edited October 22,2008
Retyped letters of copies from NYGBS sent to me in 1977. These are letters that the society has from a file of M.E. Stage of Kansas City, MO from 1905-1911. She was doing genealogy research on the Stage name. Some of the pages are difficult to read and some are not factual.
I am trying to connect her Peter Stage (buried in Stafford, Genesee Co.,NY), to James Stage of Erie Co., NY. The spelling varies i.e. STAGE, SAGE, STAGG, STEIGE and even HEK, HAG and HAGMAN in some Dutch transcripts.
Letter written by Mary E. Stage about 1910 to Charles Collard Adams, author, compiler of Middletown Upper Houses, Crommwell Conn.
My great grandfather Peter Stage and his eldest son, James, both fought at the sortie of Fort Erie, and battle of Lundy's Lane at Black Rock, etc., and helped spike the cannon to prevent their falling into the British hands. They helped carry Lt. Winfield Scott, so severely wounded there in the Dr. Rand room of the new museum of the Holland Land Co., then the old land office, presided over by Ebenezer Mix, old land office clerk of the Holland Land Purchase Co. Peter and his wife, Mahala Frazer, nursed Lt. Scott for three weeks-she cooking every mouthful he ate, and no others cooking would he tasted saying she was the finest cook he ever knew-until he was carried on their shoulders to Philadephia. I stood in the Dr. Rand room myself in August 1904, and read the large card stating that Gen. Scott was nursed in that room after the battle of Lundy's Lane.
Mahala Fraser was the eldest daughter of Wm. Fraser and Rachel Edsall, and granddaughter of Capt. Jacobus Edsall and Charlotte Barton. Are any of the Bartons in your book? Major DeKay married either her aunt or sister, and the NY and NJ DeKays are all related to us, likewise all the Varnums of New England and NY. Have you the name of Mrs. Molly Butler Varnum and Caleb Butler in your Butlers ?
I will send a copy of your letter to Mr. George Butler and his sister, Mrs. Sarah Ann (Butler) Howell of Clio, Mich. Mr. Butler, I regret to say is very nearly blind. He is 79 or 80 now and his sister is over 80. His father lived to be 90, and his wife, Philena, was 93 at her death. There are very many Butlers here-some Joel Butlers also. I will do my best to help dispose of some of your valuable work, if possible.
To my keen regret, I am unable to purchase an expensive book as your Middletown Upper Houses {she purchased one later}, but intend urging our Public School Librarian, Mrs. Carrie Westlake Whitney, to purchase a copy for the Genealogical section of the library here. There are so many Paynes {sic}, one F.T. Ranney, whose father has a copy (he lives in Mo., forget the name of the place), Butlers, Whites, {cannot make out next line on original}.....would desire to own a copy if I can spare the price, I certainly mean to have one. But I have ordered a copy of each of the "Staggs and Stoutenburghs" by W.S. Eliot of NY City, and the "Staggs and Stages" by Dr. Mahlon M. Stage of Dover NJ, and the "DeKay Genealogy" now being compilied in NY City, as are the other two, and all of wich will be expensive books, and feel as though I could hardly afford another one just now.
But I should love to own a copy, and as soon as I can-if you have an old copy left over, will try to get it. I already own a copy of "Brown Genealogy" compiled by Cryus H. Brown of Westerly RI, the "Varnums of Dracut, Mass.", by John Marshall Varnum, of 8 State St., Bostosn, Mass. and also "Preakness and the Preakness Reformed Church of Preakness NJ" by Rev. Geo. W. Labaw, of Paterson NJ.
I am earnestly attempting to collect the genealogy of my own Stagg and Stage ancestry, and lack the names of Peter Stagg's parents and grandparents, and names and numbers and dates and places of all births, marriages and deaths of members from 1764 back to 1669. Had not the 1st Federal Census of 1790 been destroyed in Washington by the British in 1812-could have had all this data long since.
I have exchanged with Dr. Labaw for a copy of his book-copies of all the Stagg and Stage records I have collected, and he and Mr. John Neafie of NY City are greatly interested in same-and may try to compile it sometime. I am anxious to complete it as soon as possible. I have also Root, Bartlett, Spencer and other New England ancestors. Ladds, Pecks, Sargents, etc.
James Mitchell Coburn, his brother, my sister, self, little nephew and my aunt Mary J. McLellan Copley's children are the only Varnum descendants in K.C. Gen. Cadle's Rev. Library is exceedingly fine, and as he brings it up here twice a year to the annual meetings, I have several times consulted it. The MO. chapter of S.A.R. is very strong.
I hope cousin George and his sister will take one of your books. If you would care to have such data for your forth coming supplement, I would gladly give you copies of the Ranney-Butler and Payne records I sent you, also of Capt. Charles Butler's Family Bible, if I can get it-this is difficult, as they are both old, and do not answer any letters. So we write them often.
Copy of letter from Brevt. Brig. Geo. H. Hitchcock to Mrs. E. Stagg Gallagher, 459 Lenox Ave. N.Y. City, June 7, 1905.
Remarks of Mrs. Gallagher on this letter:
"This is on my grandfather's side. There are so many THOMAS, JOHN, JACOB,
WILLIAM and ISAAC, that it is no small task to trace them all out. Will just copy
a few of what I have, so you can judge for yourself."
Mrs. E.S. Gallagher
459 Lenox Ave.
N.Y. City
Dear Mrs. Gallagher:
Since my letter of yesterday, I have found a copy of the genealogy of ou families. The following is all I have relating to the STAGGS.
..THOMAS STAGG and CATHERINE DURYEA VAN ROUST (widow of CORNELIUS VAN ROUST) were married Nov. 7, 1786. MARY, 1st wife of THOS. STAGG died May 18, 1782
.. CATHERINE, 2nd wife of THOS. STAGG died July 27, 1819.
..JACOB DURYEA STAGG born Sept. 28, 1787.
The above is all I have of the STAGG family. My father's mother was SARAH VAN ROUST. I am descended from the HOWARDS, TRUMBULLS, DURYEAS, VAN ROUSTS and LeJOHN"S You must excuse this penmenship, am using the only pen I have with me. Should you wish to know if any of the STAGG family (males) served in any of the early wars, and will write to Geo. R. Howell, State Archivest, University of the State of New York, Albany, NY, he will, if any services were rendered, issue a certificate of service. I believe the charge for the search is $1.00.
In Vol. 1 of Public Papers of Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of New York. page 141, I find the name of Peter Stage, paymaster in Gen. Wm. Boyd's Brigade, Oct. 21, 1806, also, in the index of the council of Appointment, appears the names of;
.Daniel Stagg Ensign 1810
.John Peter Stagg Lieutenant 1820
.John Stagg Capt. Infantry 1786
.John Stagg Jr. Major 1789
.Peter Stagg Ensign 1800, 1802 premoted, 1809 Major
......All of the above were of NY County .....
My impression is that the STAGG family were attendants of the old Dutch Reformed Church. You may receive information of marriages and etc. from the old records of the South and North Churches. The South Church was on Gardener St., now Exchange Place. The North at Nassau, Cedar and Liberty Streets.
Hoping the above may be of service to you.
I am very truly yours,
Geo. H. Hitchcock
Brevet Brig. Gen. US Vols.
(Hand written on top of page is "My Cousin")
1st letter from Mrs. Henry Gallagher (Emma Stagg) to Miss Mary E. Stage, Dated Oct. 27th 1906. Concerning our STAGG Ancestery.
Miss Mary E. Stage
Kansas City, MO
Dear Miss Stage:
In acknowledgement of your letter of Oct. 22, I want so to thank you, as I am always so glad to learn anything relative to my father's (STAGG) family, and the information you gave me relative to descent or orgin. I always thought it was strange that the motto on the coat of arms should be in French "En Dieu est ma Franca", if the family were of Holland descent. (Le Stagg is English surname of Norman-French origin). The coat of arms I will see about having copied at an early date.
I am doubly STAGG, as both my grandmother and grandfather were STAGGS, and my grandfather's father, THOMAS STAGG, married a JANE STAGG. My grandmother, MARY STAGG born in 1771, was the daughter of JOHN STAGG and ANNEKA STOUTENBURGH. She married 1795 THOMAS STAGG Sr. and JANE (STAGG, her maiden name).
Have you a copy of the NY Genealogical Record of April 1878? containing a history of the STAGG family, commencing with JOHN STAGG, who was born in 1732. His first wife was RACHEL CONKLIN and second ANNEKA STOUTENBURGH. He had a son PETER. He was born in 1780, so he could not have been your great grandfather, as you give the date of his birth as 1764.
My grandmothers brother, Major JOHN STAGG Jr. was private secetary to Gen. Washington at Valley Forge, and was appointed Chief Clerk of the War Department; was a original member of the Society of Cincinnati; was the first officer of the NY Militia who had his command in suitable uniform. At the time of his death he was High Sheriff of the County of NY, then an office of much repute. He died of yellow fever in 1803, which he contracted from his father whom he attended.
The monument you saw in the Greenwood Cemetary (if I had the date of death, could say who they were) think must be that of Anneka Stoutenburgh and her husband John Stagg. Will go look first opportunity. Major Stagg's 1st wife was Phoebe Wood, who had one daughter. She married William VanWyck. 2nd wife Margaret DePeyster. Issue 5 sons and 3 daughters.
In looking over some dates, I see there was a John Stagg, April 10, 1698 admitted by confession to Dutch Reformed Church, Hackensack, NJ, also a John Stagg enlisted in Militia Co. of Capt. Smathers, April 29, 1758. Later Capt. of Light Infantry in Gen. Wm. Malcombs Brigade, New York County, Here are some dates and etc. which I give you, but do not think they are of value to you. Thomas Stagg married to Gentie Van Gelder Dec. 23, 1721. Both of Long Island. He was born at Barbados Neck. She on Long Island. Jesse William Stagg b. Feb. 17, 1723. Baptized Feb. 17. Witnesses; William Stegg and Elizabeth Stegg. Taken from collection of Holland Society in Astor Library. Have many others, which I will give you in the near future.
I have copies of two wills taken from the New England Historical Reg. 59, in Astor Library. They were taken from "Genealogical Gleanings in England" by Henry F. Walters, now residing in London Eng. They were made by Thomas STAGG(Stegge) on a voyage to Virginia October 6, 1651. Proved July 14, 1652 by Elizabeth Stagg, sole executrix. Will at some other time, if you wish this will in full, send a copy to you.
Thomas Stegge, merchant, was granted 100 acres of land between Old Man's Queens Creek Jan. 6, 1639. Book No. Page 694. Virginia Land Records, R.A. Brock-Richmond VA.
And then another will of another Thomas Stagg of County of Henrice in Virginia, March 1669. Proved by his beloved wife, Sarah Stegge. He speaks of Mr. Thomas Grindon of London and etc., his dearest mother Elizabeth Grindon, citizen of London and his loving sister Grace Byrd, also a diamond ring for his sister given him by his mother when he was last in London. He must have been a man of prominence and wealth as he speaks of his friends, Honorable Thos. Sudwell, Henry Randolph, Right Hon. Sir Wm. Berkley, Knt., Governor-dear friendships of The Hon. Secretary-Henry Randolph, one witnesses, Sarah Stegg, relict and executrix.
Thomas Stagge, gentleman, received grants of land 800 acres in Henrico Co., Dec. 29, 1280 acres Henrico Co. on North side of James River, including the present site of Richmond, Jan 5, 1663; 1850 acres in same county. It is recorded in the family bible of the Byrds of Westover that he was an officer of King Charle's Army. He was for several years a member of the County Court of Charles City and was a man of prominance and influence of the family of Byrd.
And now I come back to John Stagg again. He lived at Charleston, Orange Co. 1776 and 1784. He represented the city in the assembly 1784-1786 as he had Orange Co. from 1780-1783. Was a member of the Consistory of the Dutch Reformed Church. Theodore VanWyck, Abram Lott Jr. and Isaac Roosevelt were executors of his will.
The reason of my not giving you data relating to your great grandfather Peter Stagg, is that I did not trace a Peter Stagg descending from Thomas and John. I will look up the Staggs of Sussex Co., Bergen Co. and Warwick and advise you what I find. (Illness prevented her doing this). I read of wealthy Miss Elizabeth Stagg of Stafford Connecticut, who while visiting in Long Island was knocked down by a bicycle and injured so that she died. Was she a relative of yours? (Don't know)
Will you kindly tell me where you found, or rather learned that the Staggs were of Norman-French orgin? (In Prof. C.A. Bardsley's English Surnames). Strange that in all my researches I did not learn that. The Stoutenburghs are descendants of Lord Barneveldt. Pieter Stoutenburgh married Aichie VanTienhoon July 25, 1694. If you are interested in the Stoutenburghs, we will talk them over at another time as I fear I have tired you out with rather disconnected matters and may not be of any assistance to you. Have you relatives on Stagg side residing in this city? With many thanks for the valuable information that you have given me, I am cousinly, (I think) yours.
Emma Stagg Gallagher
"Wm. Byrd-Advisor to Sir John Byrd of London---Grace Steege born 1625. Married 1651--daughter of Col. Thomas Stegge of London and Virginia. Born in England. Died 1651 at sea while returning to England.
Col. Thomas Steege of England and Colony of Virginia was a Burgess for Charles City County VA and Speaker of the House 1642-1643. Colonel and member of King's Colonial 1650-1651. Died at sea in 1651 on a voyage to England.
2nd letter from Mrs. Henry Gallagher (Emma Stagg) dated Nov. 9, 1906 to Miss Mary E. Stage at Kansas City, MO. Mrs. Gallagher lives 459 Lenox Ave. NY City
My Dear Miss Stage:
I will endeavor to get you a copy of Gen. Record of April 1878. You write that the Stagg Family came to Warwick, Orange Co., NJ in 1724. John Stagg that married Anneka Stoutenburgh was a son of Abraham Stagg and Mary Bogert, and Abraham was a son of John Stagg and Maritzer Bonigaux, who was the son of Thomas Stagg Sr. and Margaret, his wife, who is the ancestor of all Jersey Staggs. He settled in New Barbadoes (Rutherford) after 1674 and died there 1694.
In 1900 I received a letter from one of the Stagg descendants asking some information relative to his grandfather. His mother was a daughter of Wm. Henry Stagg, who was the son of James Stagg. James Stagg married Susan or Susanna Ayers at Harsinnes New Jersey about 1811 or 1812. He was [hard to read] to find the record of their marriage and the name of James Stagg's father. Can you enlighten him
I am so interested in the old Dutch Bible you speak of. Hope it may give us much light on past ancestery. Will you send the Stoutenburgh Genealogy. You speak of the Bloodgoods. My father's aunt (Stagg) married a William Bloodgood. I have the portraits of John Stagg(my great grandfather) and Anneka Stoutenburgh. They were painted by Peale-are very well preserved.
Hoping I can assist you in your severe and arduous task.
Cousinly yours
Emma Stagg Gallagher
3rd letter from Mrs. Emma Stagg Gallagher to Miss Mary E. Stage
Dec. 1, 1906
Dear Miss Evelyn:
I have deferred replying to your postal of 23rd and letter of 15 Dec. 1906
[** date has got to be wrong] wishing to find more data. The Stagg attorneys of Hackensack, NJ (Peter W. Stagg and Henry B. Stagg) are of our family. Will see them personally in the near future.
As to the Stagg estate in Holland (mentioned by Mrs. Sara Burden Guilbert of New Rochelle NY), I have never heard of any but do not see why not as they came to this country not moneyless. In any of your Stagg names have you found the name of William Henry Stagg, also that of Jane Stagg who married Thomas Stagg in 1765.
Cousinly Yours,
Emma S. Gallagher
Letter from Mrs. Emma Stage Gallagher to Miss Mary E. Stage
April 21, 1907
In letter of Prof. Amos A. Stagg the Jacob (his father) I have been looking for my grandfather's brother. You will remember I have told you my grandfather and grandmother were both Staggs---since Jacob had his father make his will in his (J-) favor, which he lived to say ahd been a "curse" to him--this money matter was the cause of enstrangement of the family.
Miss Nannie Stagg speaks of James Stagg. I would like so much to know if she has any record (Stagg) of the name of the father of James Stagg who married_______Ayers of Harrinnes about 1812. she also mentions Daniel Stagg. You will see the same name mentioned in the enclosed letter from Geo. H. Hitchcock, Brivt. Brig. Gen. US Vols.
Have you ever had the Holland Society Records of the Dutch Reformed Church? If not, the first opportunity you have to get them, look them over. They have all the records of all the baptisims, marriages and additions to the church of the early settlers.
Lovingly yours,
October 1906
Dear Miss Stage:
A postal card sent by you to Hiram T. Stage, New Hampton NY asking the name of his grandfather (as I am a brother of H.T.S.) he wanted me to answer your card.
There were three brothers , PETER, SAMUEL and WILLIAM. Grandfather Wm. and David I think were brothers, and I had a cousin John Stage, about my age, who went west in 1845 or 1850 and have never heard from him, a son of Wm. Stage---------and now please, what was your father's name and where were you born? I have a desire to hear from you.
A friend, if not a relative-
L.H. Stage
Letter from Lewis H. Stage, Quarreyville, NJ April 1907 to Mary Eveline Stage
Dear Miss M.E. Stage;
Your kind ever to be remembered letter and history of the Stage families and branches at hand, and have often wanted to unravel the mysteries of the orgin of my father's family tree. I don't know the birthplace of my father or his father. My father had two brothers, Peter (oldest), Samuel Glasby (second) my father, William Stage(youngest), or STIEDGE as he wrote his name.
..Peter Stage married (wife's name unknown) no children
..Samuel Glasby b. Nov. 2, 1805
married Jan. 6, 1827 at Ridgeburg or Ridgebury {NY or NJ}
..Lucetta Decker b. April 6, 1808
....Children of Samuel and Lucetta;
.......Joseph D. Mar. 18, 1828
.......John Linn May 3, 1830
.......Gabriel Dolsom April 16,1833 not married
.......Samuel Jr. Oct. 26, 1838
.......Lewis Henry Nov. 3, 1835
.......Hiram Tuttle March 30, 1841
.......Benjamin Franklin May 12, 1843
.......James P. Aug.19, 1845
.......William Roe Nov. 25, 1851
Letter from Wm. B. Stage 122 59th St., NY NY Jan. 21, 1911
Miss M.E. Stage
Kansas City, MO
Dear Madam;
Your letter duly received, and should have been answered before but for press of business. I regret that it is not in my power to help you. Our family record is quite incomplete, and we are such busy people that we do not have time to trace our ancestry very far back. You have all the information about this bunch of the Stages from my cousin Anna Stage, who corresponded with you some years ago.
My great grandfathers name was John Stage. (a note on sheet says"son of Thos. & Margaret-----) He lived for many years in Elmira NY and his sons-Samuel, Peter and William moved to Orange Co., NY. William then went west (where I do not know). Peter married and Samuel,(my grandfather) had nine sons, one of whom is my father. Samuel lived in Vernon NJ at one time.
You see, I cannot go far enough back to give you the necessary information, and as stated before, I think you had all this from other members of my family. I return the list as requested, and thank you for all the information gained therefrom. If at any time we learn more of our ancestors and I find it will be of use to you, I shall be glad to pass it on.
Yours very truly,
W.B. Stage
(**a note at bottom of page "he gives the same ancestry as does
Hiram T. Stage of Hampton, NY and Lewis Henry Stage of
Quarryville, Sussex Co., NJ and belongs to that branch")
JAMES STAGE 1774-1866:
PETER STAGE 1764-1842
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