This is my angel page. Pictured above is Pennie angel, and
to my right, is Miranda ,on the left side... Ann in the center and Tasha , on the right. They are my little cherubs,...are they not the cutest little cherubs
you have ever seen?
I suppose I am a bit partial, because they ARE my children *SMILE*
My favorite part of the world-wide web is the ability to be anything you want to be.
And for now...I have decided that my kids and I should be angels. Its a real shame
that we can't live in our fantasy isn't it? LOL
I have an award for all of you who have worked so hard on your pages. so if you would like to apply for it send me an e-mail with your URL and a brief description of your page, along with why you think you should receive it. I will then go and look at your page and if I think you should have it I will email it to you within a day or two. here is the award you will be applying for. click the award below to visit the winners of my award. Who knows, you might be the next one on my list! *S*
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