The "Caretaker" - The "Caretaker" was responsible for stranding the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. He was searching for a compatible species to mate with, so that his offspring may care for the Ocampa (see below) as he did. He lived on a space array which was later destroyed. (Voyager episode "Caretaker")

Ocampa - The Ocampan people live underground because of a terrible environmental disaster which occured on the surface millenia ago. That disaster was caused by the "Caretaker", and because he felt he owed a debt to the species he led them underground to the ownly water supply left on the world. The Ocampans as a species live for only nine years, after which they hyper-evolve onto a new plane of existance. Kes, an Ocampan, was a member of the Voyager crew until 2374. Ocampans do not travel to the surface as it is now inhabited by the Kazon Ogla sect. (Voyager episode "Caretaker")

Kazon Ogla and Nistrim - The Kazon are a violent people bent on destroying all their enemies. They are very primitive, and gained space flight in the revolution against the Trabe, who were once their masters and who enslaved them. Kazon society is divided up into various sects, whose space claims change daily. Voyager encountered the Kazon Ogla and Kazon Nistrim sects in 2371, but the Nistrim became more meanacing in 2372 (see later file). (Voyager episode "Caretaker")

Quantum Singularity - A quantum singularity is a star that has collapsed onto itself, forming an intense gravimetric distortion (also known as a black hole). The event horizon around this particular singularity was apparently shattered by Voyager's entry into the local area, although this defys normal physics. Voyager became trapped in the event horizon and went through several time/space distortions before leaving through a "crack" in the singularity. (Voyager episode "Parallax")

Illydaria - The Illydarians are a friendly (most of the time) and technologically advanced race of traders, and Voyager has encountered at least one of their space colonies on its journey. (Voyager episodes "Parallax", "Cathexis")

Rogue Planetoid - This rouge planetoid is a venerable source of dilithium (need for controling the matter/anti-matter conversion rate) which may traders would give great sums for. On its surface, hidden in holographic walls, lurk Vidiians (see below) who apparently use the planetoid for a research base. On a seperate occasion, Voyager personell stumbled into a large Vidiian colony on another planetoid, and B'Elanna Torres was savagely attacked and transformed into two seperate people, one human and one Klingon. (Voyager episode "Phage", "Faces")

Vidiian Asteroid - The Vidiians suffer from a terrible skin-eating virus known as the "phage". They harvest the organs of other beings to sustain themselves as they are slowly eaten away. No cure has been found. This asteroid is a perfect hiding place for Vidiian ships, as it contains a gigantic hall of mirrors to trap and disable pursuing starships. (Voyager episodes "Phage", "Faces")

"Living" Nebula - Whilst scouting for omicron particles (to provide an additional anti-matter reserve), Voyager entered this nebula thinking it to be a normal phenomenon. However, after several strange incidents whilst inside, the crew determined that the nebula was not what it seemed and was, in fact, a giant living creature. (Voyager episode "The Cloud")

Microscopic Wormhole - Only 30cm in diameter, this ancient wormhole leads all the way to the Alpha Quadrant. Whilst in contact with a Romulan science vessel, the Voyager crew also discovered that it travels 20 years into the past, due to a strange phase variance. Obviously, the crew could not take advantage of the opportunity to get home. (Voyager episode "Eye of the Needle")

Banea - The Banean people are currently at war with the Numiri, and passing ships are advised not to intervene. (Voyager episode "Ex Post Facto")

Subspace Vacuoles - Subspace is the universal continuum in which it is possible to travel at speeds far faster than light (also known as "hyperspace"). Entry into subspace is achieved by creating an electromagnetic field around a starship and accelerating past light speed, and interstellar communitcation is also possible using this continuum. A series of vacuoles (entry points) into another dimension were found in the ring system of a planet, and asteroids were found with tens of thousands of dead alien bodies on their surface. These bodies were found to come from an alternate dimension, whose inhabitants sent them through in the hope of being reborn in "the next emanation", or afterlife, of which they thought our dimension was. (Voyager episode "Emanations")

Sikaras - The Sikarian people posses space-folding technology, allowing them to travel up to 40,000 light years away from their home planet in an instant. This is achieved because their homeworld has an unusual mantle. Voyager could not make use of this technology because it was incompatible with Federation systems. Also, Sikari law forbid it. (Voyager episode "Prime Factors")

Seska leaves - Seska, a Bajoran crewmember on Voyager (from the Maquis) was unmasked as a traitor to the ship, and, perhaps more sinister, as a Cardassian sent to infiltrate the Maquis. She provided replicator technology to the Kazon Nistrim, which is a violation of Federation law (the "Prime Directive"). She left the ship to join the Kazon Nistrim, and returns in the future on several occasions to taunt Janeway and the Voyager crew. (Voyager episode "State of Flux")

Protostar Lifeforms - Whilst studying energy beamed aboard from the surface of a protostar, it was discovered that photonic beings exist there, and three were accidently beamed aboard. One of them took revenge on Voyager by locking up the holodeck and imprisoning an officer. In the end, the two sides reached an agreement and the other two lifeforms were freed in exchange for the return of Harry Kim. (Voyager episode "Heroes and Demons")

Dark Matter Nebula - Inside this nebula are several planetoids which are home to spirit beings known as the Komar. The Komar infiltrated Voyager and lead the ship to the nebula, hoping to extract the crew's neural energy to sustain them. The ship managed to escape back to normal space after a ship-wide magnaton scan disabled the lifeforms. (Voyager episode "Cathexis")

Talax and Rinax - Talax is the home system of the Talaxian species (of which Neelix is a member). Rinax was destroyed and left uninhabitable when a terrible war ensued, resulting in 300,000 deaths. (Voyager episode "Jetrel")

Distortion Ring - When Voyager crossed through this distortion it crippled the ship, twisting the hull and remapping the interior. It was later determined that it was, in fact, a lifeform communicating with the ship, in the one way it only knows how. (Voyager episode "Twisted")

Former Briori Homeworld - The Briori came to Earth in 1937 and abducted several humans, including well-known pilot Amelia Earhart. She and others were found in cryogenic stasis, and were brought back to life to live out the rest of their (somewhat new) lives on this planet, from which the Briori were driven hundreds of years ago by other human "slaves". The technology the Briori used to travel the vast distance between the Delta Quadrant and Earth was destroyed. (Voyager episode "The 37's")

Total distance covered (approx.): 1000 light years
Documented in: Star Trek: Voyager Season 1

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