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Nilanjan Mukherjee
I work in the Meshing & Geometry Abstraction group @ SIEMENS Digital Industries Software in Cincinnati, OH. The main area of my activity today spans finite element mesh generation like quad-dominant surface meshing using hybrid algorithms involving subdivision, advancing front and Cartesian techniques; Art-Gallery multiblocking and feature aware flow-driven mesh generation for crash analysis; transfinite meshing with many constraints, mesh smoothing and topological clean-up etc. In the past I have also worked in areas like solid mesh generation, geometry idealization for meshing, meshing on tessellated geometry, parametric meshing, tetrahedral meshing process engineering, hexahedral-to- tetrahedral interface development, mesh morphing, and sweep mesh generation in solids, open volumes and void regions.
A glimpse of my mesh generation work is listed below:
Other areas where I have worked in the past:
Present Assignment:
Since 1999, I work for the Meshing & Abstraction Group, at Siemens Digital Industry Software (ex-SDRC) in Cincinnati, OH.
Patents6. US 2022/0067242A1/ Modifying a finite element mesh 2022.
5. US20210335042A1/ Feature based abstraction and meshing. 2018.
4. US2021037139A1/ Multizone quadrilateral mesh generator for high mesh quality and isotropy. 2023.
3. US20170061037A1/ Mesh generation system and method. 2015.
2. EP3520084B1/ System and method for element quality improvement in 3d quadrilateral-dominant surface meshes (European Patent). 2016.
1. US20100226589/System, method, and computer program product for smoothing. Sep, 2010.
32. Ground Truth Cross Field Guided Mesher-native Box Imprinting for Automotive Crash Analysis Proc. SIAM-IMR 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Mar 6-9, 2023.
31. Bicameral Mesh Gradation with a Controlled Advancing Front Approach Computer Aided Design, Feb, 2022.
30. GLOBAL REMESHING OF ORPHAN SURFACE MESH WITH LOCAL CONTROL Proc. XXIX International Meshing Roundtable, June, 2021.
29. Automatic Feature Recognition Using the Medial Axis for Structured Meshing of Automotive Body PanelsComputer Aided Design, DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2020.102845, Apr, 2020.
28. Bicameral Mesh Anisotropy Proc. XXVIIIth International Meshing Roundtable, Buffalo, NY, USA, 2019.
27. Medial Axis Based Bead Feature Recognition for Automotive Body Panel Meshing Proc. XXVIIth International Meshing Roundtable, Albuquerque, NM, USA, pp. 333-348, Springer, 2018.
26. A Cartesian Slab Based Multiblocking Strategy for Irregular Cylindrical Surfaces Proc. XXVIth International Meshing Roundtable, Barcelona, Spain, Procedia Engineering, 2017.
25. A 3D Constrained Optimization Smoother to post-process Quadrilateral Meshes for Body-In-White Proc. XXVth International Meshing Roundtable, Washington D.C., USA, Elsevier, 2016.
24. An Art Gallery approach to submap meshing Proc. XXIIIth International Meshing Roundtable, London, UK, Procedia Engineering 2014.
23. Automatic Hexahedral Sweep Mesh Generation of Open Volumes Proc. XXIth International Meshing Roundtable, San Jose, CA, USA, pp. 333-348, Springer, 2012.
22. CSALF-Q: A Bricolage Algorithm for Anisotropic Quad Mesh Generation Proc. XXth International Meshing Roundtable, Paris, France, pp. 489-510, Springer, 2011.
21. A Transfinite Meshing Approach for Body-In-White Analyses Proc. XIXth International Meshing Roundtable, Chattanooga,TN, USA, Part 1, 49-65, Springer, 2010.
20. A Combined Subdivision and Advancing Loop-Front Surface Mesher (Triangular) for Automotive Structures, International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 2(1), 28-37, 2010.
19. Flattening 3D Triangulations For Quality Surface Mesh Generation, Proc. XVIIth International Meshing Roundtable, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, pp125-140, Springer, 2008.
18. A Mesh Morphing Technique for Geometrically Dissimilar Tessellated Surfaces, Proc. XVIth International Meshing Roundtable, Seattle, WA, USA, pp315-334, Springer, 2007.
17. High Quality Transfinite Meshing With Interior Point Constraints, Proc.XVth International Meshing Roundtable, pp200-221, Birmingham, AL. USA. Sep, Springer, 2006.
16. A Hybrid, Variational 3D Smoother for Orphaned Shell Meshes, Proc. XIth International Meshing Roundtable, pp379-390, Cornell, Ithaca, NY. USA. Sep, 2002.
15. A Micromechanical Model to study Hygrothermal Shocks at the Fiber-Matrix Interface, J. Reinforced Plastics and Composites, vol. 21 no. 14, 1271-1283, 2002.
14. An Abstraction and Meshing Technique for Industry Problems,Proc. US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Detroit, USA. June, 2001.
13. Thermoelastic and Creep Analysis of a Reinforced Plastic Interrupter shell assembly, J.Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 17(1), pp.51-70. 1998.
12. Thermostructural Analysis of Rotationally Symmetric Multidirectional Fibrous Composite Structures, Computers & Structures, 65(6), pp.809-817. 1997.
11. A Finite Element Free Vibration Analysis Analysis of a Thermally Stressed Spinning Plate, Computers & Structures, 59(2), pp.377-385. 1996.
10. Thermoelastic Excitation of Multidirectional Fibrous Composite Cylinders,J.Sound & Vibration, 192(4),pp.807-20. 1996.
9. Thermal Shocks in Composite Plates: A Coupled Thermoelastic Finite Element Analysis, Composite Structures, 34, pp 1-12. 1996.
8. Effects of Thermal Shock on Moisture Diffusion at the Fiber/Matrix Interface, Computational Structural Mechanics. Ed. P.K.Sinha, S. Parthan. Allied Publishers. New Delhi. 1994. Google Book Link
7. Three-Dimensional Thermo-Structural Analysis of Multidirectional Fibrous Composite Plates, Composite Structures, 28, pp.333-46. 1994.
6. 3D Thermostructural Response in Thick Laminated Composites: A Finite Element Approach, J.Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 13, pp.977-997. 1994.
5. Improved Free Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Plates by Dynamic Element Method, Computers & Structures, 52(2), pp.259-264. 1994.
4. A Comparative Finite Element Heat Conduction Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates, Computers & Structures, 52(3), pp.505-510. 1994.
3. 3D thermodiffusion in composites by finite element analysis, National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, March 1993 at IIT Kharagpur India.
2. A Finite Element Analysis of Thermostructural Bending Behavior of Composite Plates,J.Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 12(11), pp.1221-38. 1993.
1. A Finite Element Analysis of Inplane Thermostructural Behavior of Composite Plates; J.Reinforced Plastics & Composites, 12(10),pp.1026-42. 1993.
SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Fellow (2023)
Excellent Performer - Career Achievement, Siemens Digital Industries Software (2020)
Notable Mention, Innovation of the Year, Siemens PLM Software (2018)
Winner, Innovation of the Year, Siemens PLM Software (2017)
Served as Journal Reviewer for
Computer-Aided Design
International Meshing Roundtable Conference Proceedings
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Engineering with Computers
International Journal of CAD/CAM
J. Indian Society of Theoritical & Applied Mechanics
Title of Doctoral Thesis:
Title of Post Graduation Thesis:
Past Experience:
Worked as CAE Project Manager for Tata Consultancy Services at
Solutions, Cypress, California from 1996-1998. Was responsible for leading an 8-member team to identify and develop new CAE functionality for the product UG/SCENARIO. Joint development took place at Cypress and at the Tata Unigraphics Development Center in Secunderabad, India.
Software Research & Development Background:
Research & development of Surface Mesh Generation algorithms in C++ for IDEAS/NX/Simcenter 3D products (1999-present).
Developed an
interactive macro in Ansys Parametric Development Language
(APDL) to create a finite element model of a wheel-dovetail
joint for 13 rotor stages with gap elements,loads and restraints
for GE Power Systems at TCS-GE Offshore Development Center at Bombay, India.(APDL/DEC/Unix/1996).
Lead a team of 7 engineers
to research and develop advanced FEA tools for pre-processing
and mesh checking around ANSYS and UG/GFEM to automate analysis functions
for various GE divisions. The development work was carried out in the TCS-GE
Off-shore Development Center at Bombay, India. (C,APDL,UFUNC/DEC,HP,SGI/Unix/1996).
Studied the requirements
and designed a software system for automating the design
of power plants based on the combined cycle (steam and gas
turbine cycles) for GE Power Systems at Schenectady, New York, USA.(1995)
Researched, designed and developed
a finite element analysis code for transient fully
coupled thermostructural analysis of aerospace structures
made with advanced multidirectional fiber reinforced composite materials.This
was developed for Aerospace Research & Development Board at the Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.(Fortran/CDC Cyber/NOSV/1992-1995).
Researched, designed and
Developed a finite dynamic element analysis solver
for vibration of ship panels for MHRD, at Jadavpur University, Calcutta,
Designed and developed a
stability analysis function for mechanical cranes for Engineering
Research Center, TELCO at Jamshedpur, India. (Fortran/VAX/VMS/1988)
Engineering Analysis and Research Experience:
Executed the following finite element analysis projects as Project Leader
Static analysis
of the revolving frame of a mechanical crawler crane for Engineering
Research Center, Tata Engineering (TELCO) at Jamshedpur, India. (I-DEAS/1989)
Thermoelastic analysis of a spacecraft nozzle made out of Carbon
Carbon Composite for AR&DB at IIT, Kharagpur,India. (Used self-developed
analysis code TEA on Cyber/1993-1994)
Thermal stress
analysis of an automobile engine valve for AR&DB at IIT,
Kharagpur, India.(TEA/1994)
Response analyses of a switchgear assembly for design evaluation
for GE Electrical Distribution & Control, Burlington, Iowa, USA.(UG,PATRAN/1995)
Random Vibration/Transient
Dynamic analyses of a Launcher Antenna assembly of a surface-to-air
missile launcher moving over rough terrain. This investigation was done
for Defence Research & Development Lab at TCS,Secunderabad, India.The
analysis results were validated by field tests(PATRAN/1995)
stress analysis of radial flow fans for material reduction for
Andrew-Yule at TCS, Calcutta, India.(PATRAN/1995)
Stress/Frequency Response analyses of a supersonic gunshell
for Ordnance Factory at TCS Calcutta, India.(UG/GFEM,ANSYS/1996).
stress analysis of a wheel-dovetail joint with gap/contact elements
for GE Power System, Schenectady,New York, USA. (UG,ANSYS/1996)
Thermoelectric analysis of a circuit breaker for GE Electrical
Distribution & Control, Plainville, Connecticut, USA.(ANSYS/1996)
Engineering Design Experience:
Designed a friction
type mechanical crawler mounted crane for TELCO, Jamshedpur,
India.As the main design engineer, I was involved in concept design, engineering
design, fabrication design, finite element analysis, stability analysis,
solid modeling and manufacturing drawing preparation, prototype development,
testing and vendor development. CAD products used: SDRC/I-DEAS and Euclid
(Matra DataVision). The product (TFC 280) was exported to
25+ countries worldwide and was retired in 2017.
Designed a
supersonic, high explosive, base bleeding gunshell for
the Bofors gun. This design project was done for Ordnance Factory, Ambajhari,
India from TCS, Calcutta (1996).
Programming Languages :