Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon Celestial
Part One
Episode Three-"Daughter of Madness, A Needed Reconciliation-the Power of Sailorearth"

"Father?" The girl had silver hair, that fell to her knees, in a blue bow, and blue eyes. She stood at the door, which was slightly open. She pushed it open more. "Father?" Dr. Hoshino looked over at the girl, eyeing her strangely.
"Father? Why are you calling me father? Who are you?" The girl sighed.
"It's me, Hikari."
"Hikari? I know no Hikari."
"Father...I'm your daughter?" She walked into the room, and a look of confusion crossed his face. Then, one of revelation replaced the confusion.
"Oh, Hikari-chan. How is school?" She sighed once more.
"Fine father. How are your experiments?"
"Good, good.... Sei Gogyu Gauken is a good school, ne?" She nodded. "I already told you that, father. Sei Gogyu Gauien is an excellent school. I've been going their since the beginning of the year. Especially since you work there!"
"Excellent... Well, I'm busy. I'll see you later, Hikari-chan."
"Of course, father." She left the room, and he had already forgotten about her as he studied his book.

"So, Calcite, why didn't you attack her to bring her here?" Corundum tapped her foot impatiently. "You know, this means you only have TWO more tries left, right?" He nodded, even as he cursed her bitterly, in his mind.
"I know, Corundum-sama. But, I couldn't attack her this time." She raised an eyebrow in exxasperation.
"And why couldn't you?"
"She is a Sailor Senshi, Corundum-sama. She destroyed two monsters, and with such ease."
"Hmm, I see....."
"I have a suggestion, however."
"Tell me it, Calcite."
"Of course. My plan, you see, is to summon my Ice Trio." She nodded.
"I'll tell Princess Chalcedony-sama. You, go about the summoning."
"Of course, Corundum-sama."
"Go now...." He bowed, and did, in bubbling white mist.

Dr. Hoshino turned back to the Daimon notes once Hikari had left the room, and was soon lost in the notebook. His daughter was far from his mind. When he even remembered he had a daughter, and his daughter was Hikari, that is. Pandora appeared behind him, panting. "Dr. Hoshino!"
"What is it?" He glared at her, as he turned around.
"The Daimon worked, it took over it's host... Only it was destroyed."
"Destroyed?" He raised a silver-white eyebrow in confusion. The blue haired girl nodded.
"She was a Sailor Senshi."
"A Sailor Senshi?" Pandora nodded.
"I think she was Sailorearth.... She destroyed the Daimon, then my Fear. She's so...So powerful. Doctor, I'm afraid of her."
"Don't worry Pandora. We'll send out another Egg.... And this time, I'm sure she won't be around."
"Are you really so sure Doctor?" He nodded, and she sighed with relief. "Great."

Shido unlocked the door to her and Hikages home, a huge mansion. They walked in. Shido went to her room. Hikage watched her, sadly. "Shido-chan..." She whispered softly. "Whats wrong with you?" She closed the heavy doors behind her, and leaned back against it. Shido. Her best friend. But, she seems so...So distant, all of a sudden.

Shido reached her room, and walked in. She sighed. "I have so much much...." She touched the black crystal rose on her bow. "And now, so much more..." She sighed, and sat down on her bed. "Hikage-chan didn't seem angry..... Well, she should be...I forgot about her....." She shook her head, then set her features in a defiant look. "No, it's different now! It really WILL be alright... Demo, I have to fix what happened with Usagi-chan...." Leaning over to her nightstand, she pulled out her phone book, opened it, and looked for the Tsukino name. "Hmmmm...Ah, here it is. I hope." She picked up the phone, and dialed the number.

"Moshi moshi, Tsukino residence?" A female voice answered the phone. It must be her mother.
"Hello, this is Ikitoshino Shido. I'm a friend of Usagi's from school. May I speak to her?"
"Let me go see if she can come to the phone. I'll be right back."
"Thank you." Shido sighed. I pray this works.
"Shido! How'd you get my number?"
"I looked it up in the phone book. I really needed to talk to you."
"Oh, that sounds alright. What do you want to talk about?"
"About today. I'm SO sorry, Usagi-chan. I don't want us to not be friends. You're so nice."
"Why thank you. And, I guess I have to say... It really did freak me out today."
"Me too. We need to start over. Why don't you come over to my house after school tomorrow. We can talk then, it'll be nice."
"That sounds great. Let me ask my parents, ok?" Shido nodded, even as she answered Usagi.
"Of course."
"I'll be right back...." Hope, hope, hope.... "Back!"
"Well?" Do I sound too eager?
"Mama and papa said yes."
"That's great! I'll meet you tomorrow after class, ok?"
"Ok, see you then. Well, see you at school."
"Yeah, we ARE in the same class."
"Ja ne!"

"That worked well. Usagi-chan and I will be able to fix what happened....." What did happen. Shido sighed, and hung the phone up. She set the phone book away, and lay down. "I'm so tired..."

Hikage walked into Shido's room. She's asleep. Hikage smiled faintly, as she walked over to her friends bed, and pulled the covers up over her. "Oh Shido...." She left the room, closing the door behind her quietly.

Calcite held out his hands, and formed a blue globe of icey energy. "From the powers of Ice, I call upon the Three! Ice Trio...." Icey energy swirled out from the globe. "APPEAR!" In summons, three forms took shape from the remains of the icey energy drifting on the air. Two male, one female. The first, male, formed first.
"I am Realgar!" He had long, blue black hair, and grey eyes. His uniform, much like Calcites own, however, was black, with ice blue trim. The second formed completely.
"I am Hali!" She had short, wavy, snow white hair, and deep blue eyes. Her black uniform was like Realgars, with the same ice blue trim. However, instead of pants, hers was a short cut skirt.
"And I am Orphim!" His short hair was jet black, and his eyes deep blue. His uniform was just like Realgars, with the same ice blue trim. With a lecherous grin, he glanced over at Hali's well formed, showing legs. She kneed him, and he fell back in pain.
"Don't you EVER do THAT again, HENTAI!"
"Ahem." She sweatdropped.
"Gomen nasai, Calcite-sama."
"Nevermind. You three, go capture this girl...." He formed a seeing globe of ice, and showed them all a picture of Shido. They nodded. "Do whatever is needed, just GET her."
"Of course...." And with that, they vanished in a minor explosion of ice.

Shido woke up, and turned over and looked at the clock. Already morning? She sighed, and pushed back the covers. Hmmm, I don't remember... She shrugged her shoulders, as she got up. She slowly walked into her bathroom, and she let her school uniform, which had worn all night, fall away from her. She stepped away from the fallen clothes, and started the water for her bath.

"Todays going to be a horrible day!" Pandora cried, watching Dr. Hoshino's daughter Hikari leave the house. She was still worrying about Sailorearth.... And Alessandrite thought was mad for even bothering to worry. Dr. Hoshino's plan would suceed. Of course it would! Or would it? Pandora sighed. "I'll just have to destroy Sailorearth..."

Shido breezed through english class, and walked out to lunch. Hikage walked next to her, chatting, which she didn't do often. The two of them walked over to where they saw Usagi with her friends. "Hello," Shido said nervously, the way Hikage normally did. They all looked at her, and she expected the worst.
"Shido-chan, Hikage-chan!" Usagi cried happily. The others greeted them too. Great, she doesn't hate me!
"Are we still on for this afternoon, Usagi-chan?" Usagi nodded.
"Of course we are, Shido-chan."
"Great, I can't wait."
"What's going on?"
"Oh, I'm going over to Shido's house after school. Mom and dad said it was alright."

"Alessandrite, it's alive!" Dr. Hoshino cackled madly. Alessandrite grinned.
"Wonderful, doctor. Shall we send it?"
"Of course!" He nodded, eagerly. With a flip of his wrist, he sent the Daimon egg off on its merry way.

Shido, Hikage, and Usagi sat in the living room of the wondrous massion. "This place is GREAT, Shido-chan."
"Arigato, Usagi-chan.... Demo...."
"It's Hikage-chans, too."
"Well, Hikage-chan, it's beautiful."
"Arigato...." Then, she got out, and practically ran from the room. Shido sighed.
"Don't worry, Shido-chan, she'll warm up, eventually."
"I hope so, I really do...."

Hikage sighed, as she put the tea water on to boil. "Shido really likes Usagi... And yesterday... What if..." She shook her head venomously. She pulled her cup down from the cabinet, and set it down. She turned away, and waited for the tea to be ready.

The daimon egg floated in the open window, unseen by the day dreaming Hikage. It found its target, now a instrument to attack with. The knife sitting on the counter....

Hali grimaced. "She's in that house."
"Nice place," Realgar said, offhandedly.
"Hope she's cute...." Orphim sighed, as Hali glared at him.
"Lets just get this OVER WITH!"
"Of course, Hali-dear." Hali grimaced, Orphim chuckled, and Realgar sighed. What a group.....

Hikage heard the soft whistle of the tea pot. "Great, its ready." She stood up.

Shido smiled at Usagi. "I'm so glad we could talk."
"Yeah, me too, Shido-chan. And I AM sorry about yesterday."
"Me too. But, its forgotten."

"Hali, you cover the girl in the kitchen... Make sure she doesn't interfer." Hali nodded.
"Of course, Realgar." She vanished, in a swirl of ice and snow.
"Orphim, you go get the Sacrifice....."
"Any way I want?" Realgar grimaced.
"Sure, if you just do it!"
"Right away, Boss." Realgar sighed again. Why me?

Hikage reached to pick up the tea kettle. "Hmm, why don't you make a cup for me, while your at it?" She dropped the tea kettle, boiling water hitting her. She screamed in pain. Hali grinned. "What a clutz."

Shido stood up. "Hikage-chan!" No answer. She ran to the kitchen door, but was stopped. A man, who appeared from a swirl of snow and ice. She fell back, as Usagi rushed away to the side, to transform.
"Hello, sweetheart." Shido held in her revulsion.
"Who are YOU?"
"I'm Orphim, and your.....ICED!" He raised his hand, and a blast of iced shot out, and striking Shido. She screamed, as the ice began to spread across her skin.....
"Hey you, Orphim!" He looked up.
"You forgot about ME!" Eternalsailormoon stood their, grinning. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" The pink light hit Orphim, and he was blasted back into the wall. He grimaced in pain.

Hali sighed. "It seems like Orphims going to need my help.... Don't go anywhere, dear..." She laughed wildly, then vanished in a swirl of snow and ice.
"I have to..." Hikage whisperedsoftly, as she stood up. She pulled her self up fully, using the counter. She sighed, then looked to the door. "I can't go out their, what if..." She shook her head, then had an idea. "They use ice, from what I heard...." She picked up the tea kettle, from the floor, and set it on the counter. Her hand brushed the knife that was lying on the counter...

"Ice DOME!" Usagi, who had transformed away from Shido, had came back, only to be attacked. Eternalsailormoon screamed, as ice sealed her feet to the ground.
"No fair!" She cried, flailing around. In her.... exuberance, the Eternal Moon Tier went flying. "No!!!" Hali grinned, and picked it up. "So, is this important? To bad, it can't help...." The ice was at her waist. "You...." Her neck. "Now." She was completely covered.
"Thanks hot stuff...." Hali grimaced at Orphim.
"Shove it, Orphim." She regretted her words once she spoke.
"Anyplace you want me too, Hali...."
"Ahem." Sailorearth stood their, spear pointing threatiningly at them. It seems Shido had used the time Orphim was distracted to transform as well.
"Huh?" Orphim was shocked, Hali just shook her head in disgust. But, before she could react....
"TRANQUILITY SPEAR UTILIZATION!" Earth span the spear around, sending a wave of grey energy hurtling their way. They leapt back, and away, vanishing in a storm of snow and ice.
"Hmmm, thats better." Sailorearth grin, then headed to Moon.

The knife began shaking, and Hikage backed away. "Whats going....?" The cup flew up, expanding, into a vaguely humanoid, androgonys form, mixed with the features of a knife. "Oh NO!" She tripped, and fell back, slamming her head into the floor, and slipping into unconsciousness.

She placed the spear head up to the ice, and after a second, it was gone. Sailormoon shivered, and Sailoearth shook her head. "Lets go."
"O-o-of c-c-course....." They went to the kitchen, the sound of the scream.

When the two entered, they found a strange sight indeed. Hikage, lying on the ground, a sparkling crystal hovering over her chest. The creature that was the cause of her situation was hovering over her, about to take the crystal. "Machinasai!" Sailormoon cried. The monster looked up at her, and she knew, with a pang of fear, exactly what it was. A daimon. That crystal must be her Pure Heart....
"Thank you for distracting it, Sailormoon. Tranqulity Spear..." The Daimon lept up, and sent a torrent of blades of various sizes at Moon and Earth. Sailorearth leapt up, out of the way, while Sailormoon scurried away, shock as she was. "Utilization!" She span the spear around, as she landed, sending a massive wave of grey energy at the daimon. It was hit, and vanished into dust.
"Wow, thanks...Now, who are YOU?"
"I," She smiled faintly. "Am Sailorearth....." She span the spear around, and was gone....

"HOW COULD YOU RUN AWAY!" Realgar exploded. Hali stepped foreward.
"Realgar...It was Sailorearth, that attack could have destroyed us."
"I see. Well, we just took one strike off of Calcite-samas remaining chances."
"Yes, just ONE left." They all shook with fear. It was Calcite.
"Ca-Calcite-sama!" Hali stuttered.
"We attack as one, the next time. Got it?" The three nodded in unison.
"Of course, Calcite-sama."

"I'm glad Hikage-chan is alright."
"Hai, me too. She just needs to rest."
"Good.... That really was weird."
"Yeah, it was....." They looked at eachother, embarressed to ask the next question. Usagi sighed.
"Well, I need to go..."
"Ja, Usagi-chan."

"Guys, you won't believe this! I was at Shido-chan and Hikage-chans, and we were attacked by the enemy! And," She took a big breath of air, then went on. "Their was another Sailor Senshi! Sailorearth!"
"Hai, Mamo-chan! Anyways, she defeated the enemy.... She has this WAY wicked spear, you see.... And then, we had to go fight someone ELSE! And, this is the scary part!"
"What, Usagi-chan?"
"It was a daimon, Minako-chan."
"No way!"
"I'm NOT kidding, Rei-chan! It was a Daimon! It tried taking Hikage-chans Pure Heart! .... Well, thats what it looked like!"
"We'll have to investigate this."
"Good idea, Ami-chan."
"I'll get right on it, minna." She summoned the Mercury Computer.
"Well, thats all we can do for now."
"I wonder who Sailorearth is."
"We'll find out, Mamo-chan. She seems to be an ally, though..."
"Good, Usako. Good...." But WHO is she?

The end Episode Three
Stay Tuned for Episode Four-"Hikage's Dream, Calcites Last Chance-The Awakening, the Light of the Solar Guardian"