NewLifeChanges Menopause Book


                     Thousand's of Women have written us from all over the world
requesting us to PLEASE write book.

Well we finally have !!
It's taken us almost 2 1/2 years
to re-search and compile all the information.
Actually it's a  quite large pamphlet ( in book form)
filled with a huge and wonderful amount of
well needed information, that you really can
read and understand, and most of all

"Inside our book you will find"

1. Content
        2. Introduction
                                      3. A complete section on "really what is menopause"
Signs and Symptoms
" There not all in your Head"
. How to help yourself
Where to find Help
About Hormones and Hormone Therapy

           4. All the different kinds Estrogen available
In the US and Europe
                 5. Pharmacys "  that specialize in womens health,
and customize hormone therapy

                 6. Information on DHEA, Progesterone, Testosterone

          7. Vitamins that can really help you feel better

                                                   8. Special Soy foods, Products  and Recipies to go the Natural Way.

                 9. A Complete list to Dr' across the US and Europe
              That sepcialize only in Women and Menoapuse

10. Herbs and Creams that will help you

     11. Recipie's " The Best and Yummiest foods "

12. A Complete list to all the Menopause
NewsGroups & Support Groups
on and off the Internet
" Including Chats rooms, Hundreds of Menopause links"
to Medical Associations that will help you.

13. New Books and Review's to help you
in your new life changes.

                14. New World News on Womens Change of Life

15. Complete Refferance Guide

16. Help with your Relationship durning Menopause

If you would like to order our book,
go to our next page,
and print out the order form.

A donation of 4.95 plus 2.95 for shipping
is all we ask. Your donation
will be applied to paper, ink, binders,
re-search, staples, stamps.
and to keep our site up for you
for the millenium.

is a non for profit.
Our goal is to provide
a great amount of information to
women in the world , to help 'themselves"
durning the changes of life.
To be able to find the options  and choices
that are out ther for them.
There are options that many women do
not even know about.

Our book will be up-dated twice a year.
January and August

If your ready click below