I seem to have gotten away from what my sites been about. So I will now tell you a funny tale.


It’s about a boy, a smile, a laugh and some very bright eyes. And most importantly to me a very fond memory.


Most of the kids I’ve picked up all had one problem or another. But no matter what they had wrong they all had the same giving nature. And they all kept me laughing when they were around and there was never a dull moment.


There is a day that I find I will never forget, nor do I want to, because its just one of those one in a million to me.


I guess you could call this a bad case of mistaken identity. I had been picking this boy up for about six months so I knew him pretty well (or so I thought.)


He would get on in the morning I would drive him to school and then pick him up when school let out.


Ok it’s wintertime cold outside kids coming and going heavy jacket hats pulled over their little faces to keep the cold out. You don’t see anything unusual right?

Well I didn’t either even if they had their hoods over their faces I knew my kids because they would never get by me unless they said hi.


And I would say hello back then help them into their seats and make sure their seat belts were on then we were ready to roll.


Well that’s how things go and as soon as the kids are warm enough things like gloves hats hoods come off.


This was any other day until I did my usual turn around to make sure everything was OK with the kids.


It was something I did at a stop sign or at a traffic light.

They were all OK except for one. I did not know one of the kids that was on my bus.


Yes, I know this does sound a bit strange. I will explain, but I thought I’d build it up a bit and confuse you a little first.


Remember when I said the kids used to take off things like gloves hats and the hoods of their jacket?


Well that’s why I did not know this boy he took his hood off. Ask me if I’m having fun? You bet I am! Giggle.

Ok you say you’ve had enough of this silliness?

I’ll tell you what happened when he took the hood off.

I was no longer looking at the boy that I started to pick up six months earlier.


You see when the hood came off there sat a kid that no longer had a hair on his head and at first glance I did not know who he was.


I pulled the bus off to the side of the road to get a better look at which kid I had mistakenly picked up.


And how on earth was I going to explain this mistake to the school and the Bus Company and most of all to the parents? Well there was no need for all the panic.

Because as soon as I heard him laugh at me. And when he looked at me with those big bright eyes, I knew I had the right kid.


You know what else? When I picked up his jacket and found the wig in the hood that’s when we both started laughing together. I think he knew exactly what he had just done.


I think he also knew that he had just pulled a very good prank on his bus driver.

I came very close to turning the bus around and taking him back to school. And yes I was ready to face the music as to why and how I could have picked up the wrong kid!


I’ll share a secret with you.

That old saying don’t judge a book by it’s cover took on a whole new meaning for me that day.



This page is dedicated

To all my little sweethearts

That kept me laughing and happy

God love you all!


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Copyrightedã April 19, 1999 by Maryjane a.k.a. Nanna_4