OSAA SANCTIONED SPEECH CALENDAR FOR 2001-02: OHSSL Coaches List 2001-02: Oregon Speech Communication Association Inservice Program: October 12, 2001 Willamette University Tournament: October 19-20, 2001 South Albany Student Congress : October 23, 2001 (AT WOODBURN HIGH SCHOOL) Tualatin HS Student Congress: October 30, 2001 Woodburn Indy Tournament Information: November 10, 2001 Willamette HS Wolverine Invitational: December 7-8, 2001 OSAA State Speech Tournament Participation: Records of Participation from 1987-2001 OHSSLCA Officers 2001-2002: 2001-2002 Policy Debate Topic: OSAA Rulebook: requires Adobe Acrobat to view OHSSL Archive: Past Tournament and Speech Information Oregon School Library Information System: Research Databases being offered to all public schools in Oregon during 2001-02 |