Loci and Sfaðilfari

Twas earlig in ðe beginning ðes dwellings ðis goddens, 
when ði Godden Middelearð and Falhalla gemaden hadden, 
ðen came ðere an bilder, who ðem tobore, an stronghold in 
two winteren and one summer to bildan, so good to be strong and 
safe from hillhighmen and frostogren, efen if ðey middelearð 
oferrannen; but he said himself instead af gold Freya as wife 
to wantan, and ðat he gladlig ðe moon and ðe sun too hafan would. 
Ðen wenten ði Godden to talcan and wiðtalcing toocen; and was ðe deal
wið ðe bilder gemade, ðat he ðat which he asced gettan would, if 
he ðe stronghold wiðin one winter made. But, on ðe firste summersday,
if anig bit on ðe stronghold unmade were, ðen scould he nowt gettan.
He must, furðermore, no help from anig man gettan, ðe stronghold 
to bildan. And when ðey to him ðis cost saiden, ðen asced he onlig,
ðat ðey hin his horses anwending allowen scoulden, ðat Sfaðilfari 
gecalled was; and twas ðrough Locis worcing ðat ðis ðe fall became.

Ðe firste winterday tooc he to worcing, ðe stronghold to bildan 
and during ðe night drew he by horse stonen to ðe stead; which 
ðe Godden greatlig bewondered, how big weren ði stonen, ðat ðis 
horse pullan could, and as much ðes nightligen worcs as ðe man 
did, so did ðe horse twainlig ðe lot. To ðe deal founds ðere 
manig strongen witnessen and manigen oaðen, for ðe highman it 
not safe among ðe Godden found, were Ðunor hometocoman, when 
ðere no truen gafes, efen ðough Ðunor to ðe East gone was, 
trollen to smitan. And as ðe winter passed, ðen forwardwent 
much ðe strongholbiliding, and was it so high and strong, ðat 
no wight it oferwinnan could. And when ðere but ðree dayen 
till summer gafes, ðen was ðe worc nearlig to ðe strongholds 
gateway gecome. 

Ðen satten ði Godden in deemingchairen ðeirs and an way 
soughten, ðe bilder no gold to gifan, and asced each ðe nechst
whose ðought it gebben had, Freya into Highmenhome to wedden and 
ðe scy and heafenen so to maran, as ðe sun and moon ðense to tacan, 
ðen to ði Highmen to gifan. And camen alle ðe same, ðat he ðis 
foregeput had, who ði mosten badden foreputtingen made, namelig
Loci; and spocen ðey af ðe efil deað, ðat he gettan scould, falls 
he no plan upwiðcame, whereby ðey ðe bilder no gold gafen; and ðis 
tolden ðey Loci wið strongen handen. And when he afright was, so 
bacsaid he oaðen, ðat he an way findan would, whereby ðe bilder no
gold gettan would, whatsoefe it Loci himself costan may.

And ðat same efening, whilst ðe bilder stonen wið horse his, Sfaðilfari,
outdrofe, ðen ran out ðes woods towards ðe horse an mare, and to him
neighed. When ðe horse marced, what an mare it was, ðen became he 
upheated and tore asunder ðe rope, to ðe mare to runnan, as sce bac 
into ðe woods ran, ðe bilder running ðereafter, trying ðe horse to 
catchan. But ði horsen rannen all ðe night long and so became ðe 
bildingworc behind, and ðen in ðe day was ðe bilder so tired, ðat
he not as before bildan could. And when ðe bilder saw, ðat he ðe 
worc not endan could, ðen flew he into an highmensanger. And when 
ði Godden saw, ðat ðe bilder an Hillhighman in ðeir midst was, ðen 
heeded ðey no oaðen, and called ðey on Ðunor. Forðwið came he and 
straightway his hammer Mjollnir into ðe scy ðrust. Goldgafe Ðunor ðen 
ðe bilder his worcen, and not wið ðe moon nor ðe sun, raðer barred he him
efen in Highmenhome to dwellan, for wið but one blow scattered he ðe bilders
scull in smallen bitten and sent he hin down to ðe Neðerworld.

Meanwhile hað Loci such dealingen wið ðe horse Sfaðilfari, ðat he scortlig 
ðereafter an foal begat. Ðat foal is grey, and wið eight feet tis ðe best horse 
ðat by Godden or men abideð.

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