
Ðrimmorstale is an oferputting an olde Norse dicts from about ðe year 900. 
Ði followingen playen an part ðerein:

Ðunor – ðe mightige Ðundergod, who, wið weightig hammer his, ðe world against 
ði Highmen and oðer efilen foreswore. His cart is wið goaten gedrifen, 
ðat he efery night cilleð and eateð his wellcenned hunger to feedan, yet 
in ðe morn aren ðey again alife, his cart to drifan.
Loci – ðe Mischiefgod, who alltide waywardness startan trieð.    
Freya – ðe Scaggodwoman, comeligest ðis allen godden and owner an feaðercloac, 
wið which man flyan can.
Ðrimmor – lord ðis Highmens, who in ðis tale Ðunors hammer stealeð, 
in order Freya as wife to becoman.
Brisinga – Freyas wellcenned, comelig, heafig and dear necchain. 
Heimdall – an wise god, who minder ðes ways into Goddenhome is and who 
ðingen in ðe comingtide seean can.
Woden – lord ðis Goddens, also as Allfaðer becenned. Ðunors faðer.
Norðer – god ðes Searealms and ðes Windes. Freyas faðer.
Sif – Croppengodwoman and Ðunors woman.
Mollnir – Ðunors hammer. Ðe folc anwended oft licenessen as blessingstoolen, 
in ðis tale trieð Ðrimmor, ðe factlig hammer ðuslig to anwendan.
Var – Blessingensgodwoman. 

raðfull was Winged-Ðunor when he awoke and his hammer he lacced beard tooc to scacing hair tooc to tossing began Earðs son around to gropan. And he ðese worden firstlig did say: “Heare ðou now Loci, what now speace ig which no man wiseð earðlig neiðer nor heafenlig: ðis Gods hammer is stolen!” Went hey to comelig Freyas dwelling and he ðese worden firstlig did say: “Wilt ðou me, Freya, feaðercloac lendan, so my hammer may ig findan?” Freya said: “Efen may ig it ðee gifan if it af gold were and efen grant it if it were af silfer.” Flew ðen Loci – feaðercloac ðundering – till outside he came, Goddens home, and inside came, ðe Highmens home. Ðrimmor sat on an roccenheap, lord ðis Highmens, for doggen his goldbindingen to mace and for horsen his hair to trimme. Ðrimmor said: “What is wið ði Godden? What is wið ðe elfen? Why is only one come to Highmenshome?” Loci said: “Ill is wið ði Godden, ill is wið ði elfen; hast ðou Ðunors hammer gehidden?” Ðrimmor said: “Ig hafe Ðunors hammer aye gehidden fifteen leagen ðes earðs below, it no man bac can fetchan, unless leadeð he me Freya as bride.” Flew ðen Loci – feaðercloac ðundering – till outside he came, ðe Highmens home, and inside came, Goddens home; met he Ðunor mid ðes dwellings, who ðese worden firstlig did say: “Hast ðou newen so well as worc? Say ðou aloft long tidingen; oft sitting talen nowt meanen and lying down lien be spocen.” Loci said: “Hafe ig worc and newen; Ðrimmor has ðy hammer, lord ðis Highmens, it no man bac can fetchan unless leadeð he him Freya as bride.” Went hey ðe comelig Freya to finde, and he ðese worden firstlig did say: “Bind on ðyself, Freya, bridal headdress. We scallen togeðer risan, to Highmenshome.” Wraðful was ðen Freya and snorted, all ðe Goddens hall under it scuddered, snapped it ðat great necchain Brisinga – “Mig musten ye ðincan man-mad, scould ig wið you to Highmenshome.” Straightway weren Mengodden alle in meeting and Womengodden alle chatting, and about ðis ðought ði mightien Godden, how ðey Ðunors hammer seecan scoulden. Ðen said ðis Heimdall – for an wise god was he – saw he well forward, as many Godden could, “Let us ðen on Ðunor bridal headdress bindan, hafe he ðat great necchain Brisinga.” “Let around him ceyen rattellan and womensscirt around kneen fallan and on ðe breast spreadan stonen and comelig around ðe head bedeccan.” Ðen said ðis Ðunor, weightig God: “Mig scallen Godden girllice callen, if ig on mig bindan let, bridal headdress.” Ðen said ðis Loci, Laufeyas son: “Tace ðou, Ðunor, ðese worden. Straightway scallen Highmen our home oferrunnan, if ðou not ðy hammer bac do fetchan.” Bound ðey ðen on Ðunor bridal headdress and ðat great necchain Brisinga letten around him ceyen rattellan and womensscirt around kneen fallan and on ðe breast stonen spreadan and comelig around ðe head bedeccan.” Ðen said ðis Loci, Laufeyas son: “Scall ig also ið ðee handmaid bean, we scallen togeðer risan, to Highmenshome.” Straightway weren goaten home gedrifen, hurried ðey to reining, well scallen ðey runnan. Bigroccen brocen asunder, burned ðe earð ablase fared Wodens son to Highmenshome. Ðen said ðis Ðrimmor, lord ðis Highmens: “Standun up, Highmen! And macun ready ðe fest! Now leaden ðey me Freya as bride Norðers daughter from ðe Searealm.” “Goen here on our land goldenhorned cowen, ocsen allblaccen for ðe gladdscip ðis Highmens manifold hafe ig richen, manifold hafe ig necchainen only to me Freya is yet laccing.” Ðen to efening fast did come, and was for Highmen ale forwardgeborne; alone ate an ocs, eight fiscen, sweetmeaten alle – which women eatan scoulden – Sifs man and meadbarrellen ðree dranc he too. Ðen said ðis Ðrimmor, lord ðis Highmens: “Where saw man an bride bitan scarper? Saw ig no bride bitan broader nor ðe more mead an maid drincan!” Sat ðere only ðe handmaid wise ðereby, who worden found against ðe Highmans speech: “Ate nowt Freya in eight nighten so ceen was sce Highmenshome to reachan.” Under headdress bade Ðrimmor, lust to cissan but he bac sprang ðe lengð ðes halls. “Why aren fierig ði eyen Freyas? Seemed me from ði eyen fire to burne.” Sat ðere only ðe handmaid wise ðereby, who worden found against ðe Highmans speech: “Slept not Freya in eight nighten so ceen was sce Highmenshome to reachan.” Ðen came in wretched highmanssister, sce who for bridalgiften beggan dared. “Tacun from your handen ringen golden, if growan ye willen lofe my, lofe my, alle my licing.” Ðen said ðis Ðrimmor, lord ðis Highmens: “Bearun in ðe hammer ðe bride to blesse layun Mollnir on maidens knee blessun us togeðer by Vars handen.” Laughed Ðunor heartilig in ðe chest when sternhearted ðe hammer he saw. Ðrimmor smote he first, lord ðis Highmens, and alle Highmen made he lame. Smote he ðe olde highmansssister, sce who for bridalgiften gebegged had; sce blowen surelig felt for her scillingen and hitten ðes hammers for her ringen. So got Wodens son again his hammer.
(Trans. by F.A.Smith 2000)

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