I want to tell you about the greatest gift a girl can get,

It's a father like you who taught me not to fret.

I wanted to make this Father's Day special for you,

So these special words "I Love You" are whispered to you.


I wanted to recall some of the special memories we've made together.

Some will tickle you like a feather.

Remember the trips to Coney Island,

The fun we had there and you held my hand.


Remember the times that you picked me up and carried me into the water,

You held onto me and didn't falter.

I thought that I would drown

If for some reason you would put me down.


There was a place I thought that we would never reach,

That is the place that is called Jones Beach.

And remember the times that you carried me to the car,

So that you could drive me to the doctor's and that was pretty far.


Over the years many things have changed as you well know,

I loved to watch you shave as you so well know.

To see you lather up the brush and then put the lather on your face,

Shaving for you was not a race.


On Friday nights you would bring home the little boxes,

It was Chinese food that filled the boxes.

And how about those nights that you had a handful of pennies,

You would toss them in the air and we would race to get many.


I enjoyed going to where you worked to see you,

And to whisper I love you.

Having you near me now is so important to me,

I hope that you can see that happiness in me.


So it is with all these fond memories of you,

That I say, "Daddy I Love You."

(Authors: Mary Jane)

(Co-author: Angel45_2B Copyrighted © June 14, 2003)


To My Dad


a.k.a. Sal

a.k.a. Bruno

May you have many more to come.


Copyrighted © June 14, 2003 by Nanna_4 a.k.a. Mary Jane

All rights reserved.


"Getting To Know You"