Don't miss these!They are my other pages with LOADS of links!

My favorite things: Photography, Art, Music, and beautiful places!: (There will be a lot more links within a few days....bear with me!)
Shari's Serious Stuff! : Down to earth and back at work....computers, health, medical stuff, etc. (My resources)
Shari's Funny Page..: Time for LAuGhs!!!
Shari's Celestial Page: Things of a Heavenly nature......
My Guest Book: Please sign and tell me what you think!
Shari's Parents' Page: for parenting and family-oriented links and activities.....
Shari's "For Females...."Page: All the things WE like to check out........
Shari's Computer Resources Page: (still adding links- be patient)
ShaRri's KiD's fUN pAgE !: kids' links for fun, games, activities and even learning!
Shari's "You Can Find Anything Here" Resource/Research Page: Anything you want to look up? You can find the link to it here...movies, phone#s, maps, recipes, weather, concerts, etc etc etc!!!!!

Shari's Home Page- You've Found It !!! :o)

My name is Shari and welcome to my "creative outlet" and the path to my favorite places!

Please take your time and wander around my pages and links (listed to the left). There is a little something for everyone. I will constantly (at least once or twice a week) be updating them with different links and layouts so don't be a stranger.I'm finding so many good links to put on these pages that they are filling up FAST! I'm going to have to re-organize and divide them into smaller pages to make things easier for you.

Come back soon! Hope you like it...... :o)

P.S. Don't forget to "click" on my guest book and leave a message/comment.Thanks

You are the lost soul to "stumble" on my page....since it's creation June 12, 1998