As It Began... The Labyrinth Prequel Chapter 1 It started something like this... A young boy sat quietly on the curb of an empty street. The trees were swaying under the pressure of the aggravated wind, which picked up a crumpled page from a newspaper and carried it away beyond his sight. The boy slowly lifted his hands, then extended his arms until he could feel the great power of the wind pressing and urging him to come along. “I wish the wind could carry me away from here” young Jareth thought, lowering his arms. But where could he go? Wherever the wind decided to die, he would be dropped alone on another cold and desolate street. Where he really wanted to go was underground. He had dreamed of a vast empire, miles under the earth’s crust. A magical land that had existed for thousands of years, since Cain fled there, away from the world that hated him. A place where goblins, dwarves, and other strange breeds of people lived in peace, while people above fought and killed each other and themselves. Jareth knew very well that his dreams mean nothing in the world of reality, but he found it impossible to deny the existence of his underground heaven. Then he thought, “Even if it did exist, how could I possibly get there?” and besides, he could not just leave his mother alone… he was all that she had left in this world. Since they took Dad away, Mum had been in a nearly permanent state of depression… However, Jareth connected to his mom in ways most boys can’t. Unlike most adults who lose all sense of creativity by the age of 12, Jareth’s mom could relate to his fantasies like no one else... except for the Underground, that was his own little secret. The school bus for which he had been waiting suddenly pulled around the corner, and he heard “the voice.” Fluctuations in the wind created a breathy whisper much like a soft human voice. It swirled around him echoing words that seemed to say, “We can help you.” As Jareth gathered his things and got on the bus, an owl that had been perched in a tree behind him spread its wings and glided away on a gust of wind. Chapter 2 Soaing gracefully through the misty sky, the dark quilted owl quickly approached his destination. Even from above, he could not see the boundaries of his vast kingdom. “The Labyrinth”, as it was commonly called, was but a speck of the goblin king’s empire. Swiftly, he glided through the window of his castle at the center of the Labyrinth, and made his perch on the armrest of a large, eloquent throne. Goblins fell silent, and watched in admiration as their king transformed into his true form. Arms emerging from beneath the feathery blanket grasped hold of the armrests, and legs extending to the floor from his scaly clawed feet, the king looked firm as stone, and sat elegantly upon his great throne with kingly posture (His posture and grace with words were the only things that visually distinguished him from the other goblins). The Goblin King, Zepharus cleared his throat preparing to administer his report on the marked child. All was silent. “The child with the mark has taken his first steps toward joining our kingdom,” the king began. “And you,” he said waving his hand gracefully above the multitude, “shall help him fulfill his destiny.” “We will bring him for you immediately!” one goblin called out. The others began to whisper amongst themselves until King Zepharus silenced them with a wave of his hand. “Young Jereth will come by choice only. You may abduct him only after he has said ‘the words.’” The goblin king dismissed his faithful followers. They stormed out of the room, and Zepharus found himself completely alone. “How I long for a companion,” Zepharus said aloud to himself. “So much power I have, but for what???” A small, crystal bubble appeared in his hand. “Jareth, you will be as a son to me,” he said, looking into the heart of the crystal. He could see the child, and the mark was there, clear as day. His hand free from the crystal rest on a golden medallion that hung from his neck. Chapter 3 Jareth sat in math class, dreaming of his fantasy world. Math had always been a struggle for him, as he could never quite grasp the concepts of physics, natural laws, or numbers at all for that matter. Class ended long before his dream. As he walked home from school after class, some of his classmates approached him. “Hey Jareth!” one called in that taunting childish tone. “Why you so weird looking?” “...and what’s wrong with your eye?” said another. He brought his hand to his gray eye, covering it in shame. “Do you ever talk?” “Say something!” Jareth broke away from them running, tears streaming down his cheeks. He had to get home. The comfort and privacy of his room would surely comfort him... From blocks away, he could see a great commotion in front of his house. He ran faster. Closer, he could see the fire truck, two police cars, and nearly all of his neighbors, and... and ambulance. Jareth ran to a police officer screaming, “What happened?! Where’s mom?” in a hysterical panic. “Jareth? Umm...Johnston?” the officer asked with a solemn uncomfort. The wind suddenly picked up and the child’s hair was as a raging fire. He glanced at the ambulance, worried. “Your mother,” the officer continued “has apparently had a heart attach.” “Well? Is she all right?” “It could have happened hours ago. If we had been contacted sooner...there was really nothing we could do for her...I’m sor...” He had heard enough. He felt claustrophobic.. neighbors were talking to him.. .but nothing they said penetrated his mind... he could no longer stand it... Again, he broke into a run. This time his destination was the forest, actually, it was more like a small grove of trees behind his house. From the distance he heard his name being called out... “Jareth!” a strong gust of wind blew a tear from his chin to the dry soil. “We can help you...” Chapter 4 His heart was goblin. It drew him nearer with every beat, making the human world more and more alien to him. The towering pines that surrounded him bowed and swayed in the accelerating winds. He could feel the air pounding against his face from all sides, a black hole. His face grew pale, his heart turned black, submitting itself to the goblin blood that filled his veins. Goblins were everywhere around him... waiting and anticipating. Jereth knew what he had to do. “The Words” were fixed in his brain. He only had to say them. “I wish the goblins would come and take me away!” he shouted into the echoing wind. The forces of the wind pushed so hard on his frail body that he could scarcely breathe. With the last bit of energy and air that remained in his lungs, Jereth managed to say, “right now.” The winds stopped… complete silence… and a sudden brightness forced him to squint. The great light enveloped him, and a goblin suddenly appeared in front of his face, laughing hideously. “Stop it, Stop it!” Jareth shouted at the creature, who seemed deaf to his pleas. The pavement beneath his feet felt more like thick mud... he was sinking... ...opening his eyes, he found himself staring into the eyes of a scabby, short man. “So... You’re Jareth. His majesty has been speaking so fondly of you.” “His majesty? Who are you? Is this...?” “The Labyrinth?, Yes. And I’m Hoggle.” Jareth got to his feet and looked out upon the miles and miles of twisted walls and thorned bushes. “Well, you better be on your way to the castle! The king is expecting you.” Hoggle said. Jareth suddenly spotted the castle, just a speck in the distance. “Wait a minute...You’re telling me that I have to find my way through *that*?” Jareth said pointing to the Labyrinth. “Actually, yes... I am.” “I don’t think so! Even if I felt that I could believe a disgusting little scab of a dwarf like you, I still wouldn’t risk my life in that... that...” “Labyrinth... well suit yerself, I’ve done my job,” said Hoggle, as he began to hobble away. “Yeeahhh, good luck...” he said doubtfully under his breath. Suddenly, a loud echoing voice rang out, “Forgetting something, Hoggle?” Oh, yes,” Hoggle said, pulling a piece of paper from the inside of his vest. “What is it.” Jareth asked “A present from the king.” Jareth took the letter. It read, “WELCOME MY CHILD. REMEMBER TO GO LEFT.” “Marked child? Is that me?” Jareth asked. “Of course it is!” Hoggle said. “You better hurry or you’re going to be late!” Chapter 5 Frustrated, the child walked cautiously through the endless hallway. Suddenly, he noticed an odd, worm-like creature crossing the path in front of him. “Ah Ha! Another helpless victim of Jareth’s shoe!” He moved in for the strike... raising his foot high... “...hang on!!” a tiny voice cried. Jareth took a step back and looked at the worm. “Excuse me?” “You almost crushed me, you bastard!” the worm shrieked. “I’m sorry.. I...umm, didn’t see you down there,” Jareth said, stuttering. “Do you by any chance know where I could find a rope to climb over this bloody wall?” “Rope? No...I’m just a worm, but there’s an openin’ beside ya.” “I don’t think so..” Jareth said, his hand searching for a wall that wasn’t there. “Wait a minute” he said walking towards the solid looking wall. He discovered two corridors hidden within the wall, one left, and one right. His hand tightened around the crumpled piece of paper that Hoggle had given him from the king, and he took off to the left. “Thanks worm,” he said without looking back. “Hang on!” cried the worm. “Wait a minute! You’re going the wrong way!” The child ignored the warning... something told him, something deep in his goblin heart, that he was heading toward the castle... toward home. Only minutes later, he found himself before enormous wooden doors... the entrance to the castle. The nervousness struck. He was about to enter a castle that ruled an entire dimension of sub-reality. How could he present himself before such a powerful king? The doors slowly opened to him. The polished hinges squeaked under the pressure of the great doors. Two large goblins that had opened the doors both walked slowly to him. They were looking into his eyes... closer they came to him, until they were only inches away. Suddenly, one goblin broke into shrill goblin laughter, spitting his reeking saliva in the boy’s frightened face. “The marked child has arrived Your Majesty!” he shouted, pulling him in by the arm. Hundreds of small gray eyes were focused on him, full of curiosity. There was no question who ruled over this body of ruthless creatures. The king’s brilliant presence immediately caught his eye... The long speared horns, enormous jewel-like eyes (but gray as iron), and a large golden medallion that seemed to brighten the musty chamber. King Zepharus slowly approached Jareth, and the congregation fell silent. “I have been watching you for a very long time... Your mark led me to believe that your destiny lies here, at the center of the Labyrinth. I also feel that you should know that your mother’s death was no accident...” “...What!? You mean you and these ugly creatures killed my mom?” “It was the only way we could ensure that you would choose to join us.” “I’m going to kill you! All of you!” Jareth screamed “...Wait! You’ve greatly misunderstood me, my boy. You’re mother is very much alive...and happy too, I must say. She’s here among us.” A female goblin stepped forward, out of the shadows. “Hallo Jareth,” she said. The voice, her facial features, he recognized them all as his mothers, but “She’s a goblin?!!” “Mom, is it you?” he asked. “’course it’s me!” “But the ambulance, and...” The king interrupted, “The synthetic body was planted by the goblins at my command. This has been our way for thousands of years... My goblins plant bodies so that the disappearances aren’t mysteries. You see, if a mystery is left unsolved, awareness and suspicion amongst the humans will grow, making the abductions more dangerous than they have to be. If the humans discover us, they will fear us, and try to bring harm to our peaceful land.” Ignoring the king’s rambling, Jareth was in shock at his mother’s appearance. “But Mom, you’re a goblin...” “Yes, yes I know that. Shocking, isn’t it? Yes, but it’s very comfortable...I like it very much...yes, much less body to carry around!” All was gay and well in the Underground, but somewhere deep in the heart of the most grotesque of obliettes, a crack was widening in the rock, opening passage between the Underground and the evil realm of the Ludians. Lichens shut tight their eyelids, terrified, as huge gray hands tore away at the sides of the hole, clawing in rage over their long imprisonment. Enormous and powerful beings, their ghastly howls sent the very rocks around them fleeing in terror, thus helping them remove the great barricade. “HAWWWOOOO...” They used the power move rock to their advantage, howling in a unified chorus. Like the swell of an aggravated volcano, the pressure upon the crack heightened... a sudden explosion sent rock debris flying about the chamber. Howls of joy erupted from the darkness as the first emerged from the hole. One by one, the Ludians emerged, filling the vast obliette’s chamber. There they would wait for the perfect time to strike. (evil laugh) “Ha ha ha (tapers off into an echo) ha ha ha ha” Chapter 6 For weeks, neither Jareth nor the king left the boundaries of the castle. During this time, Jareth learned much from the ancient king. Only the boy was trusted with the secrets of the medallion and the powerful crystals it bore. “This golden artifact “ The king said, “is the eternal soul of the Underground. Its power never dwindles...never has a goblin king ruled without the medallion as his ally. “and the crystal?” Jereth asked. “Tis but the medallions gift to me. I need only focus my mind on the medallion, open my mind and heart to it, and the crystal appears...” “...But what exactly does it do?” “Anything that I desire...” “So, if you are the holder of this all-powerful medallion, why exactly do you need this elaborate labyrinth to protect your castle?” “Tis but a reminder of the past, my boy. During my reign, the labyrinth has proven useless, but the Underground hasn’t always been so peaceful and unified. There was a time when the labyrinth was viewed as a necessary precaution. For thousands of years, before construction of this Labyrinth, Ludians dominated the Underground. These enormous, ruthless creatures fed on goblins whenever given the chance. Their long hell- colored fur struck fear into the minds of all Undergroundlings. All fae were forced to live like rats, digging holes beneath the ground to house their families and themselves, the only place safe from Ludian torment. Thus, the term, “Underground” was derived from the horrible condition that goblins sustained. Even the king with the medallion lived in poverty. Indeed, this was a dark time in the Underground. After many long years of living in fear, the undergroundlings emerged from their tunnels, and united against the unexpecting Ludians. In the black of night, all undergroundlings came to the king, huddling around him. Their combined concentration on the kings medallion yielded a small crystal in the palm of his hand with the power of God himself (in earthling terms). Casting the crystal into the lair of sleeping Ludians, he banished them to eternal darkness and suffering, miles under the ground’s surface. The next morning, howls from below rattled through the ground while the undergroundlings celebrated. They immediately began construction of a great labyrinth to protect the goblin city from any future assault. As for the king, he went completely senile shortly after. He seemed to have buried his ability to rule along with the Ludians...but he can still be seen roaming around the outer parts of the labyrinth, along with his last faithful follower, a large talking bird.” Chapter 7 As it was his duty to the king, Hoggle had been spending most of his time exterminating fairies and keeping watch over the ever-changing labyrinth. “No, NO!!!” Hoggle screamed at two tiny goblins. “This tile goes here and *that* one goes there!” The surprised goblins both jumped, quickly moving the two blocks to there correct positions, screaming at each other... “You fraggin’ ardvark! That one goes here? Move it! No! You move it! We’ll both move it. Watch out!” “Eahhh...with those two moving everything around, it’s a wonder the whole Labyrinth doesn’t collapse!” Hoggle said. He suddenly heard a noise that rectified the course hair on the back of his neck. He had heard the noise before...but it had been so long...hundreds of years. Again he heard the deep howl...could it be the wind? No...the wind would never be so cruel. The rumbling surrounded him, encompassed him, he was completely terrified. Memories that he had suppressed for hundreds of years crept into his mind. This was the same howl that had awakened him from horrific dreams to find himself cold and sick, cramped within the black walls of a tunnel that he and his family had dug with their own aching hands. In his mind, he could see the horrified looks on the faces of his wife and children as they were swept away to their doom. “Ludians” he slowly muttered, his tiny body trembling. He could think of nothing else to do but run...he hobbled as fast as his stout legs would carry him toward the castle, fearing the fate of his king. Chapter 8 Finding himself in the throne room, Hoggle looked up at the King on his throne. He and Jareth both looked down upon him. They sensed something was wrong, “What is it Higgle?” Jareth asked. “Hoggle, Your Majesty...Ludians...The noise, it... they’re back!” “That’s impossible!” the king said, standing from his throne, “They couldn’t have possibly dug their way to the surface...Miles of solid rock has separated us for hundreds of years! Are you sure?” “I could never forget the sound of a Ludian howl. Don’t let them hurt me, your majesty, please!” “Prepare the army, send out the guards!” Zepharus yelled, goblins scattering like frightened mice. “Now I must go pay a visit to the old man, the old king, that is... Hopefully it isn’t too late.” Quickly changing himself into a dark owl, Zepharus flew out of the castle, and looked down upon the Labyrinth, eyes searching nervously. This was his strong did it look...would there be a single wall left standing after the day was over? Note even his crystals could show him that. Over the fireys in their magical forest, over Alph and Ralph, Jim and Tim, he flew... “oh, where could he be!?” he thought. Suddenly, he spotted the wise man below, sitting on a false throne of knowledge. So many facts he knows, but they are useless for the old king in his maddness. Only the bird is fortunate enough to hear his many fables and words of wisdom. Suddenly, a movement in a floor tile near the wise man caught his attention. A huge hand slowly opened a hole in the ground large enough to allow his monstrous body to pass through. Realizing that the old man may be the key to defeating the Ludians a second time, he knew that he had to save him. Down on the ground, a shrill screaming woke the old man from his deep slumber. “Will you please be quiet!” he yelled, falling back asleep. “Sir, Sir, a monster! Wake up! You sleep too much!” cried the bird. Opening his eyes, the man saw the figure of a huge Ludian standing before him. His eyes were a deep red, and they could both hear the monster’s quick, eager breathing. “You!” the Ludian said. “You make us go down there! In the dark! You will die!” He began walking slowly toward the old man’s throne. He intended to enjoy ripping the old man’s feeble body into pieces. For many centuries, he had dreamed of this moment. The old man hadn’t even attempted to escape. This was his time. He would except it calmly. Suddenly a huge owl descended upon the beast, clawing at his eyes, and flapping his great wings. “ARRGHHH!” cried the Ludian as he swung his humongous arms at the owl. Meanwhile, other Ludians were emerging from the crevice at a steady pace. “Sir! What are you waiting for? Get off your ass and run!” urged the bird. “No, I will sit here, and await what may come.” “Oh, great idea Sir! The king is risking his life over there, and for what??? You’re preparing you’re own funeral!” The wise man knew the kind was right, he owed it to the king to at least attempt to get away... “Very well. Ughhh!” …the wise man moaned while rising from his seat, and began to hobble over two a large planter. Though he was old and had a weak leg, he was still able to easily outrun the Ludians. A Ludian has a wide stride, but goblins, even old handicapped ones, are far more agile. “Almost there sir! Those suckers don’t have a chance!” the bird said, trying to help the old man up into the planter which opened at the bottom into the Underground’s tunnel system. Though he ripped numerous gashes in the Ludian’s face, King Zepharus’ luck was running slim. The Ludian finally landed a blow which sent the owl hurling to the ground. Luckily, the Ludian’s sight was impaired by the scratches… he could not see, much less destroy the owl. Besides, the wise man was a far more important kill... With a bit of a struggle, the wise man was inside the planter, and down the ladder. With a dozen Ludians coming toward him, the bird began to panic, and suddenly dived into the planter head first. Just as he began exclaiming his relief, he felt his body jerk to a stop as he suddenly found himself stuck midway in the planter. “I knew I shouldn’t have eaten all those peaches!” he screamed, trying to free himself. Hoping that wise man was still within reach, one of the Ludians swiped at the great bird’s body, decapitating the noble bird in one swift masterstroke. The head fell down the hatch, screaming as it went, right past the wise man who was slowly making his way down into the depths of the under-underground. Unable to see the wise man within the safety of the narrow tunnel, the Ludian unleashed a deafening howl, and the wise man felt a tremble in the stone walls which surrounded him. Chapter 9…