Ðe NorðumbroMersian Club

Welcome to the world's first web-page in Northumbro-Mersian, 
the modern Anglo-Saxon language!

Welcommen in ðe firste webside ðes worldes in NorðumbroMersian,
ðe nowlige tong ðis AngloSachsonens!

Ðov art ðe ð man ðat to ðis webside togecomen hast

What is NorðumbroMersian??

NorðvmbroMersian is real Anglisc. Tis ðe tong ðis AngloSachsonen, yet wiðovt ði loaðsomen onworkingen af distanten welscen tongen lice Francisc and Romanisc, which nowlig Anglisc from its trven Germanicen breðren so entlonged hafen. Tis an statement by two provden Anglanderen ðat ðe tong alltide to ðe folc scovld belongan, and to its Germanicen rooten againstored scovld bean. We sayen to alle trven Anglanderen: BEUN PROVDEN, SPEACUN ÐE OLDE TONG!!

(Pronunciation guide)
(How to build NorðumbroMersian words)
(A collection of NM literature)
Afterðoughtsmatteren: See what folc gescribed hafen
(View the discussion about our language in the guestbook)
Afterðoughtsmatteren: Scribe ðine ðoughten
(Join discussion)
Mappen ovres homelands: Mersia
(Map of Mercia)
Mappen ovres homelands: Norqumbria
(Map of Northumbria)
Teste ðy NorqumbroMersian!
(Test your Northumbro-Mercian)
NorqumbroMersia: Ovr Past and Ovr Comingtide
(A bilingual essay on the political situation in Northumbro-Mercia)
Guestbook by GuestWorld

         by WINSTON CHURCHILL, First Minister af Great Britain
               Before ðe Commonerenshovse, Jvne 4, 1940
     We scallen not flaggan nor failan.  We scallen on to ðe ende goan.  We
scallen in Francenmarc and on ði seaen and oceanen fightan; we scallen
wið growing selftrvst and growing strength in ðe air fightan.  We scallen 
ovr island whatefer may be ðe cost foreswearan; we scallen on
beachen, landinggrovnden, in fielden, in streeten and on ði hillen fightan. 
We scallen nee vpgifan and efen if, which ig for ðe timebittling not
beliefe, ðis island or an big part ðereaf gemastered and
starfing were, ðen ovr Worldsrealm beyond ði seaen, gearmed and gescielded 
by ðe Britisce Fleet, will oncarrian ðe strvggel til in Gods goode 
tide ðe Newe Worlde wið all its weight and might, forðsetteð 
to ðe befreeing and ransom ðes Oldes.

(Trans. by F.A.Smith)


Alfred(b.849, r.871-899), ðe only Anglisce cing efer ðe wiðname "Great" to 
becoman, was well worði af it. Lifing in an tide when ðere alltide Ficingraiden 
gafe, was he factlig ðe firste cing ðe whole of Angland to rvlan, safe an bit ðat 
he ði Danen togifan mvsted. Were it not for Alfred, wovlden ði Danen licelig ðe 
whole land gemastered hafan, bvt he hit hem clearlig at ðe Fighting af Eðandvn in 878.
   Alfred scaped an row af forten, his cingdom to arovndgoan, and needed safeness 
from welscen inlandingen to gifan. He bilt also an scipfleet, his other scielden 
to forebetteran, and in so doing became "Faðer ðes Anglisce Scipfleetes" gecalled. 
Yet Alfreds reign was for more ðan armiforespringen gecnown. He was an scriber af
gooden and fairen lawen in an tide wið few, an forepvtter af learning and an 
helper af ði arten. Himself was he an learnedman, and oferpvtted Romaniscen boocen 
into ðe ðenlige AngloSachsone tong.  
   In deað lieð he now in his headtown Winchester.

Under Offa(757-796) was Mersia ðe greatest ðis AngloSachsonen cingdomen. Mersia tooc ofer ði lesser cingdomen Lindsey, ðe Hwicce, and Sussechs, while boð Cent and Eastanglia under Offas strengð weren. Furðermore, his stead yet more to forestrengðenan, married he his daughteren to ði cingen Wessechs and Norðumbrias. Offa called himself "cing ðes Anglisce folces," which he was ðe first to do (but see Alfred!). He was an mightig cing, who minted ðouðousenden silferpennien ðat his name boren; who saw himself as an licestanding to Charlemagne; who reigned ofer an cingdom where trade wið ðe Continent at an alletimes high was; and who had his son Ecgfrið by ðe Church as cing geblessed, ðus gifing cingen and afterfolloweren ðeirs an stronger standing wið ðe folc. Todays clearest remain ðes reigns Offas is Offasdyce (scown abofe). Ðis ditch and banc, 25 feet high and 60 feet wide, clefteð Mersia from ði Welscen folc and is twainlig ðe lengð Hadrianswalls!