The Glade of Riddles
Welcome to The Glade of Riddles!

This page will contain riddles below for you to look at and decipher their answer, some are simple and some are challenging, you can be the judge.

To start out, I will post riddles for you to solve. Then will post the guesses of the riddles below each one until I have received the correct answer. Good luck!

What can go up a chimney down, but not go down chimney up? What has a neck but no head?
Answer here
Answer here
Today he is there to trip you up, And he will torture you tomorrow. Yet he is alsto there to ease the pain, When you are lost in grief and sorrow. With this one thing alone, You will have defeated even the strongest foe.
Answer here
Answer here
We love it more than life. We fear it more than death. The wealthy want for it. The poor have it in plenty. Names give power, Magic to control. But what is broken, By naming it?
Answer here
Answer here
It can move over water, But cannot fly. It can move under water, But stay quite dry. Has tongue, But cannot talk. Runs, But cannot walk.
Answer here
Answer here
Never resting, never still. Moving silently, hill to hill. It does not walk, run or trot. All is cool where it is not. This side of a wolfhound Has the most hair.
Answer here
The Sun
Answer here
The Outside
It can pierce the best armor, And make swords crumble with a rub. Yet for all its power, It can't harm a club. It asks no questions, But demands many answers. Don't knock it until you Are ready to see what waits On the other side.
Answer here
Answer here
Door Knocker

A special thanks to Blake for giving me these riddles to use! If any of you have riddles that you would like me to add to the list, just email me at

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