What are "Buzzwords"?

What about the amount of conservation/study that parks invest time/money into to help these animals? Isn't it helpful?

What are "Buzzwords"?

"Buzzwords" are words that tour guides and trainers avoid when talking to guests. It gives the guest a more positive look on the park. You may see experts from a training manual that point out "buzzwords" here.

What about the amount of conservation/study that parks invest time/money into to help these animals? Isn't it helpful?

There are arguments on how much true conservation marine parks actually puts money into. The Shed Aquarium of Chicago, which houses belugas and 5 Pacific Whitesided dolphins, states that they protect whales and dolphins by education, outreach, and conservation. The Shed Aquarium actually has invested in stocks and bonds from compainies such as Monsanto Company. The Canadian Government listed the Monsanto Company as one of the 50 worst polluters of the St. Lawrence River. According to Shed's own litature "Beluga populations...are threatened by oil and hydroelectric development and by pollution. Most notable is the smale rapidly declining stock in the ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. The whales there, which accumulate high levels of these toxic chemicals in their bodies, are succumbing to a varitey of cancers and blood diseases." (Source: Whale Rescue Team Factsheet)The amount of study invested into learning about cetaceans is mainly researched by dedicated rehab/research centers. More then half of all captive research takes place in rehab centers, not in aquariums. If you really want to LEARN then you must see them as they are meant to be seen, in the wild. (Source: The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity- Humane Society of the United States)

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