Dinosaurs in the Bible

Job 40

15: Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox. 16: Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. 17: He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. 18: His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

Think about this creature that God has described in the Book of Job. It is a creature of great size since He says it moves its tail "like a cedar." A cedar tree in this area of the world grows to be hundreds of feet tall and many feet thick. It is safe to assume that this animals tail was pretty big.

What does God mean when He compares the bones of this creature to "brass" and "iron." I think He means that this beast's bones were very heavy and very strong. If this creature were very large, it would need big, strong bones.

Look at the Picture Below

Courtesy Royal Tyrell Museum

When we look at the bones of this Camerasaurus it is easy to think of brass beams and iron rods.

I have heard people try to explain this verse by saying it is talking about a Hippopotomus. When was the last time you saw a hippo with a tail like a cedar tree? I have also heard it said that this is an alligator. When was the last time you saw an alligator eating grass? This "Behemoth" could not have been any other animal that is "supposed" to have been around when the Book of Job was written or indeed, if we are to believe scientist of today, while any human was on earth. Someone is wrong. I choose to believe the Bible.

This does not answer all of the questions that we have about dinosaurs but it does raise some that scientist would have trouble answering. If we look at the evidence we can get the answers though. God wrote the Bible because He knows we like to find things out. I like to ask questions since this is the way I find things out. Please feel free to write me and ask whatever you can think of. I always say that there is only one stupid question and that is the one you didn't ask.

As we look closer at the evidence we find less and less to support the theories of scientist today.

So what do I think the "behemoth" looked like?

Courtesy Royal Tyrell Museum

If you go to the site above and those like it they, will try to convince you to believe a theory called evolution. Keep in mind that they were not around back in the times of the dinosaurs and that the word "theory" means "possible explanation." Many theories that were believed by scientific people have been proven wrong. At one time the greatest scientist in the world believed that the Earth was flat. It is my hope that you will look around my site and see for yourselves if the "theory" of evolution is Real Science or not. I am not afraid for you to hear both sides of the story.

If you have any questions for me
write to Bro. Tim at

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