Everything you ever wanted (or didn't care) to know about me

Name: Patrick Casey Gresham

Age: 16

Birthday: 3-15-82

Family: Kathy (Mother), James (Father), Joe & Tom (Brothers)

School: University of Detroit Jesuit High School and Academy

Subjects: Spanish III, English, World Religions, Calculus, Chemistry, Advanced Government

Favorite subject: Spanish

Favorite movies: Only the Strong, Transformers: The Movie, Blade

Favorite Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone

Favorite Food: Pizza

Hobbies: Using and teaching Nunchakus (been using them since I was 12), web pages, manipulating colors and shapes of MUSCLE guys.

Things I wouldn't exactly call "hobbies": Dieting, studying, taking college entrance tests like the freakin' ACT and SAT.

Hopes and Dreams: To one day be a very good martial artist especially in Capoeira, and to earn an official black belt for use of nunchakus.

More info coming soon (like you care) so keep checking for updates!