Grand Admiral PSYCOMATT'S Star Wars Custom Figures!

WELCOME TO MY PALACE! Not so long ago in a rather close galaxy, Kenner made Star Wars figures which made many fans happy but they didn't make enough figures. Angry fans complained because some of the coolest characters weren't being made.Finally the fans got an idea ,customizing.....

Officers and Stormtroopers have reported in here

My Customs and Recipies

These are my customs and their recepies:
Final duel Luke: requirements: Speeder bike luke and any luke head
(jedi luke head works best)
Procedure:Trim the "mushroom"" on the luke head peg.Remove the head
from the S.B. Luke and replace with the other luke head.If you keep
the other head, hollow it out and you will also have Endor luke with 
removable helmet.

X-wing Luke: take a snowspeeder luke(refered to as x-wing luke on 
box) and paint the gloves and boots gloss black and there you have
it a X-wing Luke.

Wookie pirate: Requirements: han ANH body and torso, sandperson arms
and legs, wookie head, feet and hands. 
Procedure:take the han body and attach the wookie head. Cut the 
hands off the sandperson arms and feet off the sandperson legs,
replace with wookie hands and feet. Attach arms and legs to han body
and your done.

Bossk with bounty: Take a full Bossk figure and glue any hand on the
left leg at the hip. This will work on other bounty huters.

Correct Vintage Salicious Crumb: take vintage Sal crumb and paint 
hair on top of head and around neck a lighter shade of brown,
paint small dots on lower body and between toes, and paint beak or
mouth black.

G.I. Joes can also be fun, go to a garage sale and pick up some for
5 or 10 cents each and swap heads, re pait do all sorts of things, 
the result may be pretty decent!

Visit often for more recipies!!

Your Opinions on My Site are Greatly Appreciated

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My Fellow Customizers

Stephan Hayford is the owner: Of a site about custom figures
Andrew Burke-Hall is the owner: Of a site about custom figures
Phillip Wise's Customizer Crossroads: Tons of links to other customizers like me
Matt's Creations: Star Wars customs
Jedi-Pimp's customizing site: Star Wars customs
More from my Palace: A continuation of the page yor at. It has contact information and my want list.
Fantastic Plastic by Derek R. Anderson: Star Wars custom figure site
Robbie's Sweet South Park Page: It has nothing to do with Star Wars but he's my friend so I let him have his link on my page
CD Now : A online store with lots of hard to foind CD's

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