Welcome to my second page, where you will see
pictures of me and my buddy Frosty Treat.

Is this a circus coming to town?

No, it's not a circus! This first picture shows Chuck Bruno,
the Heart Bandits director for our area. He is the person who arranged
for me to travel to Connecticut, where my new mommy and daddy got me.

Off to the SHOW!!!

Here's Frosty, my buddy, chewing on a toy. I'm the one sitting "pretty"
as mommy says. I sit this way a lot, to please mommy and dad!
We are in our X-pen, with the umbrella over the top to keep us in the shade.
It was really hot that day, but we were comfy and played with our toys.

Frosty Showing Off!

Frosty didn't like it on that table, he wanted to play with me!
I had to wait in the X-pen, but I could see everything from where I was.
Erica-Jo did a good job of not letting him fall off the table. Frosty
was never near other dogs, not like I have been! (That NY shelter was an experience!)
And it was also Erica-Jo's first dog show. I could see that they were
doing a good job so I didn't worry. Mommy was right there, and so was daddy!

Thanks for visiting with us! Please come back soon, as I know there are
more pictures to be posted. And I'm going to start obedience classes soon,
so I don't have to wait in that darned old X-pen anymore while Frosty has all the fun!

My new Mommy just posted some pictures of Frosty and I playing this summer!
So go here to take a look!

Back to Page One!

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