Speak a word to me, Father.

"If you read worldly magazines & newspapers, & derive some profit from them, as a citizen, a Christian, & a member of a family, then you ought still more & still oftener to read the Gospel & the writings of the Holy Fathers; for it would be sinful for a Christian, who reads worldly writings, not to read divinely-inspired ones.

If you follow the events of the outer world, do not lose sight of your inner world, your own soul besides: it is nearer & dearer to you. Only to read worldly magazines & newspapers means only to live with one side of the soul, & not with the whole soul; or only to live by the flesh, and not by the spirit.

Everything worldly will come to an end with the world itself. And "the world passeth away, & the lust thereof [all its devices]; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever."

- St. John of Kronstadt