Prayers and Readings for Lent 2 - February 28

When I'm Calling You.....


Genesis 12:1-4a
Psalm 121
Romans 4:1-5,13-17
John 3:1-17

and for our service...
Mark 2:13-17

God calls Abram
Our help comes from the Lord
Abraham is God's by faith
Jesus and Nicodemus

Jesus calls all sorts


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from Rejoice and Sing unless otherwise stated:
Come and Praise24
Come and Praise49
      For the beauty of the earth
I lift my eyes
Immortal love for ever full
This is the day
Stand up and bless the Lord
When a knight won his spurs
Will you come and follow me?
I to the hills will lift my eyes
Go tell it on the mountain
We are climbing Jesus' ladder

Call to worship:

God called Abram to father a nation - HOW RIDICULOUS!
God called Nicodemus to challenge his faith - HOW PUZZLING!
God called Matthew, an outcast, to serve him - HOW AMAZING!
And God calls us too - to be a family, to challenge others, to serve him
Let us worship our loving God who calls us to love.


Prayer of Praise - based on Psalm 121

When I am in trouble, when I am scared, when I am worried
What should I do?
Look to the mountains and call on you, O my God.
Even though You created all heaven and earth,
Even though You have all the people of the earth to tend and care for,
yet you have time for me.
You give me help, you wrap me in your warm arms of love.

Day or night, you are there for me,
you are always at my side - I feel your presence with me.
I know you will keep me safe in your love.
You are with me wherever I go
- at home, at school, at work, at the beach, in the park, at church.
When I am in trouble, when I am scared, when I am worried
What should I do?
Look to the mountains and call on you, O my God.
And thank you. And praise you. And worship you. Amen

Prayer of confession - based on Romans 4

Our lives seemed to be filled with rules and regulations
School rules, work regulations, the Highway Code, family rules, the Ten Commandments, the laws of the land.
It is such a struggle to keep them all - and so often we fail, we are overwhelmed with guilt.
And though we are bound by rules and regulations
we also know how we should live as people of faith
And we don't always do that well either.
We do things that are wrong, say things that are wrong, think things that are wrong.
And we fail to do good.
we are truly sorry and ask to be forgiven.
Holy Spirit help us to live by the rules and by God's love.

The good news is, though by the law we are condemned, by God's grace we are set free.
Though we have done may things that are wrong, God has given us Jesus.

To all who turn to him Jesus says 'Your sins are forgiven'
He also calls us saying 'Come, follow me'

Thanks be to God. Amen

Offertory prayer

God who blessed Abraham,
God who blesses us
We offer you these our gifts, given in grateful thanks and love
You made Abraham a blessing to others.
May we and these gifts be a blessing to others too,
offering your love and your blessing to all nations,
in Jesus name we pray. Amen.