Miscellaneous bits and pieces...

This page will grow over the months!  Please feel free to send us any of your stuff and we will publish it in a guest section (with your permission).

You are welcome to use any stuff that you find here.  It would be nice if you could let us know how you have used it.  Please do not print it in any publication for sale without first seeking our permission.  If you ask, we will probably say yes.  If you don't, we will track you down and subject you to unspeakable horrors (!)

Seven letters to eight churches

Homily preached at a service of thanksgiving for Diana

A Satanic Monologue

A Service for St. George's Day

A version of Psalm 23

Prodigal Son for three voices

Jeremiah's Letter

locust storms

Song of Solomon for 2 lovers

Service for the blessing of a new church lavatory