Matthew Lawrence.....the middle child who falls between his talented older brother, Joe and his funny little brother, Andy. Matt as the middle child has the great potential to succeed. He has his older brother to learn from and his younger brother to teach. Matt's good looks and his great acting sence will take him far in life. And that is why this page is dedicated to Matthew Lawrence, a marvelous, talented, young actor.


Matt has joined the cast of "Boy Meets World" on ABC. He plays the role of Jack and he can be seen Fridays at 8:30p.m., 7:30p.m. central.

To those that were lucky, you may have caught a glimpse of Matt on Sunday November 9th on ABC. He was in the Disney Special Movie, "Angels in the Endzone". Sorry I didn't post the news sooner, but I didn't know until it came on!!

November 18, 1997~~ New link added: LAWRENCE WORLD

November 20, 1997~~ New section added: Filmography

January 11, 1998~~ A new counter/guestbook was added. Before the new counter, we had 5,345 visits to this page from June 3, 1997!! Let's keep it rising... I also joined the Matthew Lawrence webring today! And you can vote for my site at: Starting Point Hot Site below.


Matt's Bio
Matt Links
Matt's Contact Address
Matt Pics

This Matt Lawrence site is owned by
Nicole Cook.

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****I am not Matthew Lawrence and I do not know him. This page is unofficial.****

This page has just recently been made and will continue to be changed often. Please, if anyone has anything they would like to contribute, E-mail me at
Thank you.