Welcommen in ðe NorðvmbroMersiane ovtspeacingslearning!!

Herebeneað finden ye alle NMs fowelen and how man ðen ovtspeacan scovld...

 a,  f.f. after, ovtspocen as Anglish ‘cat’
 ai, f.f. rain, ov. as Ang. ‘lie’ 
 ao, f.f. gaol, ov. as a ðen o 
 av, f.f. cavght,  ov. as Ang.  ‘cow’ 
 ay, f.f. away, day, ov. as NM ai abofe
 e,  f.f. men, ov. as Ang. ‘men’
 ea, f.f. earð, speacan, ov. as e ðen a
 ee, f.f. weec, ov. as Ang. ‘three’
 ei, f.f. weight, ov. as Ang. ‘rain’ 
 ey, f.f. eye, ðey, ov. as NM ei abofe
 i,  f.f. sittan, ov. as Ang. ‘sit’
 ia, f.f. Mersia, ov. as i ðen a
 ie, f.f. scield, ov. as i ðen e
 o,  f.f. one, ov. as Ang. ‘on’
 oa, f.f. board, ov. as o ðen a
 oe, f.f. scoe, ov. lice ðe fowel in Ang. 'her' or Tvt. 'hören'
 oo, f.f. booc, ov. as Ang. ‘boot’ 
 ov, f.f. ðov, ðrovgh, ov. lice Ang 'low', bvt fvrðer bac
       in ðe movð, as nowlig in Manchester 
 ow, f.f. cow, now, ov. as ov (ow is fanlig as an wordending 
       instead af ov gescribed)
 oy, f.f. toy, boy ov. as NorðAng. 'toy'
 v,  f.f. bvt, ov. as NorðAng. 'but'
 vy, f.f. gvy, bvy ov. lice ðe sovnd in toy, bvt beginning
       wið v not o, as ðe nowlig Birmingham 'buy'
 y,  f.f. hymn, dyce, rye, ov. as oo bvt wið rovnded lippen, as
       Tvt. 'über', Sfe. 'ny' or Fra. 'tu'  
 Alle oðer fowelgrovpingen aren welsh and mvsten ðerefore 
againsteaded bean


When standing alone aren ði mosten wiðsovnderen as in Anglisc ovtspocen.
Ðis is so for alle ði followingen boocstafen:
 b, d, g, h, l, m, n, p, r, s, w, y(as wiðsovnder) 

'T' is as in Ang. ovtspocen, safe when twichst fowelen f.f. 'bvtter', 
'trotter' or when alone as an wordendingboocstafe f.f. 'got','fat', when
it as an 'glottalstop' ovtspocen is. Svch 'glottalstoppen' aren in
many Angliscen areatongen in ðese steaden gefovnd, f.o. Cockney,
Mancunian or Geordie ovtspeacingen ðis abofegescribeden worden.
Ði boocstafen 'f' and 'ð' hafen each two ovtspeacingen.
'Ð's ovtspeacing liceneð ðat ðes Anglisce grovping 'th': ð.i. 
sometiden wið strengð f.f. A:'the'/NM:'ðe', oðertiden wiðovt 
f.f. A:'thin'/NM:'ðin'.
Licewise has 'f' an ovtspeacing wið strengð and an wiðovt. Ðvs 
when Anglisc 'f' scribeð, doen we also so in NM, bvt when
Anglisc 'v' scribeð, scriben we 'f', ðovgh ðe ovtspeacing
an Anglisc 'v' liceneð. 
In boð ðese fallen gifes ðere people, ðat alltide one ovtspeacing 
anwenden, as ðere no oðerness in meaning twichst ði two ovtspeacingen
gifes. Ðis liceneð ðe stead in Anglish, where some people ði
worden 'with' and 'thin' wið ðe same wiðsovnder ovtspeacan.   

Safe ði followingen aren also wiðsovndergrovpingen allmenly as in 
Anglish ovtspocen.

 ch, as wordstartingbit: ov. as Ang. 'chop'  
     as wordendingbit:   ov. as Ang. 'loch' (m.w. not 'lock').
  Ðvs has 'chvrch' ðe firste ovtspeacing at ðe start and 
  ðe oðer at ðe end.
  Marce howefer ðat an endingsteaded 'tch' lice an startingsteaded
  'ch' ovtspocen is: f.f. 'latch' ovtspocen as Ang. 'latch'
 dg, f.f. dgas, ov. as 'j' 
 gh, f.f. lavgh, ov. as in 'loch'(m.w. not 'lock') bvt wið strengð, 
       lice an Hollandisc 'g'
 sc, f.f. scip, ov. as Ang. 'ship' 

Ðov art ðe ð man ðat to ðis webside togecomen hast
