DAN GUNN PILOT DFW DEN Regretfully, the Gone West of Capt. Dan Gunn of cancer 1/12/06. No other details at this time. -Ace Avakian (1/13/06) DA Gunn Seniority date 2/9/61 FL/ALPA seniority list dated 9/1/72 -Jake Lamkins (1/13/06) Sure sorry to hear about Dan Gunn’s Flight West. Dan and his Retirement Committee Team made a huge difference, in a positive way, when our airline was going thru such a tumultuous experience. Blue Skies & Tailwinds… -Billy Walker (1/13/06) Information on Capt. Dan Gunn. The funeral will be Tuesday, January 17 at 2pm. Riley Funeral Home 402 W. Main St. Hamilton, TX 254-386-3117. The obituary will be in the Sunday Ft. Worth Star Telegram. -Jim Ford (1/13/06) Thanks for the info, Jim. Where all was Dan based as a pilot? What year did he retire? -Jake Lamkins (1/16/06) Dan was based in DFW and Den. He retired when Frontier shut down. -Jim Ford (1/17/06) Dan and I never spent any time working together in an airplane but we spent many days and hours working together on Pilot Negotiating Committees and other ALPA work. Billy was right about Dan's excellent help and understanding of the retirement issues and problems. It took many hours of research as well as preparions for meetings with the company. He was resolute and firm in his presentations but flexible enough that a fair agreement for both sides could be reached. In the days before PC's and word processors, his excellent penmanship was a great asset. We could put together a proposal on an issue and rather than have to go out to the Alpa office and get it typed, Dan would just write it out on a legal pad and rewrite it again if necessary. There was never a problem de-ciphering it like there might be with my scrawl!. In addition to his writing, he was a good speaker and debater. His Texas drawl and good humor put people at ease when he spoke. I treasure and enjoyed the many years we worked together. God Speed and Tailwinds, Dan. H.A. "Frosty" Frost (2/5/06) Copied 1/19/06 from Dan's online guestbook January 17, 2006 Dan was a pleasure to fly with and he went out of his way to make a new co-pilot comfortable on his flight deck. I was sorry to hear of his passing and I offer my condolences to his family. Gus Stearns (Albuquerque, NM ) gps767@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 16, 2006 Another of the fine aviators that welcomed me to my new career at Frontier Airlines 34 years ago, now 'Gone West'. He'll always be remembered! Dave Sanctuary (Bemus Point, NY ) dsanctuary@stny.rr.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 16, 2006 Another good pilot, good cowboy and good friend gone west .... he will be missed. Phillip Stallings (Kansas City, MO )