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This Emperorlike Attribute worksheet is a measuring device to track developement of certain Emperorlike Attributes. This worksheet is not a perfect measuring stick but it is a useful tool that can help you identify your personal strengths and weaknesses and see how you can improve on your Emperor Attitude. Growth in this area is a gradual process, and none of you are perfect, so you should expect to rate yourself higher on some items and lower on others. This self-assesment may make you more aware of your weaknesses. Don't be discouraged! Be sure to look at strengths that are identified as well as weaknesses. And remember, not all of you have what it takes to become an Emperor; some of you are simply destined to servitude.
Read each item below carefully. Decide how true each statement is of you at the present time by choosing the most appropriate phrase from the box at the right of the question. Some items are stated positively and some are stated negatively, so you will need to read each item carefully to see how to apply your response. After completing each section of the worksheet, click on the submit button to have you score tallied for that individual worksheet section. After you receive a numerical value in the box below the "Submit" button, please type that value in the corresponding box in the second half of the screen. When you complete the worksheet please follow the additional instructions that will appear on your screen. Please note that this worksheet is intended to help you to improve in your Emperorlike character but is not an exact measurement of this character.