Keene Chapter meets on the first and third Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. We meet at the Masonic Temple at 91 West Street in Keene, N.H. The phone number at the Temple is 352-3125. Our Dad Advisor is Paul Gowell, Jr. (phone 352-1416), the Chairman of our Advisory Council is G Kendall Bemis, Jr. (phone 876-4472) and our Master Councilor is Chet Lapointe.
The officers installed at our Installation on February 15, 1998
Master Councilor | Chester L. Lapointe II |
Senior Councilor | Ryan Duhaime |
Junior Councilor | Matt Trombley |
Senior Deacon | Mike Athanaopoulis |
Junior Deacon | Tim Moreland |
Senior Steward | Al Bayer |
Junior Steward | Charles Saunders |
Orator | Terry Web |
Scribe | Richard Lapointe |
Sentinel | Chris Kirstian |
Chaplain | Wayne Clements, Jr. |
Standard Bearer | Arthur White |
Almoner | Justin Pratt |
Treasurer | Adrian Rollaeu |
1st Preceptor | Brandon Dean |
Members of our Chapter who are State Officers are:
Chet Lapointe | State Master Councilor |
Matt Trombley | State Junior Coucilor |
Richard Lapointe | State Senior Deacon |
Jason Ratliff | State Orator |
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