Well I managed to update Writings From The Grave and looking to do some different things on the mirror sites -- this one used to be ground zero for everything that is Nickolaus Pacione, but I got everything going on a larger website. I have no plans on leaving either Tripod.com or Angelfire.com, in fact, I repackaged a few of the stories I've written over the years and they will be linked from the reading room. I employed Angelfire.com to run parts of my e-zine when I was in my e-zine days. I also was on a site called goplay.com but they banned me because a story I ran on the site. It was as controversial as something I would end up writing four years later. The stories titled The Fandom Writer, Darkness From The Skies, FUCKBEATER, Writings From The Grave, House Of Spiders, and Wrong Side Of The Tracks call Tripod's incarnation of Writings From The Grave home. I am looking to do the HTML treatment to another story from the 2005 era for this one, and it's available as a pdf file via AuthorsDen, and it's part of a collection called The Writings Collected: Vol 2. Stories will in part be re-packaged in the HTML format for you old school visitors. What was the guestbook area here is now the gate to the other Writings From The Grave url that's a lot bigger in the layout. In otherworkds it got a lot bigger. I am talking nearly the size of the Go Network era Writings From The Grave. This will also have a movie room linked up here, and that is under construction. I will present that like I present the stories on the website. this place is constantly under construction so bare with me. The other location for Writings From The Grave is fully operational. If you're looking for the titles I have with Lake Fossil Press, you can go over to Lulu.com. If you're looking for the website for The Ethereal Gazette, click here. Writings From The Grave has a domain but I haven't quite moved things into there yet -- I am going to put some of my pdf stories as HTML stories for the site, namely the Reality Check: An Anthology Of Horror inspired In The Reflection Of A Lens which was featured originally on the now defunct Wheels of Terror website. They had me as a staff writer there too. at the time. It was an interesting gig, I was their connection to the small press because I reviewed small press books and indie horror films. I am also doing some blogging on a few places -- to the right hand corner I will have new links to everything. Batcave is now defunct and some of my files were lost with them and lost when the service went to hell. I found some of my old diary-x material by looking at waybackmachine but the story I can't find is the most important one called The House Of Pain. I wrote that story for Wraith Knox as a Christmas present. Though I have a lot of stories online, I also amassed a few that are print exclusives these days. I want to keep them that way. I am just mad that I'm coming very close to not having any more space to play around with on here. So I have to host stories at other places and do this one as a mirror gateway. I have got stories loaded to a few servers these days, it was just like I did it in 1997. I sometimes submit stories to newsgroups to test out the manuscripts. |