Lone Gunmen Chat Transcript TV Guide-AOL
Tvgchat: Welcome,
guys! Thanks for chatting with us!
Tom Braidwood: Yo, fans. We'll be in the new
season eventually. It's coming. Watch for it.
Bruce Harwood: I hope everyone enjoyed our
episode from last season.
Dean Haglund: Hey.... :)
Question: You
guys rule! Good luck in the future! Are you guys going to be on
any of Mr.Carter's other shows?
Bruce Harwood: I did have an audition for
"Harsh Realm," but they told me I would have to shave
off my beard, so I couldn't do it.
Tom Braidwood: Not that I knowof.
Dean Haglund: Well, since it's a show about
Marines, I'd probably have to cut my hair off,and that ain't
gonna happen. :)
Question: Are
there going to be any Lone Gunmen-starring episodes next season?
DeanHaglund: Yes. Vince Gilligan said that we
can't do a final season without an episode aboutthe Lone Gunmen.
Tom Braidwood: Definitely.
Bruce Harwood: Thank you, Vince!
Question: What
are y'all going to do after "X-Files" is over?
Tom Braidwood: Right now, I'm producing and
directing a Canadian TV series called
"DaVinci'sInquest," here in Vancouver.
The Lone Gunmen: Which is inarguably the best
show in Canada.
DeanHaglund: After "Kids in the
Hall"... kidding!
Bruce Harwood: As an actor, I don'tthink that
far ahead.
Dean Haglund: I'm doing a movie with Ben and
Jerry Stiller next year that will probably come out in the fall.
And I'm also going to continue my comic strip in The X-Files
Tom Braidwood: The three of us are hosting the
FX Network "Best EpisodesSecret BallotX-Files
Question: How
much freedom do you have to change or influence your characters?
Tom Braidwood: Especially when Vince writes, the
characters are pretty much there, so we don'tchange much. He's
got a pretty good handle on the characters.
Dean Haglund: I get to change the rock T-shirts
to bands I like. But otherwise, we speak such technical jargon
that we can't improvise when the cameras arerolling.
Bruce Harwood: No, not much really. But they did
cut out all those improvs. :)
DeanHaglund: Yeah, we call those outtakes.
Question: I would
like to hear your input on how you think that theshow should end.
Dean Haglund: I think it should end with
everyone being abducted, and the Gunmen having zippers at the
backs of their heads and peeling off the suits to show that
they're the threelead aliens.
Tom Braidwood: The smoke clears and the Gunmen
are left standing.
Bruce Harwood: Ialways picture everyone, even
the Gunmen, getting blown up at the end.
Dean Haglund: Isn't that how all the Muppets
sketches end?
Bruce Harwood: Yeah, we can all get eaten by
Ralph, the Big Mean Bunny.
Dean Haglund: Yeah, then take him out with
aspike to the back of the neck.
Question: Are you
guys married?
Dean Haglund: All three of us are...but not to
Tom Braidwood: He's right.
Bruce Harwood: Me too.
Question: This
question is for Tom Braidwood. Are you still working behind the
scenes for the show -- as you were at the close of Season 5?
Tom Braidwood: No.The show was in LAand I'm in
Vancouver, so I'm doing other things.
Question: Do you
guys believe in government conspiracies?
TomBraidwood: Let's look at Revenue Canada...
you call it the IRS.
Dean Haglund: Yeah, but the IRS just got busted.
Tom Braidwood: Well, there you go.
Dean Haglund: I don't think there's a government
conspiracy, because if there was, you'd think they'd be able to
shut Monica Lewinsky up.
Bruce Harwood: But,the point of Monicais to draw
attention away from the shadow conspiracy.
Dean Haglund: Wow.... I didn't think of that....
:) And that's whywe'rea team!
The Lone Gunmen: LOL
Question: Will
Byers get involved with that mystery woman again?
Bruce Harwood: I sure hope so.... >big
DeanHaglund: Has she been calling?
Bruce Harwood: My vision is that we'll meet
again in the next Lone Gunmen episode, and then she'll get killed
on our wedding night... leaving Byers with a burning sense of
Dean Haglund: And he'll dress in leather and
ride off into the sunset. And the show will be called
"Lonesome Gunmen Dove."
Bruce Harwood: Gives an excuse for there to be
more episodesnext season about Byers.
Question: What
kind of things does Mulder have the Lone Gunmen help him with
this season?
Bruce Harwood: We don't know yet.
Tom Braidwood: It's going to be a surprise.
Dean Haglund: The writers actually don't write
the scripts that farahead.
Question: If
David Duchovny leaves, will the show continue without him?
The Lone Gunmen:>dead silence as they
Dean Haglund: The show might be able to continue
if Mulder is taken by the government or aliens and the story line
is about finding him, so that he's there, just not present.
Tom Braidwood: They discover that the Lone
Gunmen are clones ofMulder's regressive gene.
Dean Haglund: Though vanity would say
Bruce Harwood: Actually, they could have
Mulder's mind transferred to a different body, then that way he
could still followthe X-Files, even though it's a different
Question: Will
there be romance between Frohike and Scully?
Tom Braidwood: We can only hope.
Dean Haglund: YOU can only hope. :)
Question: What are your opinions
of the relationship (or lack of one) between Mulder and Scully?
Tom Braidwood: Very professional.
Dean Haglund: You're not going to rope me into
that romo-no-romo discussion.
Bruce Harwood: Oh, man... I have noopinion on
Question: What
are you guys' favorite episodes?
Tom Braidwood: Mine is still
Bruce Harwood: I guess of the Gunmen episodes
was "Unusual Suspects." And I like the one with Peter
Boyle about the guy who could see into the future.
Dean Haglund: Of the Gunmen episodes,
"Three of a Kind"... no, "Kill Switch." And
non-Gunmen is "JoseChung's From Outer Space."
Question: Will
Frohike, Langly and Byers ever get their own show?
Dean Haglund: Weeelllllll....
Bruce Harwood: If I had anything to do with it,
there'd be a spin-off with Skinner leaving the FBI and becoming a
private eye, and the Lone Gunmen as his sidekicks.
Dean Haglund: I think a Gunmen spin-off would be
great. But, again, it was the fans that got the Gunmen from one
episode to where we are now. So, it would have to be fan demand
that would get us from being recurring characterson "The
X-Files" to our own show.
Dean Haglund: But, no pressure.
Tom Braidwood: Unfortunately, we have nothing to
do with it.
Question: How is
it working with David and Gillian?
Tom Braidwood: From my experience, having work
as AD on theshow, I'd say that it's fine.
Bruce Harwood: I'll stick with whatever Tom
Dean Haglund: I thought they were very funny. I
think they were a lot more humorous than their characters allowed
them to be.
Question: Do you
believe in the supernatural?
Bruce Harwood: No, Idon't believe in the
supernatural. But I believe that there are weird explanations for
the supernatural. Not normal ones... weird ones.
Dean Haglund: Since we only use 20% of our brain
at any given time,when the other 80% reacts with the world around
us, we call that supernatural.
Tom Braidwood: I'm still workingon the 1%.
Tvgchat: Thanks for joining us, guys! We had a great time and hope you come back soon!
Dean Haglund:
Fans in the LA area can come see my one-man show called
"Paranoia Will Destroy Ya" every Tuesday, 8PM, at the
Zephyr Theater.... It's hilarious.... :)
Bruce Harwood: I'm looking forward to the new
season as much as youare. I really want to find out what happens.
Tom Braidwood: Keep the faith. Gunmen rule!
Bruce Harwood and Dean Haglund: Yeah!
Tvgchat: Bye!
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