List of Demons accroding to Abra-Melin the Mage

The Four Princes-


The Eight Sub-Princes


The Spirts common unto these Four Sub-Princes
Oriens- Paimon- Ariton- Amaimon-
Hosen Saraph Proxosos Habhi
Acuar Tirana Alluph Nercamay
Nilen Morel Traci Enaia
Mulach Malutens Iparkas Nuditon
Melna Melhaer Ruach Apolhun
Schabuach Mermo Melamud Poter
Sched Ekdulon Mantiens Obedama
Sachiel Moschel Pereuch Deccal
Asperim Katini Torfora Badad
Coelen Chuschi Tasma Pachid
Parek Rachiar Nogar Adon
Trapis Nagid Ethanim Patid
Pareht Emphastison Paraseh Gerevil
Elmis Asmiel Irminon Asturel
Nuthon Lomiol Imink Plirok
Tagnon Parmatus Iaresin Gorilon
Lirion Plegit Ogilen Tarados
Losimon Ragaras Igilon Gosegas
Astrega Parusur Igis Aherom
Igarak Geloma Kilik Remoron
Ekalike Isekel Elzegan Ipakol
Haril Kadolon Iogion Zaragil
Irroron Ilagas Balalos Oroia
Lagasuf Alagas Alpas Soterion
Romages Promakos Metafel Darascon
Kelen Erenutes Najin Tulot
Platien Atloton Afarorp Morilen
Ramaratz Nogen Molin
( = 111 Spirts Servient.)


These be the Spirts common unto
Astarot and Asmodee-
Amaniel Orinel Timira Dramas
Amalin Kirik Bubana Buk
Raner Semlin Ambolin Abutes
Exteron Laboux Corcaron Ethan
Taret Dablat Buriul Oman
Carasch Dimurgos Roggiol Loriol
Isigi Tioron Darokin Haranar
Abahin Goleg Guagamon Lagnix
Etaliz Agei Lamel Udaman
Bialot Gagalos Ragalim Finaxos
Akanef Omages Agrax Sagares
Afray Ugales Hermiala Haligax
Gugonix Oplim Daguler Pachel
( =53 Spirts Servient)


These be the Spirits common unto
Amaimon and Ariton-
Hauges Agibol Rigolen Grasemin
Elafon Trisaga Gagalin Cleraca
Elaton Pafesla
( =10 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common unto
Asmodee and Magot-
Toun Magog Diopos Disolol
Biriel Sifon Kele Magiros
Lundo Sobe Inokos Sartabakin
Mabakiel Apot Opun
( =15 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Aman Camal Toxai Kataron
Rax Gonogin Schelagon Ginar
Isiamon Bahal Darek Ischigas
Golen Gromenis Rigios Nimerix
Herg Argilon Okiri Fagni
Hipolos Ileson Camonix Bafamal
Alan Apormenos Ombalat Quartas
Ugirpen Araex Lepaca Kolofe
( =32 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Magot and Kore-
Nacheran Katolin Luesaf Masaub
Urigo Faturab Fersebus Baruel
Ubarin Butarab Ischiron Odax
Roler Arotor Hemis Arpiron
Arrabin Supipas Forteson Dulid
Sorriolenen Megalak Anagotos Sikastin
Pentunof Debam Tiraim Irix
Madail Abagiron Pandoli Nenisem
Cobel Sobel Laboneton Arioth
Marag Kamusil Kaitar Scharak
Maisadul Agilas Kolam Kiligil
Corodon Hepogon Daglas Hagion
Egakireh Paramor Olisermon Rimog
Horminos Hagog Mimosa Amchison
Ilarax Makalos Locater Colvam
( =65 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Onie Ormion Preches Maggid
Sclavik Mebbesser Bacaron Holba
Hifarion Gilarion Eniuri Abadir
Sbarionat Utifa Omet Sarra
( =16 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Alcanor Amatia Bilifares Lamarion
Diralisen Licanen Dimirag Elponen
Ergamen Gotifan Nimorup Carelena
Lamalon Igurim Akium Dorak
Tachan Ikonak Kemal Bilico
Tromes Balfori Arolen Lirochi
Nominon Iamai Arogor Holastri
Hacamuli Samalo Plison Raderaf
Borol Sorosma Corilon Gramon
Magalast Zagalo Pellipis Natalis
Namiros Adirael Kabada Kipokis
Orgosil Arcon Ambolon Lamolon
( =49 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Sarisel Gasaeons Sorosma Turitel
Balaken Gagison Mafalac Agab
( =8 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Aglafor Agafali Dison Achaniel
Sudoron Kabersa Ebaron Zalanes
Ugola Came Roffles Menolik
Tacaros Astolit Rukum
( =15 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Anader Ekorok Sibolas Saris
Sekabin Caromos Rosaran Sapason
Notiser Flaxon Harombrub Megalosin
Miliom Ilemlis Galak Androcos
Maranton Caron Reginon Elerion
Sermeot Irmenos
( =22 Spirits Servient)


These be the Spirits common to
Romeroc Ramison Scrilis Buriol
Taralim Burasen Akesoli Erekia
Illirikim Labisi Akoros Mames
Glesis Vision Effrigis Apelki
Dalep Dresop Hergotis Nilima
( =20 Spirits Servient)


Oriens, Paimon, Ariton, Amaymon - = 111
Ashtaroth and Asmodeus - - - - = 53
Amaymon and Ariton - - - - - = 10
Asmodeus and Ariton - - - - - = 15
Ashtaroth - - - - - - - - = 32
Magoth and Kore - - - - - - = 65
Asmodeus - - - - - - - - - = 16
Beelzebub- - - - - - - - - = 49
Oriens - - - - - - - - - = 8
Paymon - - - - - - - - - = 15
Ariton - - - - - - - - - = 22
Amaymon - - - - - - - - - = 20
Total of Names of Servient Spirits - 316