Taleisin's Songs of the Old Ways
by Oberon

Meeting Other Iowa Witches

Wicca and the Left-Hand Path
An Opinion Stated

My Favorite Quotes
An ongoing collection

A Selection of Witch Humor

Encrypted Mail
A Cathartic Rant!

Losing Weight
An Odyssey of Self-Improvement

Webs and Lynx I Have Loved

Merry Meet, Friend...

...for all are welcome in this Circle of love and trust. Rest here and honor the Goddess, and later we will share refreshments. Sit near the fire, for there is a chill tonight. Ask Taleisen for a song if you will. Know that it is safe -- the witchfinder is asleep and it is hours until dawn. And when you must leave, please visit my friends who have links here.

Oberon is a scuba-diving accountant, obsessive crossword puzzler, songwriter and radio announcer in northeast Iowa who fancies himself to be a poet. He is a member of the Iowa Witches'Alliance and of the Iowa Pagan Access Network. Having been in the Craft for over a quarter of a century now, he feels entitled to the male-equivalent of Crone, which is SOG (Smelly Old Goat).

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