DJM: But what?!?!?!?!?!?
Larry Nabisco: Mr. Reaves doesn't know what to say!!!!!!
DJM: Reaves, it's Trent or nothing!
CEO Reaves: Man, it's ultimately up to him but.....
(the fans cheer as Trent raven approaches the ring with the NEW United States Heavyweight Title draped over his shoulder)
Mike Ixnay: Here he comes right now to settle the whole fiasco!!!!!!
Trent Raven: Hey.... Dr. James Maxwell..... I can't betray Reaves' trust! He, Trey, Stunnin Steve and I started this place up! BUT....
DJM: But?!?!?!?!?
Trent Raven: If you can offer us something that we don't have.... I'll defend this belt on FOWWW soil!
(the fans boo)
Trent Raven: ALSO, if I DID happen to lose this belt I so cherish... the new champion MUST defend this belt on NEW soil at least ONCE a week!
(the fans cheer)
Mike Ixnay: It's a talent trade!!!!!!
Trent Raven: because man, I don't want any of those French-fried Canadians running off with MY belt!!!
(the fans cheer and DJM nods)
Mike Ixnay: We are experincing history in the making right here on OctoberWrest!
DJM: You want it??? You got it! The replacement for Polo will make his presence felt here tonight on the Pay Per View during the battleroyal!!!
(the fans blow the roof off with a huge pop)
Mike Ixnay: How about that fans??? An FOWWW Superstar will make his NEW debut TONIGHT here on Pay Per View!!!
Larry Nabisco: I still can't believe my ears! Is this straight from FOWWW Owner Breualt's mouth??????
Mike Ixnay: I can't believe this either!!!! I don't know what power DJM has over there, but this is exciting!!!!!! Trent Raven is still in the ring and he has a mic.....
Trent Raven: Hey, I have a title to defend, so let's bring out my "lucky top contender!!!

Trent Raven v. The Green Dragon (United States Title):
(the four corners of the ring explode and the lights dim as some loud music plays over the PA System. The fans are going wild as the arena suddenly lights up as the fireworks go off at the runway with a smaller figure walking down the entrance way throught eh fireworks)
Mike Ixnay: I can't believe it!!! Is it?????
Larry Nabisco: Nah, it can't be!!!!!!
(the figure walks down the runway wearing a mask and green tights)
Mike Ixnay: Oh man..... is it??????
(the man has a mic and is directing toward Trent Raven)
man: Trent, you used to know me as trevor the Raven... most people knew me for what I was not... which was a ripoff of you! So tonight, I start over against you, as The Green Dragon!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: Wha???
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: The bell rings, the match is underway and Trent goes for an early clothesline, but TREVOR CATHCES HIS ARM AND SPINS HIM AROUND INTO A HEADSCISSOR TAKEDOWN!!!!
Larry Nabisco: What?????
Mike Ixnay: Trevor... er, dragon is keeping Trent grounded!!!! Trent back up and A HIPTOSS BY DRAGON!!!! AND ANOTHER!!!!! Trevor, now known as Dragon, is on fire!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: He's looking good tonight!
Mike Ixnay: Dragon has Trent stagered!!! Dragon jumps on top of Trent and STANDING ARABIAN FACEBUSTER ON TRENT RAVEN!!!! Dragon pulls up Trent and he is sending Trent falling into the turnbuckles with a nice combination of martial arts kicks!!!!
Larry Nabisco: Oh man, I think that the Ultimo dragon is famous for that combination!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: You're right Larry! That's exactly what it was and Dragon climbs the ropes and takes trent down with a legscissor DDT out of the corner!!!! Dragon is showing off an impressive display of wrestling talent tonight!!!!
Larry Nabisco: I never knew that he could do this!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dragon is rolling Trent over into an.... THAT'S A CLASSICAL WRESTLING HOLD!!!! DRAGON HAS TRENT IN AN OCTOPUS!!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: He has him in a bad predictiment here!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dragon adjust to a pin...1....2.... Raven rolls it onto dragon...1....2.... Dragon rolls it itno the ropes!!!!! The ref is calling for the break...1....2....3...4...5.... the ref is having to release the hold!!!!!! Dragon rolls Trent up...1....2.... Trent kicks out!!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: I've never seen Dragon fight with so much heart!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dragon has trent up and BRAINBUSTER ON TRENT RAVEN!!!! Dragon goes to the legs and IT'S AN INDIAN DEATHLOCK!!!! Trent is in pain!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: Trevor.... er Dragon is relly impressing me tonight!
Mike Ixnay: Trent is dragging himself to the ropes!!!! Dragon is pulling back with all of his might!!!!! Listen to the fans get behind these two!!!!
Larry Nabisco: the fans have NEVER seen anything like this!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Dragon is still pulling but trent made it to the ropes for the break....1....2.....3....4....5.... the ref is untangling thier legs, and Trent is slow to get back to his feet...... Dragon grabs trent by his waist....... Dragon is trying to suplex him back, but trent is pulling all of his weight the other way..... DRAGON SUPLEX ON TRENT RAVEN BY DRAGON!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: OH NO!!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Oh no is right, because Trent landed on Dragon as he went back with all of his weight!!!!!! It could be anyone's match now!!!!! Trent is straingin to get back up using the ropes, Dragon is getting up and..... Trent catches him!!!!!! Trent is ready for the...... DIVE BOMB ON DRAGON!!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Trent pins....1...2...3..... I can't believe it!!!!!!!
Micheal Butbuffer: the winner of the match, and STILL the NEW United States Heavyweight champion...... Trent Raven!!!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Look at this, Trent is holding the belt up and..... what? dragon is crying????
Larry Nabisco: He did so well..... He put out so much effort and fought with all of his heart!!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: I can't believe it!!!!!!
Trent Raven: Hey......
(Dragon looks over at Trent Raven)
Trent Raven: If everyone I stepped in the ring with put out that kind of effort and spirit, I wuld not be standing here the united States champion right now..... You did your best and you shouldn't be ashamed! You gave me the best fight I EVER had, and you have the makings of a future champion....
(Dragon has a more spirited look on his face as Trent raven extends his hand)
Mike Ixnay: I've never seen anything like this folks!
Larry Nabisco: I haven't seen this in years...... sortsmanship! this is as good as it gets! Two guys killing each other then congratulating each other on a job well done!!!!!
(Dragon and trent shake hands and embrace as the fans go wild)
Mike Ixnay: Days like this make me feel good inside! Trent and dragon leave the ring together to the approval of the roaring fans! Up next is a classic "good guy v. bad guy" encounter as the "unholy one" Stunnin Steve faces off against Pastor Mark Brian. Let's go to the ring with our next match!