An NorðvmbroMersian Grovndwordenbooc
A Basic Northumbro-Mercian Dictionary

1. NorðvmbroMersian/Anglisc Northumbro-Mercian/English.
2. Anglisc/NorðvmbroMersian English/Northumbro-Mercian.
(Main page)
(Guide to Word Formation)
(Pronunciation Guide)
1. NorðumbroMersian/Anglisc Northumbro-Mercian/English. A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T Ð* U/V** W Y A Ab: (scort for abovt) Re: abovtcoman to happen abovtcoming event acros- inter- acroslandisc international af of after- post- afterðincan to consider ag. (scort for against) vs. (versus) againcennan to remember againcoman to remember againmacan to reproduce, copy againmacing copy, reproduction againsettan to replace against against, versus against- anti- againstgift antidote againstlig defiant (cf. Swed. trotsig, Ger. trotzig) againstworcan to counteract ale beer, ale alicnestestan to compare alicnestesting comparison alle all allmen general allwiðhafing exhausive, containing everything a.m.(scort for aftermidday) p.m. anger anger, rage Angleland England Anglisc English answercanlig responsible, answerable answercanlighood responsibility anwendan to use areaovtspeacing accent areatong dialect arovndspinnan to revolve a.s.o. (and so on) etc. A.S./A.W. (after scribing/writing) P.S. ascing question ascworðig questionable asvnderfallan to disintegrate asvnderfalling disintegration awaydoan to abolish awaygoan to depart, leave, go away awaygoing departure awaynes abscence awaysendan to deport awaysending deportation awaytacan to remove awaytacing removal
B bacbit abdomen bacgoan to retreat bacsayan to answer, reply bacspeacan to answer, reply bairn (East.,Norð.NM) child baniscan to exile, banish baniscedman exile (person) baniscment exile (being exiled), banishment beatan to defeat, beat befrean to liberate, free bec stream, beck; gesture (cf. Eng. beck and call) becoman to get, receive beggan to pray, beg begging prayer bending bending, flexible benighted ignorant, stupid bescvttan to decide bescvtting decision beseechan to implore, beseech besonders especially bestowan to bestow, present betocennan to represent betterlican to prefer beðincan to remeber, remind oneself, bethink bigmanlig magnificent (cf. Old Norse stórmanlig) bildan to build, establish bit part, bit, element bloom flower board table bochs box, cube bochs- cubic body body; organisation bog toilet boochovse library boocroom library boocstafe letter (of alphabet) boocstafelig literal(ly) boðhanded ambidextrous breaccanlig fragile, breakable bringan to/till to spend time (cf. Swed. tillbringa) bvrghisc bourgeois bvrghiscfolcbit bourgeoisie bvsinestanding state of affairs by at the house of by (East.NM) village bysayan to mention
C -canlig -able(cf. docanlig 'doable') cannig able ceennes zeal cennan to know a person clearseeing clairvoyant cleftan to split, separate cleftcanlig separable ðes clocs o'clock comelig beautiful comingtide future comingtidesplan intention ðe same coman to agree commontong vernacular covrselig of course cowflesc beef cow- bovine cvstombvnch culture cvstombvnchisc cultural cwac quack cwagmire quagmire cwarrelan to argue, quarrel Cwebec Quebec cween queen cwic quick cwicsilfer mercury
D ðe day today dayscriber journalist dayscribing journalism dayscript journal deeman to judge deemer judge deeming judgement deer animal (in general) deergarden zoo deerlearning zoology dgas jazz Dgvt Jute dict poem dicter poet dictlig poetic docanlig possible docanlignes possibility, chance dorf village dotan to go senile, to dote doted senile dotehood senility doð does downletting disappointment dragan to pull dvenes respect
E earnan to deserve earðlig geographical Easternrealm Austria Easternrealmisc Austrian easygifing generous efildoan to commit a crime elc elk, moose elder parent endfastening suffix enovgh enough, sufficient erlig honest ET (ðe Evropaisce Togeðerstanding) EU (the European Union) Evropa Europe Evropaisc European
F factlessform subjunctive factlig actually fall case (e.g. 'in allen fallen'); autumn familiman (male) relative, relation familiwoman (female) relative, relation fanlig usual, normal fanlignes normality far far, distant faran to travel fareðovwell goodbye faring a (short) journey farnes distance farof distant, far-off farseeer/farseer television farspeacer telephone farvnyewell goodbye farwriter fax farwriting fax fest party f.f.(for fromtacing) e.g. f.g.a. (for grovnd af) because (cf.Swed. p.g.a.) fiend enemy; fiend fingeran to touch fire fire; passion, zeal firmascan to demand firmsayan to insist firstdoan to pioneer firstdoer pioneer flasc flash flasce bottle, flask flatbowl plate flesc meat floggan to punish; (also: to flog) f.m.(scort for foremidday) a.m. f.o. (for ovttacing) e.g. folc people folclig social, of the people folcsmight democracy folcðing parliament folcðinglig parliamentary, political folcðingman politician, MP (Member of Parliament) folcðingstvf politics, parliamentary business fool idiot, fool; jester foolisc idiotic, foolish for- pro- fore- pre- foredoan to pioneer foredoer pioneer forefastening prefix foreflood antediluvian forepvttan to suggest forescortenan to abbreviate forespeacan to promise forespring advance foreswearan to defend foreyester the day before yesterday forstandan to represent forstander representative forthovse castle forwardcoman to advance forwardgoan to advance forwardpvttan to encovrage forwardrvnnan to charge forwardtoðrowan to project forwardtoðrower projector fovrsame- square fovrsameside square fovrð quarter fowel vowel freed peace Friggsday Friday fromnes origin fromtacing example FS TV Fsp. Tel. fvc- sexual, venereal fvccan to have sex fvllbelief faith fvlldoan to complete fvlldoing completion fvlldone complete fvnnignes comedy fvnnigman comedian fyrd army fyrdsman soldier
G gameplan tactics gameplanisc tactical gaðeran to assemble gaðering assembly gifan to give, present gifans to be (deponent verb: 'ðere gifes') gift gift, present gladdscip pleasure glaseyen glasses godwoman goddess gold money art ðov/aren ye good please (sentense-endlig) great big greattown city green jealous; green grenslig regionalised grovnd reason growinglig increasingly
H hail hello hailing recognition hairfine subtle hairfinenes subtlety half- semi- halflastgame semifinal handscoe glove hard difficult harm damage, harm healðfichser doctor hearan to to listen heir their(masc.) helpworcword modal verb hem them(masc.dat.) hen them(masc.acc.) henseforð from now on, henceforth here here, present hereafter after this herebeneað under this hey they(masc.) highman giant hin him(acc.) hiðer from here homegegrown native, home-grown homelig native; homely hopans to hope(deponent) hovnd/hvnd dog hve colour, hue
I ilcword adjective inn pub, inn, tavern inpvtting entry (in booc, log a.s.o.) insightcoman to appear insightcoming appearance intreadan to invade intreading invasion inwanderan to immigrate inwanderer immigrant inway entrance ircan to annoy ircsome annoying ironway railway ironwaywaggon train
L lachs salmon land land, county landbit zone, area landpride patriotism landprovd patriotic landprovdman patriot lands- national landsman compatriot lastgame final lavghworðig ridiculous Lavgisday (East.NM) Saturday lawisc legal lawiscmacan to legalize, allow lawmacan to legislate layovt layout, format lecan to play (like a child) licelig probable licelignes probability licenes image licestanding equal licewise similarly lifeformlearning biology line line; queue Locisday Saturday lordscip mastery, control; lordship lore stories loft air loftroom loft los defeat, loss lot quantity, amount lvcfal stroke of luck, chance
M man man, person; one (pronoun) manibittig complicated, elaborate marcan to notice masteran to subjugate maw stomach meaning sentence meat food mere simple, mere merelig simply, just, merely merrig happy micel much (cf. Old Eng. micel, Swed. mycket) mid- central midbit thorax; centre, middle midday midday, noon middel centre, middle midsvmmer summer solsice, midsummer midwinter winter solsice might might, power mightig mighty, powerful mildhearted merciful mildheartednes mercy mindan to guard minder guard minnyng anniversary mo. pl. Moonsday Monday morelig plural morn morning ðe morrow tomorrow movð mouth; voice m.w. (marce well) N.B. MWM (mvchlig weightig man) VIP (very important person)
N nam. (scort for namelig) viz. (scort for Roman: videlicet) necchain necklace nee never newland colony newlig recently nigh on almost nimman to take Nippon Japan Nipponisc Japanese none none, zero nonmeeting parallel novght nought, zero nowt nothing, zero nowlig current(ly), presnt(ly)
O oblong rectangle, oblong Odinsday (dictlig) Wednesday of off oferbeing deity, any supramortal being oferheadscybit zenith ofermorrow the day after tomorrow oferpvttan to translate oft often OHF (Oferheadforwardtoðrower) OHP (Overhead Projector) oldfolchealðfichser geriatrician oldfolisc geriatric oldman Senior Citizen, geriatric oldwoman Senior Citizen, geriatric oldwoods jungle (al.w. Tut. Urwald, Sfe. urskog) on. sing. oncarrian to continue onelig singular ongrippan to attack ongripping attack onleanan to rely on onleancanlig reliable ontocoming settlement onworcan to affect (cf. Swed. p?erka) onworcing effect orderlig respective(ly) o.r.n.(on ðe rovnd nvmber) approximately oðerlice different(cf. Swed. annorlunda) oðernes difference ovtcast exile (person) ovtcastan to exile ovtcasting exile (being exiled) ovtgoan to exit, go out ovtgoing exit ovtpvttan to extinguish ovtpvtter extinguisher ovtsightgoan to disappear ovtsightgoing disappearance ovtscowan to express ovtscowing expression ovtspeacan to pronounce ovtspeacing pronunciation ovttacing example ovtðincan to imagine ovtwanderan to emigrate ovtwanderer emigrant ovtwandering emigration ovtway exit own. gen. ownerscip fall genitive case o.w.r. (ðe oðer way rovnd) vice versa
P an part playan to make a difference pastloocan to ignore paðfindan to explore paðfinder explorer peac peak, vertex piccan to pick, choose pic pick, choice pigflesc pork (c.f. other -flesc words e.g. cowflesc 'beef') pissan to urinate plantyard garden pressing influence (also 'pressure')
R rainscield umbrella rancrecconingword ordinal number readig well-advised recconan to count, calculate recconingword number recconinggrovndword cardinal number right now at the moment risan to travel (far and wide) roentgen x-ray roentgenan to x-ray rolig West.NM: 'fun'; East.NM: 'calm' rootlig primary, underlying, fundamental rovndgoanmacing detour rovndleading tour rovndscowgrovnd amphitheatre rovndsight panorama
S safe apart from safelig surely Sambia Zambia samefarnes equidistant sametidelig simultaneous(ly) scaggirl prostitute scale balance scire county, scire sean out to appear selfrvle autonomy selfrvling autonomous selfstanding independent selfstandingnes independence Sfearealm Sweden Sfearealmisc Swedish S.G.G. (straightway gold gifer) cash machine, A.T.M. scriban to write scribetool keyboard scag- sexual, venereal scaggan to make love, have sex scaper creator, author scaplig creative(ly) sceir their(fem.) scem them(fem.dat.) scen them(fem.acc.) scey they(fem.) scieldan to protect, guard scittan to defecate scratchmacing abrasive scvdderan to shudder, tremble sea- nautical self- auto- selfcilling suicide selfseller vending machine selfworcing automatic seller seller, vendor Simbabwe Zimbabwe slacan to satisfy, slake small narrow smartan to be painful smarting painful soft easy; soft sobeing situation softwind zephyr sovndword onomatopoeia Sovðland Australia Sovðlandisc Australian so well as as well as speac language spear spear, javelin spingvn revolver spit saliva, spit standstead attitude, point of view stead place, position, situation steadholder lieutenant steadðingword pronoun sticcingstuff adhesive straightway immediate(ly) strange foreign strangeland abroad stream electricity, current streampost email stripehorse zebra Svlv Zulu Svnsday Sunday swappan to exchange, swap swapping exchange, swap switchan to change switching change switchlesform infinitive
T teaflatbowl saucer tide time, period tidinggifan to declare till until time hour Tiwsday Tuesday to until, to tobearan to offer tobearing offering tocoman to arrive togeðerhang context togeðerputtan to unify, unite, bring together togeðerput unified, united togeðerstandan to be united togeðerstanding united (with a sense of togetherness) tong language tonglearning grammar top top, vertex topgroup élite topgroupisc élitist topstead zenith towriting letter tracwaggon tram tract area, tract, zone treedwelling arboreal treegarden arboretum treelig arboreal treescadestead arbour trespas sin trots despite troð pledge troðan to pledge try attempt, try tryan to attempt, try tryscribing essay TSA (ði Togeðerstandingen Staten Americas) USA (the United States of America) t'vs dative of 'us' Tvtonland Germany twain- bi- twainwheeler bicycle, bike (')twasn't it was not twelfeset dozen (')twicst between twicst- inter- twicstworcan to interact twicstworcing interaction twofold double, twofold twowheeler bicycle twelftimensday equinox Tyrsday (dictly) Tuesday
Ð* ðancs please (also 'thankyou') ðe the(sing.) ðee you(dat.sing.) ðerefore ðat because ðerefrom from there/that ðeretrots despite that ðes the (gen.sing.) ði the (plur.) ð.i. (ðat is) i.e. ðiefhearan to to eavesdrop ðieflistenan to eavesdrop ðig you(acc.sing.) ðingan (of parliament) to sit, meet ðingword noun ðis this; the (gen.plur.) ðiðer from there ðorpe village Ðorsday (dictlig) Thursday ðov you(sing.) ðovðovsand million ðreecorner triangle ðreecorner- triangular ðreefold treble/triple, threefold ðrise three times ðrovghfall diarrhoea ðrowingdisc discus Ðunorsday Thursday
U/V** vnderbeing mortal (see overbeing) vnderhovse cellar vnlawisc illegal vnreadig ill-advised (cf. Ethelred the Unready) vnweightighood trifling matter vpfindan to invent vpfinding invention vpheatan to excite vpheated excited vpspeedan to accelerate, speed up
W waggon car waited expected waterhorse hippotamus waterstuff hydrogen waðer water waystopper problem, obstacle wee small weecsend weekend weepan to cry weightig important well well, source welltong source language wellcenned famous welsc strange welscfear xenophobia wendan (went, gegone) to go, walk whense from where wherefore why whelp puppy, little dog while because whinan to cry, be miserable whininglig miserably whole total win win, victory winner winner, victor winning benefit wireles radio, wireless wisdomtool computer wisan to know a fact wit knowledge witan council witmeeting council (variant of witan) wiðgod fellow god wiðhangan to accompany wiðman fellow man wiðsovnder consonant wiðspinner satellite wiððincan to agree wiðworcan to co-ooperate wiðworcing co-ooperation Wodensday Wednesday wooan to woo, tempt woods forest, woods worcan to work worcsan to seem (deponent verb) worcword verb wordenbooc dictionary wordhoard vocabulary wordfromnes etymology wordwisdom linguistic sensitivity, ability with words worldtownlig cosmopolitan worð value, worth worð bean to desrve, merit wrað wrath, rage writingdesc keyboard wrongdoan to commit a crime wrongdoer criminal wrongdoing crime wyrd fate, destiny
Y ye you(plural) yearday anniversary; birthday yester yesterday (cf. Ger. gestern, NL. gisteren) yolly jolly yvle Christmas yvletide Christmas time

*When man no 'ð' scriban can, may man instead ðe boocstafe 
'q' anwendan, as it an spare bvtton is, which also an vpsidedown ð 
**In Northumbro-Mercian aren ði boocstafen 'u' and 'v' both anwended,
qe Anglisce fowel 'u' to oferpvttan. 'V' standeð nee for an wiðsovnder 
in NM: ðe Anglisce wiðsovnder 'v' is in NM as 'f' gescribed.

Ðov art ðe ð anwender ðis wordenboocs

1. NorðumbroMersian/Anglisc Northumbro-Mercian/English.
2. Anglisc/NorðumbroMersian English/Northumbro-Mercian.

2. Anglisc/NorðumbroMersian English/Northumbro-Mercian.


to abbreviate forescortenan
to abolish awaydoan
abdomen bacbit
abrasive scratchmacing
abroad welscland
abscence awaynes
to accelerate vpspeedan
accent areaovtspeacing
to accompany wiðhangan
actually factlig
adhesive sticcingstuff
adjective ilcword
advance forespring
to advance forwardcoman, forwardgoan
to affect onworcan
after a)after this hereafter
      b)the day after tomorrow  ofermorrow
to agree ðe same coman, wiððincan
air loft
all alle
almost nigh on
a.m. f.m. (foremidday)
ambidextrous boðhanded
amount lot
amphitheatre rovndscowgrovnd
animal deer
anniversary minnyng, yearday 
to annoy ircan
annoying ircsome
to answer bacsayan, bacspeacan
antediluvian foreflood 
anti- against- 
antidote againstgift
apart from safe
to appear ovtseean (look like), insightcoman (suddenly be there) 
appearance ovtseeing (look like), insightcoming (suddenly be there) 
approximately o.r.n.(on ðe rovnd nvmber)
arboreal treelig, treedwelling
arboretum treegarden
arbour treescadestead
area landbit, tract
to argue cwarrelan
army fyrd
to arrive tocoman
to assemble gaðeran
assembly gaðering
as well as so well as
at (the house of) by
attack ongripping
to attack ongrippan
attempt try
to attempt tryan
attitude standstead
Australia Sovðland
Australian Sovðlandisc
Austria Easternrealm
Austrian Easternrealmisc
author scaper
auto- self-
automatic selfworcing
autonomous selfrvling
autonomy selfrvle
autumn fall

B balance scale bar inn be gifans(deponent verb: 'ðere gifes') because while, ðerefore ðat because (of) f.g.a. (for grovnd af) beautiful comelig beef cowflesc beer ale before: the day before yesterday foreyester benefit winning between (')twicst, betwicst, between bi- twain- bicycle twowheeler, twainwheeler big great, bigg biology lifeformlearning bottle flasce bourgeois burghisc bourgeoisie burghfolcbit bovine cow-
C to calculate recconan calm rolig(East.NM), calm(West.NM) car waggon cardinal number recconinggrovndword case fall(e.g. 'in allen fallen') cash mashine S.G.G. (straightway gold gifer) castle forthovse cellar vnderhovse centre middel, midbit central mid- cf. (from Latin: confer 'compare') al.w. (scort for alicenesteste wið) chance docanlignes, lvcfal change switching to change switchan to charge forwardrvnnan child bairn(East.,Norð.NM), child(West.NM) choice pic to choose piccan Christmas yvle Christmas time yvletide city greattown clairvoyant clearseeing colony newland colour hue comedian fvnnigman comedy fvnnignes to commit a crime efildoan, wrongdoan to compare alicenestestan comparison alicenestesting compatriot landsman complete fvlldone to complete fvlldoan completion fvlldoing complicated manibittig computer wisdomtool to consider afterðincan consonant wiðsovnder context togeðerhang to continue ongoan control lordscip to co-operate wiðworcan co-operation wiðworcing copy againmacing to copy againmacan council witan (or witmeeting) to count recconan to counteract againstworcan county scire country land of course covrselig creator scaper creative(ly) scaplig crime wrongdoing criminal wrongdoer to cry whinan, weepan cube bochs cubic bochs- cultural cvstombvnchisc culture cvstombvnch current(ly) nowlig
D damage harm to decide bescvttan (cf. Ger. sich beschließen, Swed. besluta) to declare tidinggifan (cf. Ger. kundgeben) decision bescvtting defeat los to defeat beatan to defecate scittan to defend foreswearan defiant againstlig deity oferbeing to demand firmascan democracy folcsmight to depart awaygoan, leafan departure awaygoing, leafing to deport awaysendan deportation awaysending to deserve earnan, worð bean despite trots, despite that ðeretrots destiny wyrd detour rovndgomacing dialect areatong diarrhoea ðovghfall dictionary wordenbooc to make a difference an part playan difficult hard difference oðernes different oðerlice to disappear ovtsightgoan disappearance ovtsightgoing disappointment, disappointing downletting discus ðrowing disc to disintegrate asvnderfallan disintegration asvnderfalling distance farnes distant far, farof doctor healðfichser dog hovnd/hvnd, dog does doð double twofold dozen twelfeset
E easy soft to eavesdrop ðiefhearan to/ ðieflistenan effect onworcing e.g. f.f./f.o. (for fromtacing/for ovttacing) elaborate manibittig element bit élite topgrovp élitist topgrovpisc email streampost emigrant ovtwanderer to emigrate ovtwanderan emigration ovtwandering empire worldsrealm enemy fiend England Angleland English Anglisc to encourage forwardpvttan entrance incoming (act of entering); inway (way in) entry (in booc, log etc.) inpvtting equal licestanding equidistant samefarnes equinox twelftimensday especially besonders essay tryscribing essentially grovndlig to establish bildan etc. a.s.o. (and so on) etymology wordfromnes EU (the European Union) ET (ðe Evropaisce Togeðerstanding) Europe Evropa European Evropaisc event abovtcoming example ovttacing, fromtacing exchange swap to exchange swappan exhavstive allwiðhafing to excite vpheatan excited vpheated exile a)person: ovtcast, baniscedman b)being exiled: ovtcasting, baniscment to exile baniscan, ovtcastan exit ovtgoing (act of leaving); ovtway (way out) to exit ovtgoan expected waited to explore paðfindan explorer paðfinder to express ovtscowan expression ovtscowing to extinguish ovtpvttan extinguisher ovtpvtter
F famous wellcenned fate wyrd faith fvllbelief fax farwriter, farwriting fellow wið- (e.g. my fellow man my wiðman) final lastgame flash flasc flask flasce flexible bending flower bloom food meat foreign strange forest woods format layovt fragile breaccanlig Friday Friggsday to free befrean from here hiðer from there ðither, from there/that ðerefrom from where whence fun rolig(West.NM), fvn(East.NM) fundamental root- future comingtide
G garden plantyard gen. own. genitive case ownerscip fall general allmen generous easygifing geographical earðlig geriatric oldman, oldwoman; oldfolcisc geriatrician oldfolchealðfichser Germany Tvtonland gesture bec (cf. Eng.beck and call) to get becoman giant highman glasses glaseyen global worldwide glove handscoe to go wendan(went, gegone) goddess godwoman goodbye fareðovwell (sing.), farvnyewell (pl.) grammar tonglearning guard minder to guard mindan, scieldan
H to happen abovtcoman happy gladd, merrig, happig hello hail henceforth henseforð hippopotamus waterhorse honest erlig to hope to hopans(deponent) hour time at the house of by hydrogen waterstuff
I idiot fool idiotic foolisc i.e. ð.i. (ðat is) ignorant benighted, ðic to ignore pastloocan ill-advised vnreadig illegal unlawisc image licenes to imagine ovtðincan immediate(ly) straightway immigrant inwanderer to immigrate inwanderan immigration inwandering imperative order to implore beseechan important weightig increasingly growinglig independence selfstandingnes independent selfstanding infinitive switchlesform influence pressing to insist firmsayan intention comingtidesplan inter- acros-, twicst- to interact twichstworcan interaction twichstworcing international acroslandisc to invade intreadan invasion intreading to invent vpfindan invention vpfinding
J Japan Nippon Japanese Nipponisc javelin spear jazz dgas jealous green jester fool journal dayscript journalism dayscribing journalist dayscriber journey faring (short trip), rising (longer, far away) to journey risan (far and wide), faran (short trip) judge deemer to judge deeman (cf. Swed. döma) judgement deeming jump leap, spring to jump leapan, springan jungle oldwoods (cf. Ger. Urwald, Swed. urskog) just merelig Jute Dgvt
K keyboard scribetool, writingdesc to know a fact wisan to know a person cennan knowledge wisdom, wit
L language tong, speac legal lawisc to legalise lawiscmacan, allowan to legislate lawmacan legislation lawen letter (of alphabet) boocstafe letter (to somebody) towriting to liberate befrean library boocroom, boochovse lieutenant steadholder to listen hearan to, listenan literal(ly) boocstafelig loft loftroom to make love scaggan, fvccan
M magnificent bigmanlig (cf.Old Norse 'stórmanlig') to make love scaggan, fvccan mastery lordscip meat flesc to meet (of parliament) ðingan to mention bysayan merciful mildhearted mercy mildheartednes mercury cwicsilfer million ðovðovsand miserable whining modal verb helpworcword at the moment right now Monday Moonsday money gold moose elc morning morn mortal vnderbeing MP (Member of Parliament) folcðingman much micel
N narrow small, narrow national lands- native homelig, homegegrown nautical sea- N.B. m.w. (marce well) necklace necchain never nee noon midday normal fanlig normality fanlignes to notice marcan noun ðingword number recconingword
O obstacle waystopper o'clock ðes clocs of af off of often oft OHP (Overhead Projector) OHF (Oferheadforwardtoðrower) onomatopoeia sovndword ordinal number rancrecconingword organisation body origin fromnes
P painful smarting to be painful smartan panorama rovndsight parallel nonmeeting parent elder parliament folcðing parliamentary folcðinglig party fest passion fire patriot landprovdman patriotic landprovd patriotism landpride peace freed people folc period tide, -tide person man, woman pioneer foredoer, firstdoer to pioneer foredoan, firstdoan pl. mo. place stead plate flatbowl to play a)a game, instrument: playan b)like a child: lekan please art ðov/aren ye good (at end of sentence), ðancs pleasure gladdscip pledge troð to pledge troðan plural morelig poem dict poet dicter poetic dictlig political folcðinglig politician folcðingman politics folcðingstvf pork pigflesc position stead possible docanlig possibility docanlignes post- after- power might powerful mightig p.m. a.m. (aftermidday) to pray beggan prayer begging pre- fore- prefix forefastening present nowlig; here; gift to present bestowan, gifan pressure pressing primary rootlig, head- pro- for- probability licelignes probable licelig problem waystopper to project forwardtoðrowan projector forwardtoðrower to promise forespeacan pronoun steadðingword to pronounce ovtspeacan prostitute scaggirl P.S. A.S./A.W. (after scribing/writing) pub (or public house) inn to pull dragan to punish floggan puppy whelp
Q quack cwac quagmire cwagmire quantity lot to quarrel cwarrelan quarter fovrð Quebec Cwebec queen cween question ascing questionable ascworðig queue line quick cwic
R radio wireles rage wrað, anger railway ironway Re: Ab: (short for abovt) reason grovnd receive becoman recently newlig recognition hailing rectangle oblong regionalised grenslig relative familyman, familywoman relation familyman, familywoman reliable onleancanlig to rely on onleanan to replace againsettan to represent forstandan, betocennan representative forstander to reproduce againmacan reproduction againmacing to remember againcennan/againcoman, beðincan to remind oneself beðincan removal awaytacing to remove awaytacan respect duenes respective(ly) orderlig responsible answercanlig responsibility answercanlighood to retreat bacgoan to revolve aroundspinnan revolver spingun ridiculous lavghworðig
S saliva spit salmon lachs satellite wiðspinner to satisfy slacan (cf.Eng 'to slake') Saturday Locisday, Laugisday (East.NM sometimes) saucer teaflatbowl to seem worcsan (deponent) semi- half- semifinal halflastgame senile doted to go senile dotan senility dotehood (cf. childhood, adulthood) sentence meaning separable cleftcanlig to separate cleftan settlement ontocoming to have sex scaggan, fvccan sexual scag-, fvc- similarly licewise simple mere simply merelig simultaneous(ly) sametidelig sing. on. singular onelig to sit (of parliament) ðingan situation (location) stead situation (state of affairs) sobeing small wee, littel social folclig soldier fyrdsman solstice midsvmmer, midwinter source well source language welltong to spend time bringan to/till to split cleftan square fovrsameside, fovrsame- state of affairs bvsinestanding stomach maw (as in 1800ens Anglisc) stories lore strange welsc stream bec stupid ðic, benighted to subjugate masteran subjunctive factlesfrom subtle hairfine subtlety hairfinenes to suffice enovgh bean sufficient enovgh suffix endfastening to suggest forepvttan suicide selfcilling Sunday Sunsday sure(ly) safe(lig) Sweden Sfearealm Swedish Sfearealmisc
T table board tactical gameplanisc tacticals gameplan to take nimman, tacan tavern inn Tel. Fsp. telephone farspeacer television farseer to tempt wooan the ðe(sing.), ði(plur.), ðes(gen.sing.), ðis(gen.plur) thorax midbit three times ðrise Thursday Ðunorsday, Ðorsday (poetic) time tide today ðe day tomorrow ðe morrow, the day after tomorrow ofermorrow toilet bog total whole to touch fingeran tour rovndleading train ironwaywaggon tram tracwaggon to translate oferpvttan to travel faran (short trip), risan (far and wide) treble ðreefold to tremble scvdderan triangle ðreecorner triangular ðreecorner- trifle (unimportant thing) vnweightighood triple ðreefold Tuesday Tiwsday, Tyrsday (poetic)
U umbrella rainscield under this herebeneað underlying root- unifed togeðerput, unite, bring together to unify togeðerputtan to unite a)be united: togeðerstandan b)unify, bring together: togeðerputtan united a)with sense of togethetness: togeðerstanding b)unified, brought together: togeðerput until till/to to urinate pissan us vs, t'vs USA (the United States of America) TSA (ði Togeðerstandingen Staten Americas) to use anwendan usual fanlig
V value worð venereal scag-, fvc- vendingmachine selfseller vendor seller verb worcword vernacular commontong versus against vertex peac, top vice versa o.w.r. (ðe oðer way rovnd) victor winner victory win village dorf, ðorpe, by(East.NM) VIP (very important person) MWM (mvchlig weightig man) viz. (short for Latin: videlicet) nam. (short for namelig) vocabulary wordhoard voice movð vowel fowel vs. ag.
W to walk wendan(went, gegone) water waðer, water Wednesday Wodensday, Odinsday (poetic) weekend weecsend well-advised readig why wherefore to work worcan to write scriban, writan
X xenophobia welscfear x-ray roentgen to x-ray roentgenan
Y you ðov(sing), ye(plur.) yesterday yester, the day before yesterday foreyester
Z Zambia Sambia zeal ceennes zebra stripehorse zenith oferheadscybit, topstead zephyr softwind zero novght, nowt, none Zimbabwe Simbabwe zone landbit, tract zoo deergarden zoology deerlearning Zulu Svlv

Note that all NM words spelled in this dictionary with 'v' can 
alternatively be spelled with 'u'. Similarly, words listed here 
with the cluster 'wh' can also be spelled with 'hw'.