Prayers etc for January 31 1999

What does the Lord require?


Micah 6:1-8
Psalm 15
1 Cor1:18-31
Matthew 5:1-12
The Lord's requirements
A picture of a righteous person
Boast only in the Lord
Many blessings...


      from Rejoice and Sing unless stated
Praise and thanksgiving
Jesus hands were kind hands
Lift high the cross
O Jesus I have promised
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
Make me a channel of your peace
Show us your ways O Lord

Call to worship

What shall we bring to the Lord of heaven when we come to worship him?
Calves to burn?    NO!
Thousands of sheep?   NO!
Streams of oil?   NO!
Our first born children?   NO!


Prayer of praise - based on 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

O God you are foolish - and we praise you
For the nonsense of the cross - we praise you
For Christ the Holy Fool - we praise you
For calling us, the weak and unimportant, to serve you - we praise you

O God you are wise - and we praise you
For the power of the cross - we praise you
For Christ our Wisdom and Word - we praise you
For giving us love that makes us strong and confident to serve you- we praise you

For your foolishness is wiser than human wisdom
And your weakness is stronger than human strength
And in Jesus we become your people and are set free
So, we your people boast of the love you have given us - and we praise you. Amen.

Prayer of confession - based on Psalm 15

A list of the requirements of a good Christian will always find us lacking.
For we do not obey you in everything.
We do not always do what is right
Our words are definitely not always true and sincere.
We are sometimes guilty of slandering others or spreading rumours about our neighbours
We have occasionally let our friends down
And have been known to look down on other Christians,
dishonouring Your name as well as theirs.
We do not always keep our promises
and balk at the cost of living Your way
And ultimately, we have our price.

Merciful, loving Father we are truly sorry and ask to be forgiven.

Our God makes no lists, he keeps no record of wrongs.
When we come to him hanging our heads in sorrow over our shortcomings,
he keeps his promise.
Jesus says to us 'Your sins are forgiven'

He gives us the chance to make a fresh start, saying 'come, follow me'
We can rest secure in his saving, forgiving love.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

Offertory prayer

O God of heaven,
We worship you and bring our gifts - not of sacrifice, but for blessing in love.
The gift of money, to be used for the work of our church
The gift of ourselves, may we give of ourselves sacrificially
and act justly, walk humbly and show constant love
in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Prayer of intercession - based on Matthew 5:1-12

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who are poor...
Those who are poor in spirit who feel laid low by the stresses and strains of life
who see no light at the end of the tunnel
Those who are poor in material things who struggle through each day
who wonder where the next meal is coming from
who don't know where they will sleep tonight

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who mourn
For those whose whole bodies ache with loss they can only talk about with tears.
For those for whom grief is a well travelled path
And we pray for those who try and offer comfort.
For friends who worry over what to say
For grief counsellors and groups like CRUSE

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who are in positions of power
for Tony Blair and those who govern our country,
for our Queen,
for the United Nations, struggling to find an effective way to harmony in a diverse world,
for our local council, trying to regenerate Hartlepool,
for decision makers everywhere
may they know the true humility of service
and put the needs of others before themselves.

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who work for justice and peace.
For those who stand up for the voiceless,
who denounce cruelty and injustice
we pray for groups like Amnesty International, for those who care for the victims of torture, for those who support refugees
and we pray for the tragically large numbers of people who have suffered at the hands of oppressors across the world

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who have suffered much and cannot forgive
for those tortured by the past and unable to look to the future,
we pray that your Spirit may flow through them showing your way of forgiveness and peace.
And we pray for all those who have done wrong
for those who refuse to show remorse that they may confront what they have done
for those who beg for forgiveness that through this they may change their lives
Help everyone to confront the things they have done wrong through life
To seek forgiveness and be forgiving

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who are pure in heart,
we give thanks for those whose lives radiate your goodness, witnessing to your love.
And we pray for the children of the world, some for whom life is a big adventure
others for whom it is a nightmare, whose eyes have seen terrible things
We pray for those with learning difficulties who live child-like lives,
for all they have to share with us.
And we pray for those that care for them - particularly when the going is hard.

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who work for peace
for agents of reconciliation all over the world
we pray for the talks going on in Northern Ireland - the long slow peace process there.
We pray for marriage guidance groups like Relate - trying to bring peace from marital conflict

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those who are persecuted for their beliefs.
We pray for the Christians whose lives are threatened in India and in other parts of the world
for those who face ridicule because they go to church

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

We pray for those people and places which are on our minds at the moment...

Shower them with your blessings O LORD, WE PRAY

In the name of Jesus, our teacher and our saviour we pray. Amen.


Let us boast of God's love!
Through Jesus we become God's holy people
So let us go out boasting of all that God has done