The Sailor Jupiter/Sailor Mercury Fan Ring

This ring was built to accommodate sites having to do with either Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mercury... possibly the two most popular sailor scouts.
To join this ring, your site must meet these requirements:

1) Subject of site is either Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury, or both
2) No hentai
3) Not an anti- page
4) It is based on either the comic or the anime, or whatever. It can be based on the stuff you find on the back of the dolls' packaging, if that's all you can find to build your site on.

My site meets these requirements, let me in.

After you fill out the form, you should add the necessary HTML tag onto your page so others can navigate the ring you just joined. After adding the HTML, your tag should look like the one below.

This Sailor Jupiter/Sailor Mercury Fan Ring site is owned by:
Natalya the Chameleon.
click for back 2 | previous | random | next | skip | next 5 about the SJ/SM Ring

Below is the HTML for the above tag. Copy and paste between the two lines. After pasting it into your HTML, remember to add your name, site ID, and email address where it specifies to do so.

<CENTER><TABLE CELLPADDING=5 > <TR> <TD><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 ALIGN=LEFT></TD> <TD> <CENTER><P><FONT SIZE=+0><FONT COLOR="#FF0080">This <B>Sailor Jupiter/Sailor Mercury Fan Ring</b> site is owned by:<BR> </FONT><B><A HREF="(your_email_address)">(your name).<BR> </A></b><FONT COLOR="#FF0080">click for</FONT> <B><A HREF="">back 2</A></b> | <B><A HREF="">previous</A></b> | <B><A HREF="">random</A></b> | <B><A HREF="">next</A></b> | <B><A HREF="">skip</A></b> | <B><A HREF="">next 5 </A></b><FONT COLOR="#FF0080">about the </FONT><B><A HREF="">SJ/SM Ring</A> </b></FONT></P></CENTER> </TD> <TD><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT></TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER> <br><br>

And, last but not least, thanks for joining the ring!